Zhao Gongming finally died in the Book of Seven Arrows of the Nail, which is one of the thirty-six divine powers of Tiangang, although it is not a supreme divine power, but it is also a great divine power.

Moreover, you call it a difficult great power, and using this magical power to kill people will damage your own merit and luck, and ordinary people will not use it at all.

Only two people in the entire Fengshen have used it.

The first person needless to say, that is, Wen Zhong dealt with Jiang Ziya, let Jiang Ziya die, and had to make a move with red sperm, borrow Taijitu, and then save it.

In the end, the result was also clear, Wen Zhong died in Dragon Ridge.

If Wen Zhong hadn't used this causal power to deal with Jiang Ziya and didn't damage his own luck merit, maybe he wouldn't have fallen so early.

And the second time, it was Jiang Ziya to deal with Zhao Gongming, the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

The final result, although Zhao Gongming fell, Jiang Ziya also had no chance of the Divine Dao, and could only enjoy the wealth of the world, of course, and the frozen merchant army before, which made it contaminated with too much karma.

Otherwise, as the protagonist of the Feng Shen Quantification Tribulation, how can I mix a god position.

Unfortunately, Han Chen's mediation was just able to restrain this causal power, nailing the Seven Arrows Book and blocking this causal calamity with the method of substitutes.

Of course, if Zhao Gongming wanted to die and continue to fight with the Sect, then Han Chen would have no way.

Just kidding, the opposite side is the Da Luo Golden Immortal, even if his own Buddha-figure comes, it is only the early stage of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, and his own incarnation is only a true immortal consummation, what to fight with those Da Luo Golden Immortals.

Here, the merchant army Qin Tianjun has already laid out the Heavenly Absolute Array, looking at the Heavenly Absolute Array, Han Chen can't help but secretly praise himself, the Sect Intercept is really full of talents, as a disciple of the outer sect, it is difficult to achieve the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

Basically nothing is possible.

And the way of the formation passed down by the sect to the heavens, so that these outer disciples saw the way out, since it is difficult to achieve the Da Luo Golden Immortal by itself, but it is not bad to control the power of the Da Luo Golden Immortal by relying on the formation.

It is precisely because of this idea that the disciples of the outer sect of the Intercept Sect basically each have a formation that they are good at.

However, the inner disciples did not pay much attention to the formation, after all, cultivation was in hand, so why pursue external forces.

Watching a large innate mixed element qi in the formation constantly flowing on the banner of the three Houtian Lingbao level, where the innate mixed element qi went, thunder exploded, and the divine power was great.

"It seems that the focus of this Heavenly Absolute Array is that innate mixed element qi, and I don't know that this Qin Finish found this kind of divine object from there~!"

The innate mixed element qi may not be a precious thing at the beginning of the opening of the heavens, but against the passage of time, basically all the innate mixed element qi in the flood world has been absorbed by heaven and earth.

Having given birth to other heavenly materials and earth treasures, it is simply a miracle to be able to find an innate mixed element qi in the flood and wilderness.

Yes, I couldn't help but surprise Han Chen.

After the big array was put down, Qin Wan's body entered the formation alone, and said with a loud laugh.

"I wonder which Daoist came to break the formation?"

Hearing the voice coming from inside, Burning Lantern glanced at everyone, "Disciple is willing to give it a try!" "

At this time, a person stood up, it was Deng Hua, a disciple of the outer gate of Kunlun Mountain, although he was a second-generation disciple of the Interpretation Sect, he could cultivate only Golden Immortals, and this was still cultivated in the cultivation holy place of the Interpretation Sect and other innate blessed lands.

To be honest, such qualifications are difficult to become a Daluo Immortal Dao.

It is precisely because of this that Yuan Shi Tianzun intends to let him go down the mountain, and by the way, he asks for a god position in the list of consecrated gods, which can be regarded as asking for a way of immortality.

Otherwise, in the future, the Immortal Dao calamities will continue, how can those who have not entered the Great Luo be able to protect themselves, missed this opportunity, it will be difficult to enter the Divine Dao in the future, Deng Hua also understands this, and goes down the mountain without thinking.

"Good! There you go! "

The burning lamp nodded expressionlessly, hearing Deng Hua, a golden light escaped into the divine array, Da Luo divine array, a golden immortal into the formation, this is completely sent to death.

Sure enough, after a few breaths, a scream came from the large array.

Deng Hua turned into ashes in the thunder, and a Yuan God True Spirit flew straight into the sky towards the Sealed God Platform.

"Hahaha, sending a golden immortal is like breaking my heavenly formation, it's really too small to see me intercepting the true cultivation of the sect, explaining the Taoist friends, if you have the ability, send someone with ability, let the poor Dao see if the Kunlun Daoist is really as miraculous as rumored!"

The laughter was full of rampantness, and all the golden immortals were angry when they heard this voice.

Especially the people in the world such as King Wu Nangong Shi were shocked in their hearts at this moment, after all, the masters of the Interpretation Sect fell in a few breaths of time, which shows the ferocity of this formation.

The heart is full of qi Yan.

"Teacher, let the disciples go this time!" At this time, the Manjushri Daoist stood up and said, because he saw that this Heavenly Absolute Formation was a sixth-order formation, and he was a mid-stage cultivation of the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

It is also able to deal with it, if the seventh-order formation behind allows itself to go up again, I am afraid that it will really die.

"Okay, in this case, leave it to Wen Shu, please be careful."

As his own little follower, of course, he has to care about one or two, originally his small follower, and Cihang's, but unfortunately, now Cihang Daoist has hardened wings and refuses to be his own little follower.

Looking at the two of them with a deep relationship between master and apprentice, Guang Chengzi rolled his eyes, but never interjected, but Cihang looked at his nose and nose, nose and heart, his heart was like stagnant water, and his face was indifferent, as if he was not affected by Deng Hua's death.

"The teacher rest assured, the disciple will also go!"


It turned into a golden light and escaped into the heavenly extinction array. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

When the Manjushri Daoist entered the formation, he immediately saw three huge flags, and purple thunder and lightning flowed in the gray air.


A thunderous explosion came from all directions.

And in an instant, the three flags suddenly changed position, and when the Manjushri Daoist looked at the banner again, he found that he was surrounded by three flags.


A thunder struck, and the Manjushri Daoist quickly dodged. (Li Nuo's) "No, this is not only the power of thunder, but also the power of illusion!" "

Feeling that his mind was affected by psychedelia, Wen Shu bit the tip of his tongue and sobered himself up, and he was shocked in his heart, the power of thunder just now was not an ordinary Daluo mid-term power at all.

This is already infinitely close to the late stage power of the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

I don't know what kind of thunder this is, it actually has such a powerful power, I am afraid that there is no such thunder in the three realms, right?

"Hahaha, Wenshu, have you found out, it really deserves to be a golden immortal of teaching."

That's right, my true formation not only has the Mixed Yuan One Thunder that I specialize in cultivating, this Thunder Poor Dao thinks that it is not under the Purple Xiao Divine Thunder created by the Dao Ancestor, but it is just that the Poor Dao cultivation is weaker.

In addition to the divine thunder, there is also the illusion of life and death, even if you are a Da Luo Golden Immortal, the god in the center of my divine array will also be affected, so persuade the Taoist friends not to resist, let the poor road send the Taoist friends a ride. "。

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