The great trend of the saints, the flood world, are all under the control of the saints, if there is no consent of the saints, these quasi-saints dare not spread their Dao system casually and compete for luck.

Compete with saints for luck? Unless you look for death yourself.

Therefore, generally in the flood wilderness, most of the people who collect qi luck are saints, or those who have a relationship with saints, think that those ancient gods, the West Queen Mother, Lei Ze, Pan King, etc. have basically disappeared.

It's not because these people are really more homely, they don't want to expand their Daoist system, collect some luck, and make their cultivation faster, but they can't, even if they want to do it, it's only secret.

Moreover, every time it is discovered, it will be wiped out by orthodox people such as the saint sect, the heavenly court, the Terran imperial dynasty, etc. on the grounds of evil sects and crooked paths.

And Kunpeng also wants to preach the flood wilderness, but he and the two saints of the West have a big cause and effect, although he has sworn to the Heavenly Dao back then, but who knows if Zhun Ti will make a move on himself.

If it weren't for the fact that Nuwa Niangniang was standing behind him, he would probably be cold now.

So, even if he wanted to preach, he did not dare to run to the West.

The flood barren land is mainly divided into four wildernesses, southeast, northwest and north, and the north is contaminated by the resentment and anger of the North Sea Xuan Tortoise, which is not suitable for the survival of races other than Lichs30, but the control of the world is in the hands of Nuwa.

The Western Wilderness is in the hands of the two saints of Zhun Ti, and the Eastern Wilderness and the Southern Wilderness, the most quintessential places of the Flood Wilderness, are in the hands of Sanqing.

He did not dare to preach in the Western Wilderness, the Northern Wilderness was not suitable for preaching, after all, there was no race, and now the Terran race is the protagonist of heaven and earth, and it is useless if it does not reach the Terran race, and it is useless to earn luck, so if he wants to preach, he can only preach in the Eastern Wilderness and the Southern Wilderness under the control of Sanqing.

Sanqing's consent is required.

And now Taiqing agreed to preach in the Southern Wilderness, which is very important for Kunpeng.

Seeing the Taiqing Daoist nodding, Kunpeng was overjoyed in his heart.

"So, thank you saint for it!"

Do you still have to think about this?

As Taiqing said, when Di Jun returns, this River Tuluo Book Erbao can't keep it by himself, so it's better to change his own chance.

After saying that, he directly married the Taiyi Compass and the Innate Flame Light Flag, and quickly summoned two magic weapons from the Yuan God, the River Tuluo Book, and withdrew the imprint incarnation among the two magic weapons.


Seeing that Kunpeng agreed so happily, Taiqing also nodded with satisfaction.

Allowing Kunpeng to preach is not a big deal, and he is also ready to operate a hundred schools of preaching in order to disrupt the speed of the rise of the Western Shimen.

Although I don't want to, I have to admit that the way of incense faith created by the introduction is too mysterious.

This Dao does not consume much energy from heaven and earth.

Use incense merit to condense the golden body, cut off the three corpses with the golden body, build the Buddha world with the power of incense, and strengthen the world origin with the Buddha world.

Such a mysterious method, Shimen will definitely prosper, even Hongjun Dao Ancestor can't stop it.

Who let the way of the three corpses need innate treasures.

Where are there so many innate treasures between heaven and earth, and it is precisely like this, the strength of Xuanmen itself alone is no longer enough to resist the rise of Shimen, then the hundred schools of heaven and earth jointly attack.

To mess with the chessboard of sentient beings.

In the Tianwa Imperial Palace outside the sky, Yang Chan obediently sat on the side and seriously practiced qi refining, but the Nether group did not encounter any major incidents, but unfortunately did not complete the task assigned by the teacher.

Yes, she doesn't dare to make the teacher angry now.

And at this moment, on the cloud bed, a lazy side sleeping in a purple wide-sleeved flowing fairy skirt, her delicate body was faintly visible, and her slightly drunken and half-open willow-eyed beautiful eyes opened in vain.

"Huh? Kunpeng? "

Just now, she received a message from Kunpeng.

There was nothing else in the information, and it was directly explained that the Hetuluo Book was exchanged for many conditions by the Taiqing Saint.

Kunpeng did not dare to deceive the Nuwa Saint, and one fifty-one explained the reason.

This Kunpeng is quite pragmatic!

For the two magic weapons of the River Tuluo Book, she does not attach great importance to them, even if these two treasures are the top of the best innate spiritual treasures, but the mountain and river society map and red hydrangea in her hand are not weaker than these two treasures.

What's more, she still has the innate treasure in her hands.

This is the only supreme treasure in the Flood Barren World that can refine the innate spirit treasure, but refining the innate supreme treasure with this treasure is an opportunity to steal heaven and earth, and it needs to be exchanged for qi luck.

Every time she refined an innate spirit treasure, she had to lose a little of her Flood Desolate Qi Luck, which was not cost-effective for her as a saint at all.

Therefore, so far, he has not refined a single innate spirit treasure.

The innate treasure is in hand, and the defensive attack is not comparable to the innate spirit treasure, so she really can't look at the River Tuluo Book.

It's just that Senior Brother Taiqing took the River Tuluo Book for?

Is there another plan?

River Tuluo Book, to be honest, this is an auxiliary magic weapon, the real attack is not comparable to the saint's magic weapon, defense, can not compare to the ground flame light flag.

And he Taiqing is not a way to practice fortune-telling.

"Hmm..... Chan'er? "

A lazy voice sounded, and Yang Chan below heard a stirring spirit, and immediately stood up, "Does the teacher have orders?" "

"Last time, you seemed to say that the Mixed Yuan Yiqi Taiqing Talisman in the hands of your Taiqing Master was snatched away by Taichen, right?"

"Yes, listen to what the second brother said.

But Chan'er didn't believe it, after all, that Taichen Zhenjun Chan'er had seen it, only True Immortal Cultivation, how could he snatch the magic weapon of Master Taiqing from the hands of the second brother and several Da Luo Golden Immortals. "

Yang Chan shook her head and said as she expressed her thoughts.

After that, she was taken back to the palace by Senior Sister Bexuannu.

"Mixed Element One Flame Charm... River Tulo Book...? What is the connection between the two?

Feng Shen Quantified Tribulation, Shinto Daoxing, Fu Dao Daxing, by the way..... Shinto..."

Suddenly, Nuwa realized something, as a saint, the wisdom cannot be underestimated, although the heavenly machine is chaotic at the moment, but the existing data for calculus, deduction, heaven and earth 383 Few things can hide from them.

Unless there are variables.

"Yes, God!"

Compared with the Immortal Court Immortal Book created by the Eastern Prince, the Heavenly Court Divine Book created by Di Jun is actually the same meaning, but it is called differently.

"It seems that the reincarnation of the Prince of the East is under the door of the master brother, and the senior brother wants to reforge the immortal for the heavenly court to share the authority of the heavenly court!"

Wonderful, wonderful, worthy of being a master brother, this trick is really amazing.

If you guessed correctly, Senior Brother wants to evolve the Heavenly Court Immortal Book with the Mixed Yuan Yiqi Rune, the supreme treasure of the Dao, so that he can not only divide the authority of the Heavenly Court, but also control the luck of the Rune Dao and control the gods of the Heavenly Court.

In addition, Xuejiao holds the position of the Eastern Pole Qinghua Emperor and the Antarctic Immortal Emperor.

In the future, even if the Heavenly Court is prosperous and Haotian is in charge of the God Sealing List, he can only be regarded as the lord of the three realms on the bright side, and the real lord of the three realms is afraid that the master brother of the Dulu Palace is a good corpse. "

The more I thought about it, the more I marveled at the plan of my master brother.

"It's a pity, the sky is not as expected, and the mixed yuan Yiji Fu don't Taichen that kid snatched it...

Hmph, Senior Brother, you want to evolve the Immortal Book, have you asked me? "

Thinking of this, Nuwa's mouth opened slightly, and a crisp and majestic voice shouted, "Xuannu! "

As the voice spread, the Nine Heavenly Xuan Nun who was practicing on an unnamed immortal mountain in Wahuangtian, dressed in white robes and silver armor, a handsome and beautiful woman, opened her eyes.

"The teacher called me!".

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