"When this treasure was in the hands of the emperor, I will not admit it wrong."

The birth of the three emperors and five emperors, she is guarding on the side, it can be said that she knows almost all the experiences of the three emperors and five emperors, although there are saints' precepts and cannot participate, but she still knows the River Tuluo Book.

What's more, when Di Jun slaughtered countless Terrans with this treasure, how could she forget.

"It's because Poor Dao is not recommended that Daoists continue to stay in Xiqi City, as long as Daoists become Daluo Golden Immortals, Poor Dao will definitely not interfere in the affairs of Daoists!"

If there is something unclear about the practice, the poor path can go to the Daoist to go to the Thirty-Three Days Fire Cloud Cave, I believe that with the guidance of your Majesties, the Daoist cultivation will definitely be able to make rapid progress. "

The meaning in the words was still obvious, and it was suggested that Han Chen stay in Phoenix Mountain or take him to the Fire Cloud Cave.

This is also worried that Han Chen will die prematurely.

Although it was just a suggestion, the attitude in his words was very tough, and Han Chen estimated that the other party would not care about what he had just thought.

Helplessly shook his head, and can't be angry, no way, the other party is out of consideration for their own safety, for their own good, they can't ignore good people ~ heart.

"Don't Daoists know that the poor Dao cultivation has become mediation-?"

"Of course, you know, if it weren't for your cultivation of mediation, do you think I could protect you in the Nether?"

She was able to go to the lower realm, mainly because of the order of her teacher Nuwa, and if her teacher had not told her that the Terran had a Tianjiao with mixed resources, she would not have known, let alone come to protect him.

Since the birth of the Terran race to now, there are not many Tianjiao, and there are even many Tianjiao who have achieved the Daluo Golden Immortal with Dao bones, but these do not have the slightest hope of mixing the yuan.

is as strong as the body of the three emperors, and still can't see the hope of the mixed yuan, which shows the difficulty of the mixed yuan.

Now that the Terran has finally appeared a mixed Yuan Terran, this may also be the only Terran with the hope of a mixed Element, just in case, she thinks it is better to let the three emperors and five emperors teach.

With the protection of three emperors and five emperors, even saints dare not mess around if they want to come.

"Since the Daoist friends know, the poor Dao will no longer hide it!"

Han Chen smiled slightly, but did not continue to say anything, only to see a divine light flicker in his eyebrows, and the Nine Heavenly Xuannu looked at the divine light with wide eyes, and there was some disbelief in her eyes.

She was very familiar with the things in the divine light.

It was a nine-thousand-year-old purple-striped peach, and there were not many powerful female cultivators in the flood wilderness, and it was precisely because of this that these female cultivators often gathered to discuss and make friends.

And the Nine Heavenly Xuannu is also a female fairy of the Hong Wilderness, of course, she is familiar with Yaochi.

In fact, will she get Yaochi want to go to Yaochi to eat peaches.

Moreover, the most important thing is that she still has her own official position in the heavenly court, the lord of yin and yang, the authority to control yin and yang, creation and destruction, of course, these are only the authority of rules.

It's not the law of the avenue.

Being able to get these authorities also has the factor of Nuwa's support, it can be said that she is now also Haotian's subordinate, but it is not quite, it is the kind that does not listen to the announcement.

Moreover, the official position of Yin and Yang Lord is actually a position that cannot directly interfere in the Heavenly Court, but has a distinguished status in the Heavenly Court.

It is precisely because of her noble status that she is not familiar with this thing, after all, she often eats it.

"This is . . Incarnation? "

At this moment, the Nine Heavenly Xuannu also understood, but she didn't expect that what she saved was not Taichen's person, but her avatar, an avatar refined with purple peach.

Although she knows the magic of mediation.

Especially in terms of changes, incarnations, doppelgangers, etc., I didn't expect to be so against the sky, the incarnation of a small true immortal, and a Da Luo Golden Immortal Perfection powerhouse like himself couldn't see through.

"Exactly, in this way, Daoist friends don't need to worry about the safety of poor roads!"

Everything was as before, Han Chen nodded and said with a smile.

"It's still the magic of the poor road to mediate creation, it's just that since the Taoist friends have their own plans, the poor road will not be blocked."

However, Poor Dao still has to remind Daoists that the Feng Shen Tribulation is not a simple mortal battle that looks like the Xiqi Harvesting Merchant, this is a real Saint Tribulation.

Its danger is no less than that of the Lich Demon Tribulation, and Daoists still need to be extremely careful. "

Since it was just an incarnation, I thought that his Buddha-figure should be hiding, but he didn't know where to hide, but it also let the Nine Heavenly Xuannu know that this Taichen Daoist friend was not a reckless person.

"Hahaha, Xuannu Daoist rest assured, the poor Dao knows the risks in the calamity!"

Joke, the five saints came down, directly shattered the Flood Barren Continent, such a calamity is the Lich Measure Tribulation can not do ah, think of tens of thousands of golden immortals of the Interception Sect.

0 ask for flowers

In the end, the death of the dead, the scattered dispersal, the true disciple was only preserved by the Virgin of Wudang, and the eldest disciple defected from the Xuanmen and turned his head to the Western Shimen to become the leader of the Buddha Sect.

The inner disciples, only the Golden Hoop Immortal escaped all over, and the others either defected or became other people's mounts.

It seems that Jin Guangxian has also become the mount of Guanyin's sister.

"But I didn't expect that Daoist friends still have such Heavenly Court fetishes as purple striped peach in their hands!" The Nine Heavenly Xuannu also smiled and said, she also had a systematic understanding of Han Chen.

You know, the other party also rose in this short time.

There is not much background, and I have never interacted with the Heavenly Court before, and I can't figure out that the other party actually has such things as purple peach, and it is definitely not an ordinary person who can give it away.

I guess it's a junior brother and sister!

The Nine Heavenly Xuannu thought so, and hearing this, Han Chen also smiled slightly in embarrassment and did not answer.

Shouyang Mountain.

The top innate blessed land of the Flood Wilderness, the place where the saints preached, is also the dojo of the saints on earth, the place where the human religion is established, and there are many Terran cultivators who practice here.

Of course, these people can also be regarded as human teaching disciples, but they are all listening disciples, and they are not even named disciples.

It is rare to go back to the human dojo, and Lao Tzu is also preparing to teach the disciples of Shouyang Mountain the way of Da Luo, no, he has been preaching the way of Da Luo for seven days.

Suddenly, Lao Tzu, who was above the high typhoon fire futon, opened his eyes.

All the disciples below were surprised, "This sermon is here, let's disperse!" "

"Disciple retreat!"

Just as many disciples were leaving, a colorful auspicious cloud quickly flew from the sky, and the person above the cloud was Master Xuandu, in addition to Master Xuandu, there was also Yang Jian who was lying motionless on the ground with a pale face at the moment.

Inside Hakkei Palace.

Looking at Yang Jian lying on the case, Xuandu's face was anxious, "Master, Yang Jian's nephew won't fall, right?" "

"Weird, weird! There is actually such a strange thing, I think this is Yang Jian's calamity, but also Yang Jian's blessing! (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Taiqing Shennian probed Yang Jian's body and muttered something in his mouth.

"What does Master mean by this?"

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