Although the Mixed Yuan One Flame Talisman is the Rune Dao Supreme Treasure, and holding this treasure can obtain the Fu Dao Three Cheng Qi Luck, but in fact, what is really more like the Rune Dao Supreme Treasure in the flood and wilderness is really not the Mixed Yuan One Flame Talisman.

Although it is the ultimate innate spirit treasure, it can only be regarded as the middle stream among the ultimate innate spirit treasure.

Far from the top.

And the River Tuluo Book is the way of easy number evolution, the treasure of fate, and it can evolve all things in the sky, and Emperor Fuxi used this treasure to create innate gossip.

Innate Bagua can not only predict the heavenly machine, but also represent a kind of rule power, and the two combined basic mountains can contain the power of all the rules of heaven and earth.

Therefore, the River Tuluo Book also has a great restraint effect on things such as runes that borrow the power of the rules of heaven and earth, and the difference between the Mixed Yuan Yiqi Rune is that holding this treasure cannot obtain rune luck.

Moreover, it is not possible to temper the Zhengshen Rune Seal.

Now that he has his own master and nephew doing things in the God Sealing Tribulation, with the power of the runes, he can definitely bring a lot of trouble to the teachings.

He was called for help by Jiang Ziya, and he was also helpless.

He wanted to help, but with the lessons of the past, the Mixed Yuan Yijiao Talisman was taken away, and now the River Tuluo Book could not be lost anymore, otherwise his Heavenly Court Immortal Scheme would really go bankrupt.

"But this Taichen master and nephew can't leave it alone!"

Now the Taiqing Daoist is very helpless.

Sometimes he really wanted to personally strike and suppress Han Chen, but as a saint 963, he made a move against the disciples of the Late Generation, and the other party had not made any mistakes.

He is completely out of reach.

Unless, he, the master and nephew, does not respect the saint, just like the last time he killed his own imprint incarnation in the Taiqing talisman, if only the other party really killed his own imprint incarnation.

So he also has an excuse to shoot.

"That's it, let it be handed over to the burning lamp, there is a burning lamp in charge of this treasure, I think it is unlikely that Master Taichen will take this treasure from the hands of the burning lamp with the true immortal cultivation!"

Although he can't grasp the path of his own master and nephew of the same origin.

But he didn't believe that the cultivation of the burning lamp close to the quasi-saint could still be lost, so this burning lamp was really waste.

"Xuandu apprentice!"

"Disciple meet Master!" As soon as Tai Qing's voice fell, a middle-aged Daoist walked in, and he asked when he saw Li, "What is Master's order to find Xuandu?" "

Taiqing took out a treasure casually.

"This is the ultimate innate spirit treasure river map, which can restrain the runes of Master Taichen's nephew, you go and give this treasure to the burning lamp, let it be used for good life, and you must not lose this treasure again."

If he loses this treasure, the poor will ask him! "

Yes, the Taiqing Daoist only took out the river map, but Luo Shu did not take it out, although the two treasures shot at the same time, it will definitely be a talisman to the greatest extent.

But the degree of danger has also increased. (dafj)

In case of being served by a pot, it is to, and relying on the river diagram alone, although there are no two magic weapons to cooperate with such complete restraint, it can also limit the power of the talisman seal.

In this way, the runes are no longer Xiqi's biggest headache, and if the power of the runes is greatly weakened, and Xiqi can't fight, then these disciples are really useless.

"Disciples obey!"

After taking over Hetu Xuandu's expression was also complicated, he did not expect that the Pangu clan god he had been looking for before was actually from the Terran race, and it was said that it was also a happy thing for him to have such a Tianjiao among the Terrans.

After all, he was also from the Terran race.

Of course, I also hope that the Terran race is strong, and it would be better if it could be introduced into the human teaching, but unfortunately, the fate law is not available.

And this guy actually has the ability to refine the rune, and even snatched away his master's rune supreme treasure mixed yuan Yiqi Taiqing talisman, as far as he knows, the master seems to be preparing to use this rune treasure to promote a big opportunity for his Donghua junior brother.

Now, the Taiqing Talisman is gone, and the opportunity is gone.


Another scream came from the battlefield formation, Han Chen looked up, but a spiritual light rushed straight into the sky towards the God List, "Alas, another Daoist friend has walked the Divine Dao!" "

In this regard, the early stage of the God Sealing Tribulation is actually better, basically can be on the God Sealing List, walking the way of God, although it is not allowed to get away, but it is also a way of immortality.

The three realms of the Flood Desolation, the vast sentient beings, those who can really cultivate Da Luo, how many people, even the disciples of the saints are not necessarily able to cultivate the Da Luo Golden Immortal, let alone ordinary cultivators.

Refining Qi Immortal Dao cannot achieve Da Luo Golden Immortal, in fact, it is not safe to walk the Divine Dao.

After all, if you have not achieved the Great Luo Golden Immortal, even if you do not encounter the Heaven and Earth Tribulation, there will be various calamities, and these calamities will often be generated unknowingly.

If you are not careful, you will die.

And to achieve the Da Luo Golden Immortal, you only need to worry about the calamity of heaven and earth, and all other calamities will disappear, so it is known as the Da Luo Immortal who is free and free.

Shinto, on the other hand, doesn't need to worry about these calamities.

In the true sense, living with heaven and earth, the supreme world of the flood waste, if it can be promoted, then the god of heaven and earth will not be able to say that he can still be stained with chickens and dogs to ascend to heaven.

"Hahaha, Wen Zhong, what other skills, just show it, see how I explain the immortal arts, how to break the methods of intercepting the teachings one by one!"

What flew out was a middle-aged Taoist with a round face and a goatee, the Taoist was wearing a wind and fire robe, and a mysterious golden rope in his hand that exuded the breath of the weather.

Needless to say, it should be the innate spirit treasure bundled immortal rope given by the Yuan Shi Tianzun.

This treasure is a little incomprehensible, if there is no innate spirit treasure in hand, it is difficult to crack it, and the Ten Heavenly Monarch, there is no innate spirit treasure in his hand, if he can block it.

But looking at his gray face, I think he was almost hit by the Purple Sky God Thunder.

Afraid of Liusun, these two and five children still have some means!

As a mid-stage Daluo Golden Immortal Perfection cultivator, he was almost promoted to become a powerhouse in the late stage of Daluo Golden Immortal, and later betrayed the sect with his Miaoshan sister, this guy is much better than his Miaoshan sister.

Directly become a Buddha.

Seeing the fearful Liusun who was standing in the air laughing wantonly, Wen Zhong was furious, but he was helpless, Qin Wan's defeat before could be considered careless, after all, even the Purple Xiao Thunder Talisman was not cast.

But this time, Zhao Jiang cast the Purple Sky Divine Thunder.

Or was sent to the list of gods by fearing Liusun, this is the gap between external forces and his own cultivation, thinking of this, Wen Zhong couldn't help but feel a sense of powerlessness.

"Report, Marshal Han of Xianshuiguan sent a secret letter!" Just when Wen Zhong's face was full of worry, a scout voice shouted.

"Marshal Han? Quick, bring the messenger in. "

On the other side, Fear Liusun's face showed a hint of fear after returning to Xiqi City.

Just now, I almost fell by myself. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Good risk!

"Congratulations to Junior Brother on his victorious return!"

Burning Lantern stepped forward to congratulate him, and the other people also stepped forward to congratulate him, but everyone saw that Fear Liusun's face did not look happy, and Burning Lantern asked curiously, "Junior Brother, this is..."

"Teacher, it is really a fluke that the disciple was able to survive this time, if it weren't for that Zhao Jiang's lack of cultivation and the reaction of the Great Luo Golden Immortal such as me, I am afraid that the disciple would have already fallen in that land formation by now.

Now that I think about it, I still feel scared for a while! "

Hearing the words of Fear of Liusun, everyone was shocked in their hearts, and the cultivators who were afraid of Liusun knew that they belonged to the middle level among all the Golden Immortals, and the mid-stage of the Da Luo Golden Immortal was complete, and they could almost become the late stage of the Da Luo Golden Immortal.

Afraid that the grandchildren of Liusun almost fell, wouldn't they also be the same?

"I don't know if Master Uncle thought of restraining the talisman method of that Taichen Zhenjun." Jiang Ziya muttered to himself, he knew that it would not work in this way, and if he didn't get it right, he would have to break a few senior brothers and sisters here.

So, how did he explain to his master?

And at the same time, a voice reached Han Chen's ears.

"Looking for you!".

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