Outer Heaven Great Red Sky Tai Qing Realm.

In the Bajing Palace, on this day, the Taiqing Daoist was not cultivating, but refining pills, or creating a new Dao Dan.

Dao Dan, the supreme elixir above the Divine Pill.

However, so far, he has only researched a Dao Dan of Yin and Yang Creation Pill, Dan Dao is not like the way of the seal, the essence of the way of the seal is to simulate the power of the rules of heaven and earth, as long as you copy the combination of the rules of heaven and earth, and then copy it.

Of course, ordinary people don't want to observe the rules of heaven and earth, at least Da Luo Jinxian can do it, the most important thing is that it is not so simple to simulate the rules of heaven and earth.

Han Chen could only succeed by relying on the power of the Tongtian Seal.

And alchemy, there are no such cheating methods, compared to making talismans, pills are much more difficult, and the pills of each pill need to be deduced and created by the Taiqing Daoist himself.

Moreover, the experience of alchemy is also very important, not so much that he inherited the Pangu alchemy power, but rather that he inherited the experience of Pangu alchemy, not a single divine power like Han Chen.

Recently, he suddenly had a new idea, so he wanted to try it.

Not long after, in the Yin and Yang Bagua Furnace, there was a muffled sound.

Failed again.

"Alas, it seems that this new elixir is not so easy to refine." The two 393-year-old boys, who looked like fans, were standing on the side, not daring to say more, not daring to disturb the old man's alchemy.

"Huh? What's going on, he actually took away my Taiqing Fu!

But the imprint incarnation left in the Taiqing Talisman of the Poor Dao has not fallen! This master and nephew don't know what means they have, but it's a pity that the opportunity prepared for Donghua is just gone.

You have to re-plan one or two. "

Yes, Taiqing also discovered that his Taiqing talisman had been taken away by his own Taichen master and nephew, because the rune luck that belonged to him at this moment had disappeared.

Obviously, Fu Dao's luck was transferred to his Taichen Master nephew.

However, this Taiqing Talisman was originally reserved for his second disciple Donghua, and in the future, Donghua would be able to occupy a position in the Heavenly Court even if he was not one of the Six Emperors.

Moreover, through this method, it can control the gods and immortals of the Heavenly Court.

Unfortunately, now this plan does not work.

"Can you find something instead?"

He was really reluctant to let go of the immortal plan, but the Mixed Yuan Yi Flame Talisman was no longer on him, so he wanted to replace the Mixed Yuan One Flame Talisman with other magic weapons.

(dadg) Theoretically, the Mixed Yuan Yiqi Talisman is the most suitable as the Immortal Book of Heaven.

After all, it is the supreme treasure of the rune road, the heavenly court is prosperous, the right god rules the world, and the way of the rune seal will also be prosperous, so as to coordinate the immortal status and divide the divine power and luck, it is no better.

Thinking about it, Taiqing frowned.

"In this realm, the treasure that can transform the immortal book, I am afraid that there is only the River Tuluo Book, but this River Tuluo Book is the thing of the emperor."

Although now these two superb innate spirit treasures are in the hands of Demon Master Kunpeng.

But Taiqing did not take it to heart, and the only thing that really made him pay attention was Dijun, the natural king of the Hong Wilderness, who was a hero of the world.

Although Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi have fallen, they have not completely fallen, after all, as a quasi-saint great consummation powerhouse, the establishment of the Heavenly Court to rule the world floods, tens of yuan meeting, the merit is not small.

Now it's just reincarnation.

Compared with those ancestral witches who wreaked havoc, were infected with karma, and were difficult to return, Dijun and Taiyi were much better, although they were domineering, they were also very ambitious.

But it does manage the flood well.

Therefore, there is not much karma in the body, but it is difficult to re-embark on the road of the Dao, achieve Da Luo, and awaken the wisdom of the previous life.

And once Di Jun returns, this River Tuluo Book will definitely return to his hands.

His second disciple, the legacy of Prince Dedong, of course, also inherited its cause and effect.

"Emperor Jun Daoyou, when you killed the Prince of the East, and now you repay the cause and effect with the River Tuluo Book, I think it is also right!"

Yes, this is the idea of Taiqing.

Moreover, there is another point, Taiqing does not believe that Di Jun can still fight the disciples who have been carefully trained by himself when he returns, and his own disciples are now in the middle of the innate demon god.

Even if the mixed element is difficult to hope, it is still possible to seek a quasi-holy consummation or even a human fruit.

"But what treasure should I exchange with Kunpeng?"

Kunpeng is not afraid, but he can't ignore the Nuwa junior sister who is standing behind Kunpeng.

And the Hetuluo Book is the top of the best innate spiritual treasures, the two treasures have the same origin and complement each other, if Di Jun really managed to combine the two magic weapons into one, it is impossible to say that this is a congenital treasure.

A treasure comparable to the innate treasure, the entire flood world, basically no treasure can compare.

And at this moment, a divine light came from the Nether.

But it's a message.

This information is Jiang Ziya, the protagonist of the Feng Shenliang Robbery. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Let his abbot be a god, so he also gave him a cheap action, and he could directly communicate with the two saints Yuan Shi and his Taiqing through Shen Xiang.

"What? His innate treasure Taijitu was lost by red sperm? "

Innate Supreme Treasure This kind of saint's magic weapon, suppressing people's teaching luck, is the only innate treasure in his hands, its importance can be imagined, lending red sperm to save people, did not expect to let this guy lose the magic weapon.

Of course, he didn't think that anyone could refine the imprint he left in the Taijitu and snatch the Taijitu from his hands.

But after thinking about his weird Taichen master and nephew, didn't he snatch the Mixed Yuan Yiqi Taiqing Talisman from his hands, and the weapon did not kill his own brand, and the magic weapon changed owners?

Thinking of this, Taiqing's heart was anxious.

Who knows what means his master and nephew have, and even comprehends such a heavenly Dao divine power as mediation and creation.

No, this matter cannot be delayed.

"Golden horn and silver horn, you two take care of it and go out for the master."

"Yes, sir, the disciple obeys the order!"

Both of them are Taiyi Golden Immortal cultivators, although the Taiqing Realm is a top-level Middle Thousand World, but the spiritual cultivation of this realm is not high, and no one dares to come to the Holy Palace to make trouble.

However, the two still have to beware.

Especially recently, the Taiqing Realm has swallowed and fused many other worlds, and of course, the creatures of those worlds have also been transferred to the Taiqing World, and now the creatures of these other worlds are still very curious about this new world.

The Taiqing One stepped out and disappeared into the Taiqing Realm.

Honghuang Kunlun Sacred Mountain, in the Jade Void Palace.

"Junior brother, your disciples are too unspeakable, I kindly lent them the treasure, but I lost the magic weapon for me, and the Taiqing rune for my brother can now enter and change owners, but I don't want to let the Taijitu take it away for others."

At this moment, there was a slight sense of blame in Taiqing's words.

"What? Senior Brother's Taiqing Talisman has changed hands?

How dare he be too bad... How dare you kill the saint? Don't keep this son! "

In the view of Yuan Shi Tianzun, if the other party wants to refine the Taiqing Rune, he must kill the imprint incarnation in the Taiqing Rune, although it is only an incarnation, but this is your master uncle, and it is also a saint supreme.

If you kill the avatar, isn't this a great disobedience, isn't it a saint killing?

Such behavior, Yuan Shi Tianzun is absolutely intolerable, and the killing intention has risen! .

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