Kyushu Shending, Emperor Yu took the bronze of the first yang that year, with the whole Terran people, each of them a drop of essence blood, combined with the nine sons of the dragon, the Terran Qi luck casting, the Terran Qi luck is the treasure.

Emperor Yu's idea was to replace the seal in the hands of the Taiqing saints with this treasure, and by the way, use this treasure to guard the Terran Kyushu.

When he became a person, he replaced the position of the most precious fortune of the Taiqing Saint, but he was unsuccessful, mainly because although the Jiuzhou Ding cast by Emperor Yu was good, it was not of high level.

The nine gods are only the ultimate acquired meritorious spirit treasures, and if the nine gods can become the acquired supreme treasure, they may be able to replace the Zheng Yin as the true Terran supreme treasure.

Take charge of the Terran Luck.

But how can this be so simple, generally Da Luo Jinxian can hold a Houtian Lingbao is already good, and it is said that it makes the ultimate Houtian Merit Lingbao become the Houtian Treasure.

The divine materials needed in this are not something that ordinary people can get together, even if the Terrans have become the protagonists of heaven and earth, they are helpless.

You know, even if Yuan Shi Tianzun has only refined a Heavenly Seal of the Acquired Supreme Treasure over the years.

However, although it did not replace the Terrangyin, it also added a Qi Luck Spirit Treasure to the Terran 997, and it also guarded the habitat of the Terran Kyushu, and ruled the Terran Kyushu as the orthodox Terran side.

It is the true co-master of the Terrans.

And in the Terran Jiuzhou has Jiuding as a monitor, nothing can be concealed from the three emperors and five emperors, even if the sky is chaotic now, the three emperors and five emperors can check what is happening in Kyushu through the Jiuzhou ding.

This is better than being a saint.

Therefore, everything that happened to the Feng Shen Measure Tribulation was carried out under the noses of the three emperors and five emperors, but this is the general trend of the great will of heaven and earth, and the three emperors and five emperors who are in charge of humanity dare not oppose it.

The general trend, suddenly Jiuzhou Ding was triggered, which really surprised the three emperors and five emperors.

Among the entire human race, only a few people can control Jiuzhou Ding, and the three emperors, five emperors, three ancestors, and human kings can also summon Jiuzhou Ding when they fight against foreign races, but it will consume the luck of the dynasty.

As for the civil war of the Terrans, this Jiuzhou Ding could not be summoned.

In addition to the human king, there is another person who can cast the Jiuzhou Ding, that is, the Terran God of War, and also the Terran Protector, when the demon emperor slaughtered the Terrans, the Xuannu held a sword to resist the enemy, and fled the flood and barren land with the remnants of the Terrans.

It was enough to protect the remaining tenth of the Terrans at that time, and it was this move that the Terrans enshrined them as the protectors of the Terrans, the Nine Heavenly Xuannu.

Celestial Fire Cloud Cave.

"Brother Yu, this... Is this the Protector summoning Kyushu Ding? Do you know what he used this ding? The Yellow Emperor looked at Emperor Yu in surprise and asked.

Kyushu is refined by Emperor Yu, in essence, this is his magic weapon, of course, now it is the magic weapon of the Terran race, connected with the luck of the Terran race, in short, Emperor Yu has more complete control over this treasure.

Fuxi, Shennong and others also looked at Emperor Yu.

Emperor Yu said with a wry smile, "Do you royal brothers remember the Pangu clan god that appeared in my human race not long ago? "

"Of course I remember, to be honest, that is, I envy him, with the blessing of the Pangu God, I am afraid that the future will be infinite, not although I have become the god of the Pangu clan, but in the end I am from my human race, I still hope that he can grow up."

Shennong Fuxu nodded and said.

The rest of the people also nodded in agreement, it is true, and this Taichen also has Terran affection, it can be said that this son is the innate god of the Terran race.

Instead of a separate innate deity, what is the defect of the Terrans, isn't it not good to follow the feet.

Even if the innate being, no matter how hard you try, it is still difficult to cut off the three corpses, just like the Nine Heavenly Xuannu of the Protector of the Terrans, Chisongzi and others, they have been in the Great Luo Golden Immortal for a long time, and there are people with luck to support, but I don't know why they can't cut off the three corpses to become quasi-saints.

The three emperors and five emperors thought about it, and they only thought that it should be because the Terrans and the bottom of their feet were too shallow.

I think that their three emperors and five emperors can achieve their current cultivation is not by heels, but basically by merit, but how can there be so much (dadd) merit in heaven and earth.

"Brother Yu is saying that the Protector summoned Jiuzhou Ding for Taichen Xiaoyou?"

Thinking of something, Xuanyuan Huangdi asked.

Emperor Yu also nodded, "It is just like this, the immortal is the god of the calamity, and the Taichen Xiaoyou worships under the door of the Tongtian Saint, trapped in the calamity, and was besieged and killed by the four Da Luo Golden Immortals.

Just when Taichen Xiaoyou was killed, the protector arrived in time and summoned the Kyushu Shending to protect Taichen Xiaoyou. "

"This.... It's just!

Even if you are optimistic about this son, you can't summon Kyushu Ding, I don't know if Jiuzhou Ding is now compatible with humanity, and want to use the power of humanity to achieve the most precious treasure after tomorrow?

Interrupting the Daohe state casually will only increase the difficulty of Jiuzhou Ding replacing the Jiuzheng Seal as the Terran's Qi Fortune Treasure! "

Fuxi couldn't help but scold at the moment.

Yes, under the control of the three emperors and five emperors, although it cannot change the status of the Yongzhengyin as the most precious treasure of the Terran Race, it can block the supply of humanitarian forces to the Yuanzhengyin.

The current seal is equivalent to something that can only enjoy humanitarian dividends, but cannot enjoy humanitarian control.

Even, at any time, it is possible that Li Dai Tao Zombie will replace the status of Zheng Yin.

These, the Taiqing Saint also knows, but he can't either, although the three emperors and five emperors are now suppressed by their Heavenly Dao vein, they can't come out of the Fire Cloud Cave Heaven.

But they do control humanitarian authority.

With this operation, the Taiqing Saint could only dry his eyes.

"The protector is impulsive!"

Xuanyuan Huangdi also nodded and said, although he was also optimistic about Taichen, it was definitely not worth it. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Impulsive or not, but not necessarily, have you forgotten whether the protector is still a disciple of Nuwa Niangniang? Maybe she knows something we don't know? "

Shennong said with a smile.

The three emperors and five emperors, although they have obtained the position of the emperor, but in the end this is only the karma of heaven and earth, in fact, it is just the karma of Tianzun, and the cultivation realm is not a saint after all.

The Three Emperors became the supreme beings with some immortal and immortal saint traits.

And the Five Emperors are purely quasi-Saint Perfection powerhouses.

There are not many quasi-saint consummation powerhouses in such a flood world, but there are not many ah, the three thousand innate demon gods of the Zixiao Palace back then, although they fell a lot in the Lich Tribulation.

But there are still many who hide in the dark and try to practice.

It is precisely because the three emperors and five emperors are not mixed yuan powerhouses, so many things still cannot be done, such as investigating the possibility of what happened in the long river of fate.

This is the exclusive ability of the Mixed Element Saint powerhouse.

"Huh? What we don't know. Fuxi saw that everyone was looking at him, and he immediately understood.

"Don't worry, brothers, for my brother, I will repair the book to ask Niangniang about the reason for Taichen Xiaoyou, what is the reason why it is worth letting the Protector summon the Kyushu Shending?"

Although he reincarnated the Terrans, became a Terran and obtained the position of Daoist Emperor, the brother-sister relationship between him and the Nuwa Saint has never changed, and even from time to time the Nuwa Saint will come to the Fire Cloud Cave as a guest.

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