In the space of reincarnation, Han Chen looked at the six reincarnations in front of him, a powerful and irresistible force, just glanced at it, as if his spirit was swallowed by this reincarnation.

This reincarnation is really terrifying.

"Say, what's the matter with me?" The girl in the yellow dress asked casually like the little sister next door.

Who would have thought that the supreme lord of the tunnel, the controller of reincarnation, would look like this, when he had not seen the Houtu Niangniang before, Han Chen's imagination of the Houtu in his heart.

Even if it wasn't for a beautiful woman in her thirties like Jiufeng, she had to look as beautiful as Yunxiao World, who knows, it would be like this.

She looks like a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl of the Terrans.

Of course, Han Chen didn't dare to treat her as a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl of the Terran race, this was a strong man at the top of the pyramid in the flood wilderness, and the saint had to see the existence when he saw it.


Han Chen opened his mouth, and when he was about to say something, Houtu interrupted.

"It is also Pangu bloodline, and now the real Pangu bloodline is only you and me, you can call me sister!"

Houtu seemed to have thought of something sad, and said with a sigh.

Now in the Flood Barren World, there may still be some places where the Dao bones of the Pangu Great God remain, but it is basically impossible to obtain the Pangu bloodline like Taichen.

The twelve ancestors all fell except for the Houtu. 877

Therefore, now there are really only two people left in the Pangu bloodline, Houtu and Pangu, but Sanqing cannot say the bloodline, because they are formed by combining the essence of Pangu Yuan God with the Qi of Kaitian Qing.

In fact, the current Houtu is not exactly Pangu bloodline.

Instead, through the bloodline of Pangu, he gave birth to his own bloodline comparable to the Pangu Great God, that is, the Pangu bloodline of the Dao Pangu, the reincarnation attribute.

But, of course, Houtu will not forget the fact that he is from Pangu.

Thinking that his brothers and sisters had fallen, and there was also a Pangu Father God bloodline heir in this flood, Houtu inexplicably felt affinity for Han Chen.

Seeing that Han Chen did not react, Houtu was suddenly displeased, and his brows frowned.

"Why, do you think I'm not worthy to be your sister?"

"Ahhh How so, sissy..... No, Sister Houtu, Taichen doesn't mean this, I can't be happy to have a strong background like Sister Houtu! "

Feeling Houtu's unhappiness, Han Chen was shocked and quickly said.

If there is a real lord such as Houtu as a sister, with such a backer, Han Chen will wake up with a smile, how can he oppose ah, in the future, there will be Houtu Niangniang to support him.

Even if the sect is defeated and he doesn't run away, I think those saints don't dare to do anything to themselves.

"Taichen has seen Sister Houtu!"

Han Chen hurriedly saluted and said hello.

"Good, good, since the fall of my brothers and sister Xuanlu, I miss it very much, but I didn't expect to have another younger brother today!"

Houtu said happily.

She holds the authority of reincarnation, of course, because she wants to resurrect her brothers and sisters.

However, the karma created by his brothers is so difficult to resurrect that he can only sink in samsara, waiting for him to wash away his karma.

Of course, there is another point, now the saints and Na Hongjun are afraid that they do not want their brothers to be resurrected.

For this reason, she is also very puzzled.

Moreover, she does not mediate creation, although she retains the true spirit and essence blood of her brothers and sisters, she can't do it if she wants to forcibly resurrect them.

In fact, in addition to considering the actual Pangu Yan bloodline, there is a reason for recognizing Han Chen's younger brother, that is, because he has mastered complete mediation.

Of course, the main reason is that this younger brother I recognize has the hope of preaching mixed elements.

The so-called mixed element is all ants, even the Houtu is no exception, after becoming a mixed element saint, she can feel that she and the creatures under the saint are no longer a level of life.

This is a leap in the level of life, and it is exactly like this, even if she trusts Jiufeng, she just gives her some things that are inconvenient for her, but there is nothing to talk about.

On the contrary, she and Nuwa, a female nun who is also a saint, are good friends (abfa).

Even if the two previously belonged to rival camps.

And since Han Chen has the hope of preaching mixed yuan in the future, there is the possibility of becoming a life of the same level as her, and this kind of person is qualified to be her younger brother.

"Say, what happened to me when I came to my sister, wouldn't it just be to thank me?"

Of course, Houtu would not believe it, Han Chen was only to thank himself for giving him the throne of Emperor Taihao.

Han Chen shook his head, "Sister Houtu, Taichen really has a few big things to ask for.

One is because my younger brother I own a middle thousand worlds and want to build reincarnation in the world, so I want to ask my sister for a ray of reincarnation origin to build reincarnation.

The second is that the younger brother wants to create a family that belongs to the world, and wants to ask his sister for some nine days of rest.

Third, he wanted to use his sister to introduce him to the Styx senior, and wanted to make a deal with him. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Han Chen did not hide it, and directly stated his purpose here, after all, this is the case.

"Oh? Middle Thousand World?

This world is a chicken rib, the younger brother wants to do something, as the younger brother, half into Pangu luck, I think there is no shortage of Dao Daluo's luck, right?

And after that, the qi luck required by the Mixed Yuan Dao Realm is not something that a few Middle Thousand Worlds can support! "

At this moment, Houtu couldn't figure out Han Chen's thoughts, so he couldn't help but remind him.

The most important thing is that you need a wisp of your own reincarnation origin.

Even if it is not very much, but is the origin of reincarnation so easy to give, "Little brother, if you can, sister, I can map reincarnation to your middle thousand worlds, so that you don't need to build it again with the origin of reincarnation." "

Frowning slightly, Houtu couldn't help but remind.

This is also a kind reminder, after all, if you want to build reincarnation, you can not only succeed with the origin of reincarnation, but also need innate spirit treasures to carry reincarnation.

The innate spirit treasure that carries the reincarnation of a middle thousand worlds must at least be a middle grade innate spirit treasure, and it is necessary to waste a middle grade innate spirit treasure and a wisp of reincarnation origin for a middle thousand world.

In the eyes of Houtu, this is not worth it.

The so-called reincarnation mapping, in fact, the meaning of Houtu is very clear, put that Zhongqian world under his reincarnation tunnel, govern, so that the Zhongqian world can be connected by copying an affiliated reincarnation and flood and desolation reincarnation.

It's just that in this way, there is no autonomy and it becomes a subordinate world of the flood world.

After the Houdu Dao was sanctified, he found many small thousand worlds in the chaos, and they all operated like this, it can be said that through this operation, many creatures of small thousand worlds can also be reincarnated into the top big world such as the flood waste.

It is definitely a good thing for those creatures of the small world.

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