Surrounded by four Da Luo Golden Immortal powerhouses, and there was also Yang Jian blocking the first battle of the Feng Shen above, in this case, it was basically difficult for any cultivator below Da Luo to have a chance to survive.

Being on the list of gods is the best choice.

On the Xiqi City Wall, Jiang Ziya and everyone were excited when they saw such a scene, except for the Cihang Daoist, who was still as ancient as ever, but they were a little worried in their hearts.

At this time, Cihang was still able to see that this Taichen was only cultivated by true immortals.

It shows that this person is not her true body, but an avatar refined by mediating the power of the Transformation God, but even if she knows that it is an incarnation, she is still a little worried in her heart.

"Senior sister, you keep an eye on that Taichen Daoist to prevent him from escaping with a secret technique."

Just as Cihang was thinking about it, Jiang Ziya's voice next to him came, "Senior sister? Masters? Did you hear that? "

Jiang "Seven Eight Three" Ziya Gang did not look at the expression of his world, but directly prompted, but found that this senior sister who was good to him did not answer himself at the first time, which made Jiang Ziya strange in his heart.

"Junior Brother Ziya rest assured, there is a poor road staring, and it is impossible to let him escape again."

Cihang's words were still decisive.

"Senior sister doesn't need to think about the last mistake, it was not the fault of Senior Sister alone to be won by this Taichen Daoist last time, this is the responsibility of all of us."

Jiang Ziya also thought that this senior sister of himself saw Taichen's touch of Jing's injury, and remembered that he was repelled by the true immortal.

Cihang did not explain, but nodded.

And here, Han Chen saw that the other party was menacing, and he felt in his heart that his choice was clear, and he really had to thank himself for refining a peach incarnation.

Otherwise, now I am afraid that even if I don't want to be on the God Sealing List, I will be on the God Sealing List.

Because of Han Chen's tragic discovery, when he was about to take out the spatial teleportation talisman, the surrounding space was actually locked by the four elephant formations cast by the four Great Luo Golden Immortal Perfection powerhouses.

The four-elephant formation This is a relatively common formation in the flood wilderness, not only the sect, but also the immortals who are generally interested in the formation will, of course, it can be further developed in this basic formation, to what extent.

It depends on the creation of the individual.

The strong such as the Heavenly Immortal Sword Array, the weak can bully and bully the Earth Immortal Little Demon King.

And obviously the four people who burn the lamp will really be in the four-elephant formation.

The innate spirit treasure in the hands of the four people urged at the same time, the space was locked, even if Han Cheng now has a god-level spatial teleportation talisman, he can't get out, if there is a Dao-level spatial teleportation talisman, then you can still try.

As for the two Dao talismans in his hand, the Mixed Yuan Sword Qi Talisman and the Dutian God Thunder Rune.

But it is very strong, enough to exert the power of the middle stage of the quasi-saint, but the difference in cultivation is too big, his own reaction can not keep up with others, no matter how powerful the Dao talisman is, the other party can hide, moreover, the other party also has innate spirit treasure defense.

"Could it be that my avatar really has to be explained here?"

To be honest, Han Chen couldn't bear this incarnation, after all, it was refined from a nine-thousand-year-old purple peach, how could such a material that did not require the consumption of its own mana and too much spirit energy be so common.

Unless he joins the Heavenly Court and the Jade Emperor to become good brothers, it is estimated that the queen mother is unlikely to fill her purple peach tube.

"Yang Jian, what great hatred do you and I have, we have to kill the poor road?"

Looking up at Yang Jian standing in the clouds, Han Chen shouted.

"Hmph, Taichen Zhenjun, don't you know that what you did to block the Xiqi felling and go against the general trend of heaven and earth, this is your own misfortune, and you can't let others.

Moreover, the last time you snatched the most precious treasure of the saint from my hands, how can such an act be called a grudge?

The cause and effect here are over today.

Taoist friends are still tied up, don't do negative resistance, and go easier. "

Yang Jian's expression was grim, his eyes did not have the slightest mood fluctuation, and at the center of his forehead and eyebrows, the eyes of Reincarnation Heaven flowed, and his mana accumulated, obviously waiting for a fatal blow at any time.

"Hahaha, today, to let the Interpretation Sect dispatch so many Da Luo Golden Immortal masters, but it is also a deep honor for the poor road, but to say that the poor road is tied up, it is to underestimate the poor road.

Although Poor Dao is a small true immortal, he is not a person who is wanton and so on. "

Saying that, Han Chen secretly urged, a talisman seal.


The seal turned into a divine light, and in the first instant, the rules of heaven and earth were connected, and the rules of heaven and earth were all heavenly god thunder rules.


The thunder exploded, and the chaotic destruction aura of the Dutian God thunder cut through the long sky, and the powerful and suffocating fluctuations of the rules of destruction instantly caused all the living beings within a radius of thousands of miles to have a tremor in the depths of this soul... 0

Including many Da Luo Golden Immortals present.

Burning Lamp and Guang Chengzi and the others looked up at the thunder that cut through the void with the aura of destruction, stunned, and couldn't believe it, because what they saw was actually the Heavenly God Thunder created by Pangu Great God back then.

It's all heavenly thunder.

This is the divine thunder that can only be unleashed if you have completely mastered the supreme divine power of the Five Thunder Zhengfa, and this thunder is much stronger than the thunder method created by Sanqing.

These Da Luo Golden Immortals did not fully control the supreme power of the Five Thunder True Law.

Among the second-generation disciples of the Interpretation Sect, that is, Yun Zhongzi had a deep study of this divine ability, and the others were only satisfied with practicing the Five Thunder Method.

And now, this guy actually summoned such a thunder.

This is definitely not something that runes can do.


Taichen Zhenjun can refine Dao talismans?

Thinking of this, the heart of the Golden Immortal was shocked, the meaning of the Dao talisman was different, and the rune was thought to be able to refine the talisman seal.

Some of the Great Luo Golden Immortal's Rune Dao Grandmasters can also be refined, but the success rate is not necessarily high.

And the Dao talisman, I am afraid that only a saint can refine it, and it can only refine the Dao talisman of the avenue that he has studied.

Powerful enough to have the destructive aura of a quasi-saint mid-stage cultivation, the thunder slashed straight towards Yang Jian.

Yang Jian finished. 2.3

This is the first reaction in the hearts of the second-generation disciples of the Interpretation Sect, Yang Jian cultivated the Eight Nine Xuan Gong, and even cultivated into a divine body, his strength is not under the ordinary Da Luo Golden Immortal, but it is only a Da Luo Golden Immortal.

In front of him, this is comparable to the power of the quasi-saint mid-stage Dutian God Thunder, not to mention ordinary Da Luo Golden Immortal, even if the lamp is faced, he has to kneel.


Of course, if Yang Jian is a real Da Luo Golden Immortal, he can't bear such power, but there may still be a chance to dodge, but the problem is that Yang Jian is only a Taiyi Golden Immortal now.

Even if it is infinitely close to Da Luo, it is still not Da Luo.

"Am I falling?" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Can't hide, can't carry it!

Looking at the Dutian God Thunder who was slashing towards him with the chaotic color destruction aura, Yang Jian's heart was full of despair, and he was on the God List, this is not what he wanted, what he wanted was to preach with strength and achieve the supreme mixed yuan Dao fruit.

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