Taiqing bowed his head slightly and said.

"This matter has to start with "Eight Nine Xuan Gong".

You also know that these eight and nine Xuangong were created by several saints such as me in combination with the way of refining the body of the Wu Clan and some Pangu inheritance of Master and your two uncles.

But in any case, these eight and nine Xuan Gong are from Pangu God's "Nine Turns Xuan Gong", and "Nine Turns Xuan Gong" is the original practice practiced by Pangu God.

Therefore, this exercise, adapted from the "Nine Turns Xuan Gong", is said to require Pangu bloodline to practice.

However, I waited for the six saints to join forces and removed this shortcoming.

Make it suitable for anyone to cultivate.

Of course, anyone here just doesn't need the Pangu bloodline, not that ordinary beings can practice, and if they want to practice this method, they also need at least the innate demon god bloodline.

And Yang Jian, as the first god-human body to inherit the bloodline of the innate demon god (Yang Jiao did not obtain the innate origin), not only has the innate demon god bloodline, but also has atmospheric luck.

"Seven Nine Zero" is the best person to practice this method!

Of course, if there is no appearance of your junior brother Taichen! "

Taiqing paused and continued.

"Although you don't need the Pangu bloodline, but without the Pangu bloodline, it is extremely difficult to successfully cultivate this method, it can be said that Yang Jian's practice of this method is more than ten times more difficult than the Taichen master and nephew who have the Pangu orthodox bloodline.

This is also why, Yang Jian has obtained all kinds of opportunities, all kinds of heavenly materials and earth treasures since he practiced this "Eight Nine Xuan Gong", and it has been thousands of years, but it is still the reason why the Taiyi Golden Immortal is complete.

If you want to enter Da Luo in this way, if there are no other opportunities, even merit will not help much.

And now, what Master Wei didn't expect was that the Dutian Divine Thunder in Yang Jian's body not only had the power of destruction, but was actually able to give birth to a trace of creation vitality with the assistance of the Three Lights Divine Water.

As long as the poor road uses the Bagua Furnace to refine the Heavenly God Thunder in his body, and absorbs the power of the Heavenly God Thunder based on that trace of creation vitality, Yang Jian is afraid that he can break the shackles and successfully promote Daluo. "

Hearing Master Venerable's explanation, Xuandu's face was full of incredulity, and he didn't expect this kind of operation.

"However, Master Yang Jian's nephew is shattered..."

"This matter is simple, it is repaired with the Nine Turns Soul Returning Pill, but in this way, I am afraid that it will give birth to a new personality, and at that time, this Yang Jian is afraid that it is not the original Yang Jian!"

"Similar to Junior Brother Donghua?"

Hearing this, Xuandu frowned, he knew the situation of his Donghua junior brother, it was his master who personally went to the prefecture to find the help of the Houtu, and devoured the personality of the Eastern Prince with the newly bred personality of the reincarnation of the Eastern Prince.

It became the current Donghua.

Taiqing, on the other hand, shook his head, "Yes, no, it turns out that Yang Jian's original personality exists alone, and it will not disappear, but some other personalities have been added."

This is also the disadvantage of the Nine Turns Soul Restoration Pill, while replenishing the divine soul, it will interact with the creation of heaven and earth to increase other personality attributes! "

Hearing this, Xuandu breathed a sigh of relief, as long as the original Yang Jian was still there.

"In this way, please also ask the master to quickly help us, and the felling merchant cannot do without Yang Jian's nephew."

"But it is!"

Taiqing thought for a moment, a little in his hand, a golden divine light, flew out of his hand, but it was a superb divine pill, nine turns to return the soul pill, the elixir was under the control of Taiqing.

It turned into a golden light and flew into Yang Jian's forehead, and it didn't enter from his forehead.

"It will take some time for Yang Jian to recover his soul, so tell me what happened!"

Seeing Jin Dan enter the body, Yang Jian's originally pale face began to slowly grow a trace of blood, and Xuandu was also relieved, only then did he talk about the things he encountered that day...

The Taiqing Daoist frowned when he listened.


He always didn't believe that his Taichen master and nephew could refine the Dao Rune, the Dao Rune was not an ordinary thing, it was a real direct contact with the rules of heaven and earth.

He was also able to make Dao talismans, but he could only comprehend as many Dao talismans as he comprehended.

Over the years, he has participated in many avenues, such as the Avenue of Five Elements, the Avenue of Creation, the Avenue of Thunder, and even the Avenue of Reincarnation, and the total number of zero, over the years, he has also participated in dozens of avenues, but most of them are slightly involved and do not have a deep understanding.

But what he really controls is the Yin and Yang Dao!

It was also by relying on the Yin and Yang Avenue that he preached the mixed yuan.

Other avenues are slightly involved, but with the cultivation of a saint, it is still possible to refine the talismans of the avenues he is involved in, and then his Taichen master and nephew are only true immortals now.

True Immortal cultivation, Dao Dao does not know how to make Dao talismans, even if there is a Pangu rune inheritance, it can't be so against the sky.

It may be a talisman made by Junior Brother!

As far as he knew, his third brother had a lot of involvement in the Dao of Thunder, and his foundation was far above him, and the Mixed Yuan Sword Qi, Tongtian originally preached with the Dao of the Sword, and the Mixed Element Sword Qi Talisman of the Dao Rune was simply hand-to-hand.

"It's okay, even if he has the Dao Talisman given by your Tongtian Senior Uncle in his hand, but the Lantern has the River Map in his hand, even the Dao Talisman is useless.

It's just that the nine-day genius...

Alas, it is really difficult to solve at this time, and in the future, it is better not to kill the nephew of Taichen Shi! (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

When Taiqing thought of this, he suddenly felt a headache... 0

Needless to say, he knew that this was his Nuwa Junior Sister's move, and his Nuwa Junior Sister didn't want Taichen to fall, as for the reason, he didn't need to think about it.

Finally, a person who has cultivated to mediate and replace his post has appeared, you want to kill him now, Nuwa don't fight with you.

He knew that his Nuwa junior sister was a little unreasonable and very vindictive.

As the first saint, he can not be afraid, but he is not alone, he has a great family, two family disciples, and several named disciples, and countless people teach anonymous disciples.

If this is remembered by Nuwa's junior sister, then can it be good?

The most important identity of the other party is still the Terran Virgin, and his own human religion is still based on the Terran Race.

Also, that Nine Heavenly Xuannu, she wanted to ask the other party to educate one of her named disciples for herself.

"Master, the disciple has one more thing to ask!"

Suddenly, Xuandu paused and spoke again.

"Master knows what you want to ask, you want to know why the four people who burn the lamp are not the enemies of the Nine Heavenly Xuannu, right?"

Xuandu nodded.

"Well, it's good to know that you're not strong enough.

The Nine Heavenly Xuannu is not an ordinary person, although she is only a congenital soul and footed human race, but she has great perseverance, great wisdom, great understanding, and even more atmospheric luck.

Relying on himself, and consulting Nuwa's junior sister, he made himself abruptly known.

"Nine Heavens Xuannu Sword Technique"!

This method is not only refining qi immortal path, but also refining body martial arts, but also a supreme divine ability of 2.1 sword dao, and the martial arts of the three emperors created the human race to succeed.

Now that the Nine Heavens Xuannu has completed the cultivation of the Nine Heavens Xuannu Sword Method, she has not been able to break through, just because she has not found further ideas for this method.

Otherwise, they would not have struggled to hold on to the realm of Da Luo for a long time.

It is precisely because of this that its strength cannot be regarded as an ordinary Da Luo Golden Immortal, just like the Terran Tribulation back then, when the Heavenly Court Demon God Ji Meng was still defeated in the hands of this woman with the early stage cultivation of the quasi-saint.

At that time, she was only in the late stage of Da Luo Golden Immortal. "

Speaking of this, Taiqing shook his head and said.

"With her current strength, she is definitely the first person under the quasi-saint, and if she can go further, it is incomparable to those old quasi-saints in the Styx!

Therefore, if you meet this woman in the future, don't provoke the other party. "

Hearing Master Venerable's explanation, Xuandu's face smiled bitterly, how dare he provoke, just think about the reaction of the burning lamp not long ago, the burning lamp Daoist is estimated to have a shadow now! ! .

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