The manifestation of the Kyushu Shending not only alarmed the three emperors and five emperors, but also alarmed the saints, and also alarmed the human emperor Xin Linwang, who was singing.

Not for anything else, because of the manifestation of Jiuding, all demons in Kyushu will be affected by this breath, of course, including Su Daji, at this moment, Su Daji looked at the illusory Jiuzhou Ding in the sky with a panicked face.

Turned his head to look at King Jun.

"King help!" One threw himself in the arms of the ~ king.

"Concubine Ai, don't worry, this is the Jiuzhou Ding that Emperor Yu refined back then, this Ding protects my Terran race and will not attack us!" Seeing Daji's panicked appearance at the moment, King Shun was distressed, and quickly held him in his arms, gently patting the other party's crisp-back shoulder to comfort him.

"The concubine knows, but the concubine has never seen this Jiuding, and she was suddenly frightened by this situation!

The king doesn't know who summoned this Jiuzhou Ding, is this person trying to do something wrong to my great business? "

For Jiuzhou Ding, although Daji has practiced for thousands of years, she has really never seen it, but has heard of it, and now she is taken by this Jiuding divine aura, even if this Jiuzhou Ding is not aimed at herself, it also makes her weak in mind, and she may show the original impulse at any time.

Fortunately, she suppressed it.

"Concubine Ai, don't talk nonsense, this ding is refined by Emperor Yu, and there are still some people in the three realms who can summon this ding, except for Gu and Emperor Yu, but I don't know why they summoned this ding.

Come! "


A general walked in and bowed down.

"Go and find out the reason why the Kyushu Divine Ding appeared!"

"Subordinates take orders!"

At this moment, King Jun was also worried about something!


Seeing such a change, the entire Xiqi Earth Mountain Range collapsed, the living veins burst out, the river was diverted, and suddenly a purgatory-like scene appeared in the Xiqi land.

Such a scene shocked the four of them, panicked, and angry, and then looked at the person in the Jiuzhou Ding, Taichen Zhenjun, with red eyes.

Why is this happening?

How did you get Jiuzhou Ding out, this Jiuzhou Ding suppressed the earth, connected with the earth vein, the source of humanity, and the four people attacked, all blocked by Jiuzhou Ding.

However, these attack powers will not disappear, but will be transferred to the land of Xiqi.

This is what caused such a doomsday scene of mountains and rivers collapsing.

This is great karma.

These karma were all made by the four of them, how could they bear such karma, and sure enough, in an instant, the four of them felt a mysterious thing added.

Although they can't see what it is.

But at the same time, all the cultivation perceptions they had felt before disappeared at this moment, and they felt as if they had become stupid.

Karma added!

These four words came to the minds of the four people, at this moment, the four of them simply hated this Taichen Zhenjun, if they didn't deal with each other, how could they have such karma.


Standing on the Xiqi City Wall, Cihang and Chi Shu and the others all gasped when they saw this, and they were secretly glad in their hearts, fortunately they didn't make a move, otherwise it would be themselves who suffered.

These four are finished!

This was the first reaction in the hearts of the second-generation disciples of the Cihang Daoist and others, at least until the karma in their bodies was removed, all visions were gone.

That is to say, the Antarctic Immortal Emperor and the East Pole Qinghua Emperor are about to change?

These two Heavenly Venerable Karma positions are expounded, and they have been promised to Tai Yi and Nanji by Yuan Shi before, but they have not yet returned to their positions, and now if the God Sealing Tribulation is completed, it is not very realistic not to return to their places.

And the two of them have great karma in them, how can such a person He De hold the position of Tianzun?

Do not take the great will of heaven and earth for a fool.

is based on...

Thinking of this, Manjushri, Fearing Liusun and others all lit up their eyes, if they could get a Tianzun karma position, it would be much better than any Buddha and Bodhisattva fruit position in the West.

Even, such a huge karma, maybe it will fall into the calamity.

So better.

A few people thought ill of it, but King Wu and the generals were gathering soldiers to help the people who were affected by the disaster, but they couldn't control the thoughts in the hearts of these Jiao Jinxians.

All are in the land of Xiqi, Xiqi City was affected by the disaster, and Wen Zhong's merchant army camp was similar, but because they were all soldiers, at least warriors, they were not greatly affected.


And at this moment, a bird chirp came from the air. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Everyone looked up, but it was the Qingluan that had always been huge, and above the Qingluan stood a beautiful woman in white robes and silver armor, holding a purple electric divine sword, her eyebrows were angry, scanning the people below.

Seeing the person coming, Guang Chengzi and others were puzzled, and everyone knew this person.

When Xuanyuan Huangdi and Chi You fought in that year, this woman appeared, and Xuanyuan Huangdi even had to teach him the art of war battle formation, a lot of guidance, and finally defeated Chi You.

"Nine Heavenly Virgin!"

Burning Lamp looked at the female general angrily, her eyes were red, and she gritted her teeth and drank.

Listening to the words of the burning lamp, everyone understood that this woman was actually the protector of the Terran race, the goddess of war, the Nine Heavenly Xuannu.

0 ask for flowers


King Wu stopped his busy figure, the status of the Nine Heavenly Xuannu among the Terrans, everyone in the Terrans knew how he was not clear as the son of the noble princes.

I saw Ji Fa hurriedly bowing and praying, "Ji Fa, the descendant of the Terran race, pays homage to the ancestor of the Holy Protector Xuan Niangniang!" "

When Xuannu heard this, she looked at Ji Fa, she would not intervene in the civil war between the Terrans, nodded slightly, did not say anything, but looked in the direction of Han Chen.

"Xuannu, do you want to go against the sky?"

Hiroshiko shouted angrily.

The two are both Xuanyuan Huangdi's teachers, and they are also equals, and now Xuannu has let herself be infected with such great karma and cut off her own avenue, so cause and effect makes him not have the slightest courtesy.

Call him by his first name, now his hatred for the Nine Heavenly Xuannu is not much less than the burning lamp.

Guang Chengzi's voice fell, and everyone looked at the Nine Heavenly Xuannu, especially Nawu King Ji Fa, who was extremely nervous at the moment, because this was the ancestor of the Terran race, if the Terran denied his actions.

Then he has no great righteousness, the law is not righteous, even if he has ambition, he has nothing to do.

Right now, he was very worried that the Nine Heavenly Lady was on Shang's side.

As for Guang Chengzi's words, Xuannu did not have the slightest expression, her face was still cold, and she glanced at Guangcheng lightly and stopped looking after that, and turned her gaze to Han Chen again.

"I will not meddle in matters within the Terrans.

However, this person is the Tianjiao of my Terran race, the future sage of the Terran race, and he must not die, this person's poor road is preserved today, you go! "

Words make people not have the slightest idea of rejection.

When King Wu heard this, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief, it's good not to interfere, it's good not to interfere, as for that Taichen, although he has repeatedly ruined my great cause, and even almost let himself fall.

But the genius said that this son was the future sage of the Terran race, and since this is the case, let him go.

Ji Fa still has a general view of the overall situation, knowing that the status of the Terrans in the Flood Barren World is not very optimistic, and it may collapse at any time, everything is between the thoughts of the saint, and he often gives birth to a deep sense of powerlessness.

Really! Teacher Jun Ti is right! This son has the hope of mixing elements in the future, and if the saint does not make a move, it is impossible to fall so easily!

The Chinese of everyone remembered what the would-be Daoist said in Wutai Cave Heaven at this moment.

Sighed deeply, this son, you can't provoke in the future, hmph, you want to provoke in the future, go yourself, I will not be so unwise to provoke a future saint. Lose.

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