
A voice came.

At the same moment, a divine light flew from the sky, and the divine light came to the sky above Yang Jian, instantly turning into a gossip map, wanting to block this heavenly divine thunder.

Above the divine light, in the clouds, a person held floating dust, the wind and fire Dao robe danced with the wind, and the fairy wind Dao bone, holding the seal in his hand, controlled the Bagua God Map.

Senior Brother Xuandu?

Among the three religions, except for Duo Bao, who has followed Tongtian to cultivate his heart since he was a child, the other disciples were all received after Sanqing preached the Dao, and Xuandu was a personal disciple of the Taiqing saint when he was looking for a preaching opportunity among the human race.

Therefore, Xuandu's rank among the three religions is still very high.

Even the lantern also joined the Interpretation Sect in the back, but only because this guy had been to the Purple Xiao Palace, he was named the deputy sect leader of the Interpretation Sect by Yuan Shi, in fact, he was not even a personal disciple.

Seeing that it was the Xuandu Daoist people, everyone was overjoyed, but they couldn't stop it.

Yang Jian is the same, although Xuandu is also a Daluo Golden Immortal, but he is already infinitely close to the quasi-saint cultivator, this time he came to Xiqi, I think 30 must be on the order of the master uncle.

That is to say, Master Uncle has found a way to deal with the Taichen Dao Ren Rune.

Is it this gossip map?

The immortals of the Interpretation Sect saw the huge Bagua Map with a radius of hundreds of meters, and various visions emerged in the map, forming a divine light like the Heavenly God Thunder Killing.

There is no one who does not know about the gossip map.

This is a magical secret technique created by Emperor Fuxi to help the Terrans predict the natural disasters of heaven and earth by borrowing the book of the supreme treasure river Tuluo of the ancient Heavenly Emperor Dijun, and such secret techniques do not require magical cultivators.

Ordinary people can also deduce by consuming qi luck, and it is extremely accurate.

Because of the need to consume qi luck, even if the consumption of qi luck is minimal, but for the Terran Imperial Dynasty, one more point of luck is one more point of national luck, so the rulers of the Terran Imperial Dynasty basically will not use this technique to predict natural disasters in heaven and earth.

It's already nice to use it once a year.

This is also the role of the gossip chart that everyone knows.


The thunder crashed into the divine light, which did not affect the pace of the Dutian God Thunder in the slightest, and the thunder seemed to pass through the gossip map like a sieve.

But everyone, including Han Chen, obviously felt that the power of that thunder had actually weakened, and it had become a power that only had the level of the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

From the middle of the quasi-saint to the Daluo Golden Immortal consummation.

This gossip diagram can restrain the power of the talisman seal, Han Chen is depressed at the moment, this talisman way is really chicken, it is estimated that it may have unexpected effects against ordinary demons.


Thunder hit Yang Jian smoothly.


Yang Jian screamed in pain, although it was not a quasi-saint-level Dutian God Thunder, but it was also the power of the Daluo Golden Immortal Perfection level, his divine body, strong defense ability, but this was the heaven-opening Dutian God Thunder.

On the spot, Yang Jian fell directly from the air, and his life and death were unknown.

Seeing that the owner was hit, the dog fell from the air, quickly turned into a divine beast that was several feet in size, caught the master, and flew towards Xiqi City.

"Yang Jian!" Hiroshiko shouted with a worried face.

Seeing that the Heavenly Dog rescued Yang Jian, although Guang Chengzi was worried, he did not leave the formation, but looked at Han Chen below with a guarded face, all Heavenly God Thunder.

This kid actually still has a Dao talisman, and even if Senior Brother Xuandu's gossip diagram can restrain the Dao talisman in his hand, it can only weaken the Dao Immortal Perfection.

The power of Da Luo Golden Immortal Perfection is not so easy to stop.

The only way is to dodge in case this kid sneaks up.

"Senior Brother Xuandu, this son is Taichen, he snatched the Taiqing Divine Rune of the Master Uncle, and he still has the Dao Talisman in his hand that can release the Heavenly God Thunder, Senior Brother must be careful with this son!"

Taiyi Zhenren saw the gossip map that Master Xuandu was manipulating in his hand, and the kilometer gossip map instantly turned into a tiny miniature gossip map, which was hidden in the palm of his hand.

When Xuandu heard this, he also looked at the young Daoist below in surprise.

Feeling that he only has the complete cultivation of true immortals, this person is Pangu Clan Taichen? Who did Master let himself look for in the first place?

"No wonder Master Venerable wants me to send the river map, even the Dao Talisman can be made, this is too against the sky, just now that Heavenly God Thunder, if there is no River Map, Yang Jian's nephew is afraid that there will not even be slag left."

I don't know how Yang Jian's nephew is now. "

Xuandu was also worried in his heart, after all, Yang Jian, as the first battle general of the Western Qi Dynasty, absolutely could not afford to lose.

And the following Taichen also looked up when he heard this, but it was a middle-aged Daoist, Master Xuandu, and a big disciple of Master Uncle? Why did he also come, could it be that Master Uncle was because he had more Mixed Yuan Yiqi Talisman last time?

"Xuandu Daoyou is also here to send the poor road on the list?"

Han Chen smiled and looked up in the direction of Xuandu very indifferently and asked, but Xuandu frowned when he heard this, shook his head and said.

"Junior Brother Taichen shouldn't forcibly go against the sky!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Against the sky? Hehe, who is not against the heavens and who is not competing with the heavens in the practice of the flood wilderness, moreover, you and others can also represent the heavens, there is no need to do more verbal battles, what means to show. "

And Xuandu began to transmit a message to the four people of Guangchengzi at this moment.

Dear junior brothers, in the hands of the poor Dao is the superb innate spirit treasure river map given by the master, this object has a powerful weakening effect on the way of the rune seal, but just in case, you will cooperate with the poor way later.

I will wait for the four of them to strike at the same time, block the Dao talisman in their hands in the poor road, and you will kill it as quickly as possible.

Hearing Xuandu's transmission, the four of them looked at each other, and they all nodded secretly.

Suddenly, the intention of killing 243 spread throughout the battlefield, and the killing intent of Da Luo Jinxian made the surrounding soldiers feel inexplicably frightened, and everyone on the city wall had already picked Yang Jian over at this moment.

The Cihang Daoist stepped forward with a worried mood.

The jade hand caressed the top of Yang Jian's head, and a green light wrapped Yang Jian.

After a while, he stopped casting spells and shook his head, "Master Yang Jian's nephew's soul has been destroyed, only a trace of remnant soul remains, and he can't even meet the requirements for being on the list, if he can't get the master uncle's nine-turn soul return pill as soon as possible, I'm afraid that even if the saint is difficult to save." "

Yes, under the power of the Dutian God Thunder, Yang Jian's divine soul was shattered, only a trace of the remnant soul remained, and his flesh was filled with the power of the destructive Dutian God Thunder.

Feeling the power of the Heavenly God Thunder in his body, Cihang couldn't help but sigh in his heart about the perversion of the power of the Heavenly God Thunder.

At this moment, Yang Jian had essentially fallen, and only because he had cultivated into a divine body had preserved that remnant soul, otherwise, his soul would have been scattered long ago.

"Ahhh... Master and nephew Yang Jian, how could it be? "

At this moment, a drop of three-light divine water dripped from Cihang's hand, and the divine light did not enter his forehead.

"With this drop of three-light divine water, it can protect the divine soul of Yang Jian's master and nephew as much as possible, but the Nine Turns Soul Return Pill needs to be asked quickly and quickly, and if you can't wait, please ask Junior Brother Ziya to contact Master Uncle."

When Jiang Ziya heard this, he quickly set out the incense altar and began to contact the Taiqing sage.

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