When everyone heard Akatsuka's words, they all nodded in understanding, although they did not express their opinions, but Guangchengzi knew very well that everyone did not want to fight against the burning lamp very much now.

Considering the seriousness, Guang Chengzi also nodded and said, "I don't know what strategy the deputy sect leader has, say it, and everyone will work together to counsel one or two." "

Seeing Guang Chengzi's soft submission, everyone also breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, the burning lamp did not have the appearance of a villain, but said with a generous smile, "Junior Brother Guangchengzi, if you have any good suggestions, you can talk first, after all, the formation of the opposite sect is not idle."

Everyone comes up with ideas together, discusses together, chooses good ideas, of course, if there are no good ideas, in the end you have to listen to the poor way. "

The meaning of burning the lamp is very clear, to retreat into progress.

Where do people have any good ideas about "943", they also know the meaning of the words burning lamps.

Instead, Guang Chengzi stood up and glanced at everyone, and when he saw that everyone did not speak, he secretly despised it in his heart, and turned around and said Langran.

"I don't have an opinion, but Poor Dao suggests to be careful with that Taichen True Monarch, who has learned the way of heavenly Dao mediation, incarnation, and change, even the saint cannot detect it.

Maybe it's already mixed up among us, or not.

Last time, that Master Uncle's Mixed Yuan Yiqi Taiqing Talisman was snatched away by him, and now he can't let him steal the Taijitu. "

Hearing Guang Chengzi's words, everyone's hearts were cold, mixed yuan and one flame Taiqing talisman was the pain in the hearts of Guang Chengzi and Burning Lamp and others, and Yi Chengzi nodded firmly with his eyes, recognizing Guang Chengzi's words.

And Yang Jian next to him also stood up at this moment.

"Hmph, as long as he dares to come out, my Heavenly Eye will definitely not let him go!"

Yang Jian's strength was comparable to that of the Great Luo Golden Immortal, and he was actually taken away by a True Immortal Little Cultivator, and this shame was said, so that Yang Jian, the first disciple of the three generations of the Interpretation Sect, was still not in the Three Realms.

Now, he still has some expectations in his heart that Taichen will come, so that he can also find the field.

And in the crowd, the Cihang Dao people also sighed secretly in their hearts, you must not appear again, otherwise, the poor road will not be able to help you.

Last time, there were few people, and they were all in the formation, she could make a little move, but now the Great Luo Golden Immortal is basically here.

How dare she mess around.

Don't dare to use small means at all, let alone think about favoritism or something.

I can only pray in my heart that Han Cheng will not appear at the scene of this Ten Extinction Formation, otherwise in the face of so many Da Luo Golden Immortals, with a true immortal as an incarnation, it is estimated that there are many fierce and less fierce.

Not to mention, the immortals of Xiqi City discussed how to break the formation, but said that at this moment, the merchant army camp, Wen Zhonggao was in charge of the marshal's seal, sitting in the middle, and the ten heavenly monarchs, Xin Huan and others were sitting below.

At this moment, Wen Zhong's face was a little worried, because the second generation of the Golden Immortal of the Interpretation Sect was almost all of the dojos, this was the ancient Da Luo Golden Immortal, who had fought with the Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor and Qianyou back then.

And himself and the others, although the Ten Heavenly Monarch has a large array, his cultivation is only in the middle and late stages, which is far from being comparable to the teachings.

Thinking of before, the four generals of the Demon Family fell, the four saints of Jiulong Island and Zhang Guifang and other immortal Dao people, all fell, and in the Shang Zhou battlefield, he was not happy in his heart, after all, these people are all expected to escape the Immortal Dao.

Now he has been on the list of conferred gods one by one, driven by the heavenly court, although he has obtained the blessing of living with heaven and earth, and does not add to all calamities, he has also lost his freedom.

"Tai Shi is worried about that Guangchengzi and the others?

Tai Shi does not need to worry, with me and other supreme formations, although Guang Chengzi and the others are Daluo Golden Immortals, it is not difficult to defeat them, Tai Shi rest assured. "

It is Qin Wan, the hand has a peerless array, a sixth-order divine array, has to be born with a flame, cultivate the opportunity of chaos, temper the three divine flags, give birth to the qi of the three talents, the three talents are united to create heavenly thunder, the heavenly thunder god is as powerful as the sea, Da Luo enters the formation, and there is also a danger of falling.

There was a reason why Qin Wan's dared to say this. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Although his Heavenly Extinction Array was only a sixth-order Divine Array, it was able to exert the thunder power of the mid-stage of the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

And as far as he was concerned, among the entire second-generation disciples of the Interpretation Sect, that is, Burning Lamp and Guangchengzi Da Luo Golden Immortal Perfection Cultivation, as well as Nataiyi Zhen and Antarctic Immortal Weng were late cultivation of Da Luo Golden Immortal.

The rest are all mid-stage cultivators of the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

Even if their own Heavenly Extinction Array can't kill them, it's hard for them to defeat themselves, even if they can't fight, then it's a big deal.

This was what Qin Wan's thoughts were in his heart, and it was also what most of the other people thought.

"What's more, that Teaching Golden Immortal is just that, last time Poor Dao received the magical means of that red sperm, in the end, didn't he drop the Taijitu of the Taiqing Saint into my formation

I think that other Interpretation Golden Immortals should be like this, even if they are strong, they are not strong.

Tai Shi rest assured, I will definitely be able to help the Tai Shi destroy Xiqi and let the world of great business settle down, which is also a merit! "

It was Yao Bin Tianjun, the formation master of the Fallen Soul Array, who spoke.

Last time he hurriedly fought with Chi Shu and got the Taijitu of the Saint, but he knew what was at stake, knew that this was the Saint's greatest treasure, because he didn't dare to mess around, and he never thought of having the idea of taking possession for himself.

Only waiting for the completion of the conquest of Xiqi this time, he took the initiative to take this treasure to Shouyang Mountain and give this treasure to the saint, maybe he could get the reward of the saint's nine-turn divine pill.

"Haha, that's exactly the case, with this merit, I wait for my cultivation to go one step further and get the Daluo Daoguo."

This is also the idea of several others.

Several of them have a good relationship with Yin Zhong, and Wen Zhong summoned them, it is impossible for them not to come, after all, as an outer disciple, they cannot enjoy the luck of intercepting the sect.

And if you enjoy the luck of big business, you must help when big business suffers a crisis to repay the cause and effect.

As for whether you can prevent the demise of the big businessman, it is another thing, and it is another thing whether you can make a move.

If you stop the great merchant from perishing, of course, it is also a good thing, after the amount of calamity, there will be a 3.9 calamity merit descendant, when the time comes, absorb the merit, cultivate further, it is a simple thing.

If the decline of the great merchants cannot be turned back, then they only need to do their best, repay the cause and effect of enjoying the luck of Yin Shang, and from now on, the cause and effect will be clear, but they must also save their lives, so that they can continue to enjoy the way of heaven and earth in the future.

This was also the thought in the minds of all the Sect Intercept Immortals who mixed with the Sealing God Tribulation.

"Hahaha, good, good, you Daoists have confidence, by the way, for the sake of all of you Daoists, Poor Dao asked Taichen Shibo to refine ten Purple Xiao Divine Thunder Talismans.

This thunder talisman can release a Purple Sky Divine Thunder of the Great Luo Perfection Realm, which you can take out and use at critical moments. "

Wen Zhong clapped his hands, and at this time Ji Li stood out from the side, carrying a rosewood box ten centimeters wide and twenty centimeters long.

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