The dependents, the dependents of the flood wilderness world are constantly changing, and at present, the dependents of the flood wilderness are the human race, that is, the so-called protagonists of heaven and earth.

And if you want to create a family, you must have a premise, that is, you need the participation of the origin of the world.

He who holds the authority of the world.

Without such a supreme treasure as Qiankunding, Han Chen could only use the Heavenly Dao Green Lotus of the Great Desolate World as an oven, and four balls of essence blood were thrown into it, and at this time, a drop of essence blood in Yunxiao's hand flew out, and it also fell into the Heavenly Dao Green Lotus.


Mediating the creation and operation, one after another the power of creation emanated from Han Chen's hand and shot towards the Dao Green Lotus that day.

And the mana on Han Chen's body is also crazy consumption, of course, with the supplement of world authority, Han Chen does not feel tired, if he allows him to create life in the flood world, it is absolutely impossible.

At the very least, he had to be a quasi-saint.

"Junior Brother, if you can also drip a drop of essence blood, you are the bloodline of Pangu Great God, with your bloodline joining, the upper limit of the four dependents who want to come to my Great Desolate World will be higher."


How could Han Chen not know that this was the senior sister who wanted to benefit herself.

The "Hongmeng Divine Dao" taught by the world cultivation itself is actually quite a follow-up to its own Daoist system, and of course, he also has to divide a part of the luck of this great desolate world.

Under normal circumstances, it is three percent luck, but Han Chen only received one percent of luck, and this cheng still has to be harvested, after all, this is the cause and effect of the Dao, and the Dao has a record.

And now, Senior Sister allowed her bloodline to enter the four clans of the Great Desolate World.

In addition to considering that his Pangu bloodline can increase the potential of the four dependents of the World Desolate World, there is also a reason that he can share the luck of the four dependents.

In the future, if the achievements of the four dependents of the Great Desolate World are high, they will also get more luck from the four dependents, that is, the luck of the Great Desolate World will be indirectly divided.

"Senior sister, you want me to be the nanny of your world's dependents."

"I believe that Junior Brother can do it, under your teaching, I don't have to work so hard in the world." Yunxiao looked like a proud little woman at the moment, and said with a smile.

Han Chen shook his head helplessly.

Turning around, a drop of golden blood flew out from the tip of Han Chen's index finger and entered the Heavenly Dao Green Lotus.


For unknown reasons, the moment Han Chen's blood entered the Heavenly Dao Green Lotus, his divine light suddenly bloomed.


A nine-clawed black dragon flew out first from the Heavenly Dao Green Lotus.


Nine-clawed black dragon? Seeing the form of this divine dragon, Han Chen was also surprised in his heart, a little unbelievable, in his original vision, being able to create a five-clawed black dragon was already good.

Even with the essence blood of his senior sister quasi-saint.

However, his senior sister's essence blood is only a small part, and it has been divided into four, and more is still four kinds of divine beast essence blood.

I think it should be the role of the origin of the world.

The nine-clawed black dragon was born, feel its breath, although it is a nine-clawed black dragon, but the real body is only three meters long, the breath of the earth immortal, the innate fairy cultivation, there is no one.


Not enough? It's a pity..."

Originally, Han Chen wanted to continue to create a nine-clawed black dragon, but found that the origin of the Heavenly Dao was actually not enough, "This can only create half a nine-clawed black dragon?" "


A colorful giant egg flew out from the Heavenly Dao Green Lotus.

"Junior Brother, this is........?"

"Originally, I wanted to create two nine-clawed divine dragons, but unfortunately the sky did not meet people's wishes, and only one and a half could be created, this one can only be partial, and the origin of the world does not allow it, but it is only a part.

In the future, the origin of heaven and earth merit is nourished, and after the one-yuan meeting, it may also be successfully conceived, but it will take a long time. "

With that, Han Chen continued to create other dragon races.

The creation divine light continued to input, this time without the nourishment of the world origin, it really could only create a five-clawed divine dragon.


Another sound of dragon groans spread throughout the nine heavens, from which four five-clawed true dragons flew out, and then, another dragon groan came, dozens of four-clawed divine dragons, hundreds of three-clawed dragons flew out.

Theoretically, there is no three-clawed true dragon in the Flood Barren World.

Three claws can only be regarded as a dragon, and the characteristics of Shenwei are not comparable to the dragon race, and it is not a race at all.

But in this great desolate world, Han Chen found that these three-clawed dragon clans and four-clawed and five-clawed creatures turned out to be a kind of creature, not some dragon or the like, they had the same breath and the same life characteristics.

This really made Han Chen curious. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Obviously, Yunxiao also discovered this feature.

Brows frowned, this was completely inconsistent with the dragon clan she saw in the Flood Barren World, thinking that this dragon foot had joined the bloodline of herself and her junior brother, and had been affected by the aura of the Heavenly Dao Green Lotus.

Although the form is the same as the dragon race, the essence of life should not be the dragon race.

Suddenly, he spoke, "Jinzhier and others are my Great Desolate Celestial Clan!" "

Yunxiao, the lord of the Great Desolate World, said the rules of the world, and the moment he said the name of the Celestial Clan, the hundreds of true dragons that had just been created chanted in unison.


The voice resounded through Jiuxiao, making Donghua, who was preparing for retreat practice in the Nine Heavens, speechless.

"Why are these guys so noisy."

"Celestials? This is? Han Chen suddenly thought of something, a literary work he had seen in his previous life, but he had not been associated with it before.

"Hiss..... The four dependents will not be named the god race by the senior sister, right? "

Han Chen muttered.

And Yunxiao, as the lord of the world, was a quasi-saint cultivator, and Han Chen's whisper was all stopped in his ears, and Yunxiao's eyes lit up.

Yes, I practice "Hongmeng Divine Dao" and establish the Great Desolate World with the Heavenly Court, as the four dependents of the Great Wilderness, I will definitely be the Heavenly Court True God in the future, what is this not the God Race?

That's it, Protoss!

Not long after, three major races flew out from the Heavenly Dao Green Lotus.

The nine-tailed heavenly fox, phoenix, and three-legged golden crow, no, it should not be called a three-legged golden crow, because this golden crow essence blood is full of anger karma.

This three-legged golden crow has become a three-legged black crow.

However, it can also cast the Sun Heavenly Fire, although it is not as good as the Sun True Fire, but the power is also good, and this fire is practiced to perfection, even if the Taiyi Golden Immortal meets it, you must be careful to beware.

Unfortunately, the origin potential is still not comparable to the dragon clan.

Created by Han Chen, Han Chen can certainly understand the potential of these four divine beasts, because Han Chen created the dragon race first, and it is the first time to create living beings, he has no experience, and he accidentally uses the origin given by heaven and earth too much.

Only one and a half nine-clawed divine dragons were created and the origin was exhausted.

After the turn of the other three races, there will be no Heavenly Dao Origin, causing these races to have the highest feet, that is, similar to the five-clawed true dragon, in the future, this (Mo Li Hao) Great Desolation will definitely be the world of the dragon race.

With a half-clawed nine-clawed divine dragon, for the other three races, it is simply crushing in nature.

"Today, Zhi'er and the other four races are my Great Desolate God Race, and they should be under the jurisdiction of Donghua and dominate the Great Desolate World..."

Yunxiao gave an order, and at the same time, a piece of origin condensed into a huge seal, which was a large seal caused by nine nine-clawed divine dragons hovering in gold and jade.

The seal of heaven and earth represents the supreme authority of heaven and earth.


The seal of heaven and earth turned into a golden light and flew towards the retreat of Donghua.......

"I'm waiting to see God the Father, God the Mother!"

These innate enlightened, innate races, great desolate clans, suppression from the bloodline, sorted out the Heavenly Dao information in their minds, of course they know who these two people in front of them are.

This is the God who created Himself and is the Lord of the world.

He and others are gods, and of course the father and mother gods who create themselves.

Han Chen: ".........."


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