In fact, compared with the Taiyi Zhenren's Ten Square Taiyi Salvation Suffering Tianzun incarnation, Jizo's position is almost the same, and he has the ability to punish evil and promote good, compared to it, the difference is that Jizo needs to cross the hungry ghosts.

And Tai Yi to save suffering Tianzun is to receive good faith.

The ghosts who did evil before their lives need to be transformed into jizo, and those who are kind and meritorious before their lives will be taken by Taiyi to the ten wonderful realms opened up by Taiyi Salvation Heavenly Venerable in the underworld and enjoy the ghost life of bliss.

Even, it can be enlightened, and it is impossible to walk on the path of immortal life in the next life, or even worship the teachings.

It is precisely like this, although the positions of the two are similar, but in fact, Tai Yi saves the position of Suffering Tianzun is better than the position of Jizo, after all, the hungry ghost has no oil and water.

Good faith, but there are meritorious people, educating meritorious people, this is also a great merit.


At this moment, a divine light flashed in front of Han Chen, and when the divine light dissipated, Han Chen looked up, but it was a Shamen Daoist look, a monk?

How can there be monks in the prefecture?

Han Chen was surprised, but feeling his unfathomable cultivation, Han Chen did not dare to slack, and secretly began to greet the Dao talisman in his hand.

"Poor Dao Jizo has seen Taichen Daoyou!"


I went, it was actually the Bodhisattva King of Jizo, what did this guy come to find himself.

"I've seen Taoist friends, do Taoists have important things?"

"I heard that Taoist friends came to look for Niangniang, I don't know what is important for you to find Niangniang, and the poor Dao can make a report one or two!"

Jizo came here to be curious about what Han Chen was looking for Houtu Niangniang, his master valued this Taichen Zhenjun very much, if this time he turned his head and came down after the Tumen, it would not be good news.

Moreover, even if he can't stop it, he has to pass the news to Master Venerable after he is sure.


"But I admire my mother and want to come to see one or two, and there is nothing important." Han Chen shook his head slightly, waved his hand and said.

Nima, how could I tell you.

With the style of junti and introduction of these two people, if you know that you have done the middle world, you must not find ways to trouble yourself.

Think about it, so many disciples of the Intercept Sect were forcibly snatched into the West.

One of the most tragic is his turtle spirit senior sister, the essence blood was sucked by the mosquito Dao people, the divine soul was broken, and he couldn't even be on the list of gods, he could only be reincarnated, and I don't know how many times he had to reincarnate to practice the divine soul.

Of course, if possible, the Nine Turns Soul Restoration Pill of the Etheric Qing Saint could also be repaired.

It's just that the physical body is gone, and it is better to reincarnate and reincarnate.

For the Bodhisattva King of Jizo in front of him, Han Chen was wary, and seeing that the other party did not mean to tell each other, King Jizo was also slightly disappointed in his heart.

And at this time, another blue light flashed.

After the glaucoma, a person appeared next to the two.

"Poor Dao Tai Yi has seen two Daoist friends'!"

"Taiyi Zhenren?"

Seeing the person in front of him, Han Chen's eyes froze, he didn't expect to meet Taiyi Zhenren in the underground mansion, this guy had just fought with himself for life and death.

Suddenly, Han Chen became vigilant.

If it weren't for the fact that this was the Underworld of the Underworld, the chassis of the Houtu Niangniang, Han Chen would have directly shot with the Heavenly God Thunder.

"None! The poor way is Tai Yi saving suffering Tianzun, not Tai Yi Zhenren, the cause and effect between the Buddha-figure and the Taoist, the poor way understands, but will not interfere. "

The Taoist smiled and shook his head and said.

But in his heart, he was very shocked, secretly said how could this Taichen Zhenjun have a Taiyi Golden Immortal cultivation!

Not long ago, he and Guang Chengzi and the others were attacked by Taichen's Mixed Yuan Sword Qi, but he knew it all, and if it weren't for the Nine Heavenly Xuannu's move, this Taichen Zhenjun would probably have been on the list of conferred gods.

And the point is that at that time, this Taichen True Monarch only had true immortal cultivation.

In just ten days, why has he become a Taiyi Golden Immortal? Even if the epiphany is not so fast, there is a golden immortal realm in the middle.


Tai Yi saved Suffering Tianzun, and his heart was shocked, but suddenly his eyes moved, as if he thought of something.


"Hehe, why should Taiyi Daoyou play word games with Poor Dao, Poor Dao is in charge of mediating and creating magical powers, the way of incarnation, Poor Dao knows better than you, and even your way of incarnation is definitely not as skilled as Poor Dao."

Han Chen shook his head and said.

Hearing the words of the Taoist, Han Chen also thought of the ten incarnations created by Taiyi Zhenren in the prefecture, known as releasing the Heavenly Venerable to Save Suffering and assist the operation of the prefecture.

In fact, it is the eyeliner of the saint inserted in the prefecture, of course, she does not care about this matter at all, as long as she holds the authority of reincarnation, what is the harm in the underworld mansion even if it is all replaced by a saint. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

That is, she is too lazy to stuff people in the prefecture, does the people of the Wu clan have a yuan god, and they are not competent for the priesthood, otherwise, now the ten great Yan kings of the prefecture are still the turn of various forces?

"Alas, I didn't expect that everyone was deceived by Taichen Daoyou.

Everyone thought that Taichen Daoist only had true immortal cultivation, but they didn't know that it was just an incarnation of Daoyou, which was sad.

But as Taoist friends say, the avatar is also himself.

Poor Dao Tai Yi has seen Taoist friends, everything he has done before is the general trend, in the general trend, non-poor Dao can stop it, and ask Daoist friends for forgiveness! "

He hadn't forgotten the Dao talisman in Taichen's hand.

Now there is no Nine Dragon Divine Fire Shield in Tai's hand, and there is no artifact such as Hetu to restrain the talisman seal, how can he deal with this Taichen True Monarch in front of him.

I can only smile and salute.

"Hehe, the poor road does not dare to be!"

Looking at the other party's smiling face, Han Chen was even more vigilant in his heart, this guy was a relatively ruthless existence in the entire Flood Barren World.

Not only did he calculate that his disciples would block the disaster for him, but he also planned Shi Ji to complete his own killing.

In the end, Nezha's origin was greatly damaged, Shiji fell, and this guy finally became one of the six emperors, the Dongji Qinghua Emperor, and became a real winner.

Although Jizo next to him does not know how the Human Sealing God Tribulation is developing now.

However, it was obvious that this Taiyi Zhen and Taichen Zhenjun did not deal with each other, thinking of this, he was overjoyed in his heart, so there was no need to worry, this Taiyi Zhenren pulled him into the camp of interpretation.

"What's more, Taichen Daoyou has important things to discuss with the poor Dao, doesn't Taiyi Daoyou know to avoid suspicion?"

"Huh, what's the big deal with you? If Poor Dao hadn't heard it wrong just now, Taichen Daoyou had come to find Niangniang! Taichen Daoyou, the poor road can introduce you to the place where your mother is. "

"The same is true of the poor road!" Jizo also said along.


What's going on with these two guys, I really want to be unfamiliar with you.

And at this moment, a ray of light appeared in front of Han Chen, and a beautiful woman in a red dress appeared.

Seeing this beautiful woman, Han Chen was overjoyed, isn't this the Nine Phoenix who gave himself a magic weapon last time.

"Elder Jiufeng has seen Senior Jiufeng!"

"I've seen Taoist friends!"

Jizo and Tai Yi also hurriedly saluted, in the entire Underworld Mansion, even if the others were the Ghost Emperor of the Underworld, the two of them would not care, but the two of them did not dare not care about this person in front of them.

Not to mention his quasi-saint cultivation (Li Qian's), more importantly, he is a witch god around Houtu Niangniang, deeply trusted by Niangniang, if he offends her, wouldn't it indirectly not give face to Houtu Niangniang.

The Houtu Niangniang who is in charge of the tunnel, that is, their master will worship when he sees it, how they have offended.


There is nothing for you two here, retreat! He nodded to the two and rushed directly.

The two had no choice but to nod, "So I'll wait to leave!" "

As the two left, Jiufeng looked at Han Chen and said with a smile, "Good boy, I didn't expect that I hadn't seen it in such a short time, and I actually became a Taiyi Golden Immortal, such a speed of cultivation, I have never heard of it."

Can you tell me how you practice? "

Jiufeng was very straightforward, casual, and did not regard Han Chen as an outsider, and asked such a cultivation secret as soon as he came, and it was impossible for anyone to tell others the secret of his cultivation.

I hate people who don't have a sense of boundaries!

Seeing Jiufeng looking like this, Han Chen sighed speechlessly in his heart.

I can only say it casually, "But it is a young generation, occasionally gained, not enough to hang on!" "。

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