Purple Sky God Thunder Rune?

For the sake of this big businessman, Wen Zhong can be said to be exhausted.

Without the Heavenly Materials and Earth Treasures, he traveled all over the three mountains and five mountains, looking for the Daoist friends he had made before, and found the Heavenly Materials and Earth Treasures from them, and asked Han Chen to help refine the runes.

Also because of Wen Zhong's operation, Han Chen's originally relatively poor cultivators are now slowly starting to get rich, not to mention other materials, the innate spirit crystal is hundreds of thousands faster.

Well, with Han Chen's status now, there is no shortage of innate spirit crystals, after all, the innate spiritual energy on Penglai Immortal Island and Luojia Mountain is rich, there are ready-made innate spiritual energy, what kind of innate spirit crystal.

This thing is now at most used as currency in Han Chen's hands.

Buying elixirs, heavenly materials and earth treasures still has a role.

After Han Chen recaptured the Taiqing talisman in Taiqing's hands last time, he did not hide this matter, and directly told Wen Zhong, and after Wen Zhong learned about it, he was also very happy, the talisman was no longer restrained, and they also had a lot more chips in the subsequent battles.

No, as soon as he made a move, each person would have a Purple Sky God Thunder Talisman.

"Purple Xiao Divine Thunder Rune, refined by the fifth senior brother? I heard that 30 seems to have a magic weapon in Xiqi's hand that specifically restrains the talisman seal! Wouldn't it be useless for the Imperial Master to give us this rune? "

Everyone was not surprised when they heard that it was the Purple Xiao Divine Thunder Rune, and they thought that everyone had also heard about it, although they were not very familiar with the fifth senior brother before, but they were able to refine the divine rune, which was enough to make it famous throughout the Sect.

Now Han Chen's reputation is not very big in the Sect Intercept, but it is not small, at least basically the disciples of the Outer Sect Sect know the existence of such a fifth senior brother.

Especially the Ten Heavenly Monarch and the Four Saints of Nine Dragon Island are familiar with each other, after all, everyone has enjoyed the luck of great business together, and they have also done things for big business together, of course, they have met.

Are you still meeting together to talk about it?

Therefore, they were all more concerned about the matter of the four saints of Jiulong Island, and they also heard that Xiqi had a magic weapon that specifically restrained the talisman seal.

However, they did not hear the information that was taken away later.

After all, after hearing that the Four Holy Battles of Nine Dragon Island had died and were on the list of gods, these people came to Xiqi with a look of anger, ready to teach Xiqi a lesson.

"You Daoists don't know something.

That magic treasure is called the Mixed Yuan Yiqi Taiqing Rune, which is the ultimate innate spiritual treasure, the highest treasure of the rune, and the master is in charge of the rune luck, which has always been in the hands of the Taiqing Master Uncle.

This treasure is dedicated to the world's talisman seal.

Yang Jian, who was given by Shi Bozu to explain the Yuding real person, used it against my great businessman, and during the last big war, that Yang Jian carelessly took away the Taiqing talisman in his hand by a person.

Therefore, there is no such treasure in Jianzhong now.

The Purple Xiao Divine Thunder Talisman in the hands of all Daoists can be used with confidence. "

Wen Zhong did not say that the person was Taichen, after all, the cultivation that Taichen now revealed was only the True Immortal Realm, and he used the True Immortal Realm cultivation to take treasures from Taiyi powerhouses like Yang Jian.

How can this be a little untrue, and the most important thing is that Wen Zhong does not want to tell Taichen about Shi Uncle Taichen's robbery of the saint's magic weapon.

Although, he felt that there was no practical point in doing so.

"Oh, and this?"

At this moment, everyone was secretly shocked in their hearts.

Nima, rob the saint's magic weapon, this is not to live.

For the saints, these disciples who have been practicing since the emperor's time certainly know that the saints are powerful, and there are ants under the saints, and they remember this sentence very well.

Never forget.

Strong as the Demon Race Heavenly Court, Emperor Jun Heavenly Emperor, Eastern Emperor Taiyi and other powerhouses all perished one by one under the calculation of the saints and withdrew from the Flood Barren World stage.

Are they still stronger than the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, who holds the innate treasure?

It is precisely because of this that it is shocking to hear that someone has robbed the saint's magic weapon now.

But he didn't show it, otherwise he would have seemed timid.

"Hahaha, this is so good, originally we only had a sixty percent chance of winning against that Sect Golden Immortal, but now with the Purple Xiao Divine Thunder Talisman given by the Imperial Master, our winning rate is definitely eighty percent.

The advantage lies in me, and the teaching will definitely fail! "

Qin Wanhaha laughed and said.

"Yes, the advantage is on our side, whether he is a big Luo Golden Immortal or not, under me and other divine arrays, they are all native chickens and dogs, and under the divine runes, they will die and die."

Yao Bin also laughed and said.

"However, today I will send that Jiao Jiao Golden Immortal to complete the killing and robbery, get on the list of consecrated gods, and enjoy that blessing divine way."

The answer was a female fairy, this woman has a plump and graceful figure, a small face of goose eggs, a small cherry mouth, willow leaf curved eyebrows, a golden warp leno skirt, the end is extremely good-looking, this person is no other, it is the only female immortal among the ten heavenly kings, the Golden Virgin.

The Golden Light Virgin is also top in cultivation among the Ten Heavenly Monarchs, which is enough to have Tai Yi's complete cultivation.

However, because he specialized in the path of cultivation, he lost time to study the Dao, so that his golden light array was only a sixth-order formation.

"Well, all Daoists are right, the advantage lies with me, this battle will destroy Xiqi, restore my great business and tranquility, and the world will be worry-free."

Wen Zhong on the marshal position is still a little worried, especially seeing Ten Heavenly Monarch so proud, the so-called arrogant army will be defeated, this kind of thing, as an old marshal who has been in the battlefield for a long time, how can Wen Zhong not be a thing. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

However, he also knew that there was a battle intent, of course, he could not fight.

Therefore, he also stood up and loudly declared his pre-war encouragement.

"Alas, it's another group of food deliverers, with your Taiyi Golden Immortal cultivation as a battle against the Da Luo Golden Immortal powerhouse, even if there is a formation blessing, but after all, this is an external force."

807 watched Wen Zhong lead an immortal warrior to prepare and fight with the teachings.

Han Chen, who was among the soldiers, shook his head and thought.

In Han Chen's opinion, with the power of the current sect, unless the disciples or inner disciples make a move, they will definitely not be able to fight the Golden Immortals, and no matter how many people there are, they are only used to fill the list of consecrated gods.

Of course, if the outer sect big disciple Zhao Gongming and his Yunxiao senior sister made a move, it might not be necessary.

"With the current quasi-saint cultivation of the Yunxiao World, I think Senior Uncle Taiqing can't directly kill him."

Han Chen thought about it and felt that it was impossible, with the current Yunxiao's quasi-saint mid-stage cultivation, practicing the "Hongmeng Divine Dao", even if he couldn't fight, if he wanted to run to his own Great Desolate World, Yuan Shi and Taiqing would definitely not be able to stop it.

Even..."Do you want to just take a look at the God of Wealth?" "

For Zhao Gongming, Han Chen is still quite impressed, there are few people in the outer gate who can cultivate the Great Luo Golden Immortal, this Zhao Gongming uses the body method of intercepting the disciples of the outer sect, holding the Dinghai God Bead to press many personal disciples of the sect.

"Forget it, if you can, save it, but if you look for death, I can't help."

By the way, it can let him and Senior Sister cut off the cause and effect luck involved! "

Zhao Gongming and Sanxiao were conceived together, and luck was connected. Sharing luck, cause and effect entanglement, if the three can grow each other, it's okay, but if only one person grows, and the other three don't grow, it will be dragged down.

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