Mixed Yuan Yi Qiao Thunder is a thunder path divine power created by him based on the inheritance in the "Shangqing Immortal Recipe", and the Shangqing Divine Thunder combined with the innate mixed Yuan Qi he obtained.

In his opinion, it was not weaker than the Purple Sky Divine Thunder created by the Dao Ancestor, and there was also a certain reason.

After all, the foundation of the Purple Xiao Divine Thunder created by the Dao Ancestor is the origin of the Yin and Yang Qi of Heaven and Earth, and the foundation of the Mixed Yuan One Thunder is the innate Mixed Yuan One Qi, and the foundation is far higher than the Purple Xiao Divine Thunder.

It's just that the Purple Sky Divine Thunder is suitable for everyone to practice, and this Mixed Yuan One Thunder requires someone who has at least one innate Mixed Yuan Qi to practice, and it cannot be popularized.

The thunder explosion in the Heavenly Extinction Array, of course, the people outside could also hear it, including Han Chen hearing what Qin Wanwan said inside was not under the purple sky divine thunder, and he couldn't help but smack his tongue.

This guy is crazy!

But think about it, the disciples of the Sect are so crazy, after all, as a saint disciple, there is really no force in the world that dares to provoke them, except for the Interpretation, Human Sect, and Western Sect who are also saint disciples.

However, the same saint disciples, before measuring the future, are basically very restrained, will not mess around, and even explain such a little idea, compared with intercepting tens of thousands of golden immortals.

Even the Intercept Sect before the calamity had the illusion that it was about to dominate the flood and desolation.

As the sound of thunder continued to sound inside, the managers outside, Wen Zhong, Jiang Ziya and others were worried about their own people. 073 And at this moment, Wen Shu in the formation was about to sink his mind, when suddenly a little golden light flickered in the Divine Sea, illuminating the Divine Sea, making Cihang's heart suddenly clear.

Entering the Divine Sea, it was a golden lotus seed.

Wen Shu immediately knew the reason, this was exactly the lotus seed of the meritorious golden lotus given to him by the Junti saint, but he did not expect to help himself at this time.

It seems that my destiny is to return to the West!

The divine sea is clear, Wen Shu suddenly came to a strategy, only to see Wen Shu's eyes confused, seems to have a drowsy posture, seeing Wen Shu like this, Qin Wan's heart was overjoyed, knowing that the other party was hit by the illusion of life and death.

The effect of my life and death psychedelic qi is really good, and it is inevitable that I seem to go to the Western Wilderness to collect these gases.

In this way, don't blame me Qin Wan, Seal God Tribulation, you die and poor road robbery, it is also your blessing to have me Qin Finish personally send you to the God Sealing List!

Qin Wan's heart thought so, but the seal of controlling the three banners in his hand was not slow.

But what Qin Chuan didn't know was that he also leaked his breath at the moment he relaxed, and his breath leaked, how could Wen Shu in the middle of the Great Luo Golden Immortal not be able to detect it.

Pretending to be psychedelic is looking for the location of Qin Wan.

"Found it! Dragon pile, out! "


Suddenly, a congenital divine light descended from Tian'er, where could Qin Wan'er react, and he was immediately bound by the innate spirit treasure of the dragon pile, and looked at the Wen Shu Daoist with wide eyes and incredulity.

"You..... You didn't hit the trick? "

"If you don't pretend to be a trick, how can you underestimate the enemy? Taoist friends go all the way! "

Saying that, the Houtian Lingbao Long Sword in his hand beheaded Qin Wan, who was tied to the dragon stake.

"No, I'm not willing!"

Before he died, he really didn't understand how he could lose so quickly, his Heavenly Extinction Array had not yet exerted its power, and the Purple Sky God Thunder Talisman on his body had not yet been used.

And now, being bound by the innate spirit treasure, he can't exert any mana.

He is unwilling, really unwilling.

"Don't underestimate anyone if you are a Heavenly Court True God."

Wen Shu did not forget to give Qin Wan's advice.


A miserable shout spread, and Qin Wanyuanshen went directly towards the Sealing God Platform.

"Huh? Runes! "

Of course, the magic weapon in Qin Wan's hand flew away after being refined by him, but the purple Xiao Divine Thunder Talisman on his body was seen by Wen Shu.

An immortal spell took out that Purple Sky Divine Thunder Talisman.

Feeling the breath of the rune, there was a coolness behind Wen Shu, because this is enough to have the purple sky divine thunder of the complete power of the Great Luo Golden Immortal, such a divine thunder, if you let the other party cast it, I am afraid that it will be less fierce.

He doesn't have any decent defensive innate spirit treasures.

Fortunately, fortunately!

Fortunately, this Qin was careless.

The formation master died, of course, the formation automatically disappeared (DAFB) dispersed, and the Manjushri Daoist walked out of it, glanced at Wen Zhong, and then turned into golden light and flew towards Xiqi City.

"Disciple, congratulations to Master Venerable on his victory and return!"

Seeing that Wen Shu returned safely, Jin Zha was overjoyed, and quickly stood up and congratulated.

"Hahaha, I knew that Senior Brother would win! Ziya congratulated. "

Jiang Ziya is also a big joy. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

But seeing that Wen Shu did not look happy, but looked worried, Burning Lantern stood up at this moment and asked.

"Wen Shu, is there anything unusual?"

Manjushri nodded.

"This time, the disciple won too many flukes, in addition to the other party's carelessness, there is also this... When the teacher killed the Four Saints of Nine Dragon Island last time, did he get the Mixed Yuan Sword Qi Talisman from his body? "

Saying that, he took out the purple Xiao Divine Thunder Talisman in his hand and handed it to the burning lamp, and the burning lamp took the rune, and the divine thought explored the depth, felt the powerful energy it contained, and suddenly fell to the ground with a breath of cool air.

"Hiss, it's this Taichen Zhenjun again, it seems that Wen Zhong asked Taichen Zhenjun to refine, but the last time the Mixed Yuan Sword Qi Talisman is still there, but it's not enough at all."

Moreover, our main problem now is to prevent the other party's Purple Sky God Thunder Talisman. "

Last time, he captured three Mixed Yuan Sword Qi Talismans from the Four Saints of Nine Dragon Island, two of which were on Guang Chengzi's body, and one of which he was in his Lantern Hands, and he was still ready to keep this talisman in case of accidents.

Moreover, the same is true, there are nine large arrays behind, which is completely insufficient.

It is this kind of rune that can only be used for sneak attacks, if you attack strongly, you have a defensive innate spirit treasure, and if you cultivate higher, you can dodge it, and you want to burn the lamp and Guangchengzi, such a Da Luo is a strong person.

There is no need to be afraid of any Mixed Element Sword Qi Talisman, or Purple Xiao Divine Thunder Talisman.

After all, that attack was only the strength of the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

But other people don't have the Daluo Golden Immortal's complete cultivation, moreover, there is no defense against innate spirit treasures, just like Huanglong Zhenren, let alone defend against innate spirit treasures, even attacking innate spirit treasures is not ah.

"How good is that?"

Jiang Ziya was also shocked when he heard this, after seeing the talisman power of that Taichen Zhenjun, how dare he underestimate it now.

"If only the Mixed Yuan Yiqi Taiqing Talisman was still there, then the Taichen Zhenjun's Talisman Seal would not be so arrogant."

At this moment, Nezha next to him also followed.

"No, if this Taichen has been around, wouldn't we have to face his runes all the time in the future, this person can't stay, now he only has True Immortal cultivation, if it's possible, why don't we kill him first and send him to the God Sealing List?"

Jiang Ziya stood up and proposed at this time.

Hearing this, the eyes of all the immortals lit up, and the right hand of the burning lamp held the beard, and Guangchengzi also bowed slightly.

"This plan is feasible, I heard that Taichen Zhenjun is practicing in the General Military Mansion of Xianshuiguan, but I don't know who is going to go?"

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