"Teacher, do you have any orders to call the genius?"

"Xuannu, for the master wants you to go down to the realm to protect Na Taichen, this son can also be regarded as a member of your Terran race, and in the future, the real prosperity of the Terran will fall on his head, tell him, the matter of the household registration of the Heavenly Court, the poor road supports him."

Feng Shen measured the calamity, Nuwa was not a fool, and now of course she understood that she was calculated.

Sanqing and the two Western saints want to use this calamity to completely eliminate their influence in the Terran race, and they have not established a great religion, and there is no incense of the human race, and in the future, it is estimated that they will only be the luck of the adult race.

Moreover, she also knew that this disciple of herself, had the obsession of the great prosperity of the great clan, although now the human race had prospered.

But in the world, whether it is Daxing, she this Da Luo Jinxian knows very well.

The current Terrans are just canaries raised by saints, only as chess pieces, and even the three emperors and five emperors are confined in the Fire Cloud Cave.

And hearing Nuwa's words, sure enough, Jiutian Xuannu's eyes lit up.

"Is what the teacher said true?"

"Hahaha, you think that your teacher and I let your junior sister accept Na Taichen as a disciple for no reason.

Not only because he has completely comprehended mediation creation, if he only comprehends mediation creation, at most, he will only replace Poor Dao as a tool person to repair heaven and earth, and he is not qualified to be my Nuwa's personal disciple.

Wei Shi wanted to accept him as a personal disciple, mainly because he was expected to mix the Yuan Saint Dao.

And the probability is not small, if there is no other impact, this son, the future mixed yuan is in sight, but it's a pity, this kid is not far away under my door, let this guy from Tongtian snatch it away.

Missed a mixed disciple. "

Hearing the teacher's words, the Nine Heavenly Xuannu and Yang Chan both had shocked faces, their beautiful eyes widened, full of incredulity, these words came out of the hands of their saint teacher, of course, there would be no fake.

No wonder, no wonder the teacher told me to accept him as a disciple no matter what means.

Yang Chan said with self-blame in her heart, damn it, this guy doesn't know how to lift, hum!

I see!

At this moment, the Nine Heavenly Xuannu also understood the reason why she always said that the Terran race was really prosperous on his body, yes, although Taichen is now a god of the Pangu clan, he is from the Terran race.

In the future, he will be sanctified, and in theory, he will also be a true Terran saint.

If the Terrans have a saint sitting in the town, how can they still be a pawn of the saint?

A race with saints sitting in the town, even if it is not a Heavenly Dao trend, such a race is the number one race in the flood wilderness.

Hmph, calculate me, don't think I don't have a temper!

Nuwa was also so indignant in her heart, of course, if Taichen could be sanctified as a Terran, her brother would not be allowed to be banned.

There is also a selfish heart of Nuwa.

"The disciple will definitely protect the Taichen Zhenjun."

Although she is born in the Terran race, she is the first congenital Terran race, which was created by Nuwa herself, and her heels and feet are even more congenital, with Nuwa's bloodline, in theory, she can call Nuwa a mother.

However, she knew that this act of clinging to the cause and effect of the saint was the way to death.

Moreover, being able to become a named disciple of a saint is also a supreme blessing.

After experiencing many calamities of the Terran race, the demon slaughter calamity, the witch slaughter calamity, the three emperors and five emperor calamities, she understood the importance of strength, she cultivated desperately, although her qualifications were limited.

But now it is still the Daluo Perfection Realm, and the Infinite Realm is quasi-saintly.

All that is missing is a chance to behead the corpse.

"Go! By the way, tell that kid in Taichen, if you can't intercept the teaching, you can come to the palace to find the main seat! "

Nuwa nodded, she didn't know what the reason was, she always felt that this Taichen herself had an unspeakable involvement, but she couldn't see it in the long river of fate.

Can't think clearly, Nuwa can only explain like this.

"The disciple receives the decree!"

After saying that, the Nine Heavenly Xuannu turned and left!

And Yang Chan next to her blinked and looked at Nuwa with a pair of big eyes.

"How? Do you want the Nether too? Haven't played enough below before?

Practice hard, when will you break through the realm of Taiyi and then the lower realm, not to mention that now the Nether Tribulation is rising, and there are many dangers, and going with your cultivation is only the end of the Heavenly Sealing God List. "

But I have the talisman magic weapon you gave, and my second brother, how can there be so much danger."

Yang Chan pouted, although she didn't say anything, but Nuwa understood her thoughts, but she didn't get used to her directly closing her eyes and starting to wander the world.

In Xianshui Pass, Yang Jian scanned the entire General Military Mansion with his heavenly eyes.

"Huh? Why is it not in the General Military Mansion, can't this thief succeed in the Xiqi battlefield? No, could it be that this thief really has an idea about Taijitu? "

After inspecting the entire Xianshui Pass, he found that he had not found the target, so he turned into a golden light and entered the general military mansion, and Shen Nian controlled a small soldier, and only after questioning did he know.

It turns out that the thief is really no longer in the General Military Mansion.

"It's not good, this thief is really bold, and he even has ideas about the saint's supreme treasure." Thinking of this, regardless of whether Han Rong and the others in the city noticed it or not, they directly turned into a golden light and went towards the Xiqi battlefield.

Sure enough, of course, such an obvious golden light could not be concealed from Han Rong and the others.

Han Rong and the others hurriedly walked over.

Looking at Yu Hua beside him, Yu Hua looked solemn at the moment, "'This person must be a disciple of the Interpretation Sect, his cultivation is unfathomable, and he must have come here for the sake of Uncle Taichen, but he didn't find the figure of Uncle Taichen, so he left directly. "

"In this way, isn't the second brother in danger?"

Han Rong was shocked.

"Why should father worry, this is just an incarnation of the second uncle, even if there is a danger, it has always been the loss of an incarnation, besides, the second uncle has many runes in his hands, even if the other party is a Da Luo Golden Immortal?"

Han Sheng and Han Cheng next to him said with a slight smile.

"Oh? That Fifth Master Uncle Ancestor is just an incarnation? Yu Hua was surprised, he hadn't heard of it before, he thought he was Uncle Shi himself.


Hearing Han Sheng's unobstructed words, Han Rong drank angrily, and his father's words made Han Sheng quickly silence, knowing that he had said the wrong thing, and neither of them said anything about the incarnation of this second uncle.

Even if they didn't tell the Master Venerable Law (Qian Hao Zhao) Commandment.

"Forget it, Brother Yu Hua is a disciple of the Sect, he is too nervous for his father, Brother Yu, please forgive me."

Han Rong knew that he was a little rude, and apologized again and again. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Great Shuai, there is no need for this, Great Shuai is also worried about Uncle Junior, there is no big mistake in being careful, as a disciple of the Sect, I don't want any accidents to Uncle Junior."

As an inner disciple of the Sect Intercept, Penglai Immortal Dao and his party naturally knew about Han Chen becoming the fifth disciple of the sect leader.

It would be a pity to be able to get the favor of a saint like the Sect Leader, and think that the future potential is endless, if it falls before it grows up...

Shouyang Mountain, looking at the River Tuluo Book in his hand, Taiqing nodded with satisfaction.

"With this treasure in hand, the talisman seal of Master Taichen's nephew can be dissolved, and the evolution of the immortal book is also hopeful!"

Since returning from the North Sea, Taiqing did not directly return to the Great Red Sky Taiqing Realm, but returned to the human dojo Shouyang Mountain Miao.

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