Looking at the junior brother who had become murderous, the Taiqing Daoist shook his head and said.

"My avatar has not fallen, it's just that I don't know how Senior Nephew Taichen refined my Taiqing Talisman, which is also what I am worried about, Senior Brother!"

After all, I don't understand the strange methods of Master Taichen and nephew, if he has moved his mind to my Taijitu..."

Hearing this, how could Yuan Shi still not understand what his master was worried about.

After all, this is a congenital treasure, and now it has been taken away by the elders, and it is not good for him as an elder to personally go on the field to rob it, after all, this is too much to lose the saintly style.

The Taijitu is the innate supreme treasure, and it is also the Pangu Great God Chaos Supreme Treasure Opening Heavenly Rune.

At the beginning, Hongjun Daozu gave him this treasure, in addition to being a disciple of Daozu, it was mainly because of the treasure of Pangu Great God, and his relationship with his son was very important.

If others hold this treasure, it is difficult to completely refine it, just like Donghuang Taiyi, who has held the Chaos Bell for hundreds of yuan meeting times, but he still has not completely refined it, and finally ends up dead.

If it can completely refine that Chaos Bell, maybe there will be a glimmer of life, and there is even the possibility of preaching ~ Chaoyuan.

It is precisely because of this that Taiqing does not worry about others robbing - his own Taijitu.

But the problem is, this is also Pangu bloodline.

And the purity of the bloodline is not under him, after all, he is the Pangu Yuan God, speaking of blood, there is no essence blood to talk about blood.

He can only be called the Pangu heir.

It can't be called the Pangu bloodline, and so far, only the two people who have proven Pangu Niangniang and Taichen are Pangu bloodlines in the true sense.

That is to say, this Taijitu and his Taichen master and nephew also have a lot of fate.

It may even be deeper than your own karma.

Thinking of this, Yuan Shi Tianzun Shennian probed the Pangu Banner in his purple mansion, and secretly said, you really have to be careful about this Taichen!

"He dare?"

Yuan Shi Tianzun drank angrily, not only because Taiqing said that Taichen spied on Taijitu, but also because he was worried that Taichen was also peeping at this Pangu Banner.

"Senior brother rest assured, I will pass down the decree to the disciples, so that they must do their best to recapture the Taijitu, as for Taichen, as long as he dares to come out, junior brother, I don't care if he is a righteous path mixed in the future."

Under my Pangu Banner, I won't show mercy to my subordinates, Xuanmen Protector, I think, Yang Jian is enough, there is no need to make any left protector.

Moreover, now that the gods are in calamity, Master himself said that those who have not beheaded the three corpses are all in the robbery.

Even if I personally sent it to the God Sealing List, I wouldn't say anything if I wanted to come to Master Venerable. "

The fact is also the same, as for whether the other party can be killed, this kind of thing, Yuan Shi can't manage so much, even if he can't kill it, what can the other party do in the future?

He is a Heavenly Dao Saint, the Great World of Flood Desolation is immortal, and he is immortal and immortal.

Even if he is not in the Flood Barren World, he is also a Mixed Yuan Saint, and if he wants to kill the Mixed Yuan Saint, hehe, without three Mixed Element Saints of the same level joining forces, it is simply impossible.

"Junior Brother, this approach is too extreme."

Taiqing knew the temper of his junior brother, not to mention, it was really possible to do such a thing.

"Senior brother, rest assured, it depends on whether our Taichen senior nephew is looking for death, if you insist on looking for death, junior brother I will not show mercy."

"Oh, that's it!"

Seeing that Yuan Shi had made up his mind, Taiqing knew that he could not persuade, so he could only shake his head helplessly.


The magic technique in Yuan Shi Tianzun's hand moved, and a divine light turned into more than ten copies and flew in all directions.

It is the purpose of the law that is called to his disciples.

In Xiqi City, all the immortals are family disciples, so many family disciples, the Sect is far from comparable, and so far Han Chen has only five family disciples.

Of course, the luck of the Intercept Sect was also more than that of these disciples.

However, the difference between the interpretation of the teachings is that there are innate treasures to suppress qi luck, even if the disciples defect or fall, it will not affect the qi luck of the interpretation.

The luck of this sect is like the right to dividends, and the disciples of the sect have real original shares.

The defection of a disciple, or the demise of the teachings, will inevitably lead to the loss of luck.

After receiving the decree of Master Yuan, where did these disciples dare to delay, no one could have imagined that this guy of Chi Shu actually lost the innate treasure Taijitu of Master Taiqing.

This is a life-threatening man.

Last time, I had already lost that bastard Yuan Yiqi Taiqing talisman, and was scolded by the master, that is, the master uncle did not care, otherwise how could they have a good time.

And now it's here again.

This is not to kill them, this is a congenital treasure, if they don't find it now, it is estimated that it is not the master who scolded them, it is estimated that even the master will attack them.

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Thinking of this, the red sperm standing in the crowd felt uneasy in his heart.

"Think about how to break the formation, that innate supreme treasure Taijitu is in the Falling Soul Array, if you can't break this ten supreme array, I will wait for Xiqi to break it!"

It's a lamp that speaks.

At this moment, the lantern was in a very good mood, because of the Yuan Shi Tianzun's decree, this formation breaking task let him preside, this is a rare good opportunity for him to show in front of Guang Chengzi.

"Although those ten extinction formations are good, they are far worse in power than the Divine Fire Array of the Four Saints of Nine Dragon Island.

But also be careful. "

Guangcheng touched his beard and closed his eyes slightly, but he didn't mean to look at the burning lamp at all.

But it is also true, the Ten Heavenly Monarch is a disciple of the outer sect of the Truncated Sect, and his cultivation is only in the middle and late stages of the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

In terms of cultivation alone, it is far inferior to those who explain these Da Luo Golden Immortals.

It's just that the ten supreme formations arranged are somewhat mysterious, but it is always the case, and the power of each formation is different, there are sixth-order formations and seventh-order formations.

In the middle of the Da Luo Golden Immortal, at least in the middle period of Da Luo Golden Immortal, among which Guang Chengzi and Burning Deng, the two were even more successful in cultivation, and there were also Cihang and Taiyi Zhenren and Antarctic Immortal Weng in the late Da Luo period.

The sixth-order formation can generally exert the power of the early and middle stages of the Da Luo Golden Immortal, while the seventh-order formation can probably exert the late and complete power of the Da Luo Golden Immortal.

Therefore, in Guang Chengzi's view, this array can be easily broken even if it does not need to burn the lamp command, and the burning lamp is a dispensable person.

And Jiang Ziya, who was the protagonist of the calamity, obviously saw the disbelief of the master brother to the burning lamp teacher, and suddenly felt bad in his heart, so he immediately stood up and said.

"This time, I must take back the Taijitu of Master Uncle, otherwise Junior Brother will die of shame and will not be able to repay Master Ji, and I also ask all senior brothers and sisters to put the priority first, and there must be no more disputes."

That Taijitu was lost to save himself.

Of course, the responsibility lies on himself, because he is more anxious than anyone else, and can only stand up and remind him.

"Exactly, exactly, what Junior Brother Ziya said is very much, I should take the master's treasure as the priority, first break the ten absolute formations, since the master is the abbot of the lamp to break the formation this time, I should also listen to it."

I wonder what is the trick of the lantern teacher? "

Seeing this, the red sperm was speechless, but he lost the Taijitu, how could he not be in a hurry!

Dao Ye I'm all big now, you guys are still fighting for these here....... And.

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