Han Chen shook his head.

How is it possible to make his world a subsidiary world of the Flood Desolation World, but he still wants to rely on this world to preach mixed elements.

If he is doing according to the advice of the Houtu, then in the future, even if the realm of the Five Spirits World becomes a great world, it is estimated that it will not be himself, but the Flood Barren World.

Maybe there will be a small degree of advancement in the flood world~.

"Sister, this world is important to me—about my preaching.

Moreover, this world is expected to become a great world in the future, so the subordinate world called the Flood World is not what I want. "

The boundless universe.

Theoretically, the personality of the Flood Desolation World is also the Great Thousand World, but whether it is the origin or the material, the Dao, etc., it is far beyond the general top Great Thousand World.

Infinitely close to the detached world.


Hearing Han Chen's words, Houtu suddenly thought of something, in the long river of fate, his younger brother in the future was indeed sanctified in the chaos.

Before, like other saints, she was preached by people in the midst of chaos.

And now I heard Han Chen say that this world is expected to become a great world, and it is also related to his own preaching mixed elements, which makes Houtu understand.

"So that's the case, I originally thought that my brother was preaching with the strength of the father, but I didn't expect it to be like this!

Relying on the world to achieve the way of mixed elements, although I don't know how you operate, but sister I don't ask, since my brother wants my sister's help, a reincarnation origin.

Don't talk about a reincarnation origin, wait for your sister and you to go to your world to personally help you build the path of reincarnation! "

"In this way, it would be even better, thank you sister here."

Han Chen was overjoyed when he heard this.

Although his own three-personality incarnation, quasi-saint cultivation, it is not much difficult to create reincarnation in his own thousand worlds with the origin of reincarnation.

But where can it be compared to the back soil of the road of reincarnation?

The reincarnation of his creation is more perfect than that created by his own three-personality incarnation without thinking.

"As for the Nine Days....

I still have some Nine Heavens in my hands, but there is no Three Lights Divine Water, although you master mediation creation, but only the Taiyi Golden Immortal cultivation can create living beings? "

Houtu originally wanted him to become a quasi-saint and help him resurrect his brother and sister.

Moreover, when Nuwa created the Terran race, it was also cultivated in the middle of the quasi-saint period, and because it consumed too much mana, it only created the Sanren innate Spirit Race.

The Terrans created later were all beaten with the whip of the gourd fairy vine, creating all kinds of Terrans such as tall, short and ugly.

And now this disciple of himself is just a Taiyi Golden Immortal cultivation, just like creating a human race, it is indeed a little arrogant, and he can't help but show some worry and ask.

And hearing Houtu's affirmative answer, Han Chen was overjoyed in his heart.

Originally, he only guessed that Houtu, as the ancestor of the soil, wanted to have a soil creation divine object such as the Nine Heavens Resting Soil, but he was not very sure, after all, it was Nuwa Niangniang who created people with the Nine Heavens Resting Soil.

"Haha, sister rest assured.

Brother, I have my own way! "It's a pity that without the Sanguang Divine Water, the Terran that Han Chen wants to create, of course, doesn't want its potential to be too low.

Now the Honghuang Race uses the Three Lights Divine Water and the Nine Heavens Resting Soil as its foundation, and the potential is not very high, and what they get is nothing more than an innate Dao body.

Therefore, Han Chen considered that if he wanted to create people, he must find the Three Light Divine Water.

Sanguang Shenshui!

By the way, it is recorded in the Journey to the West that there seems to be Sanguang Divine Water in the mutton fat jade clean bottle of Guanyin's sister!

After all, without Sanguang Divine Water, it is simply impossible to save Zhen Yuanzi's ginseng fruit tree, thinking of this, Han Chen thought to himself, when to find Sister Guanyin again.

"It's so good, but my sister has a request and hopes that my brother will agree."

"Sister, please say that as long as my brother can do it, I will go all out!" Han Chen patted his chest and assured.

"Not a big deal!"

Houtu directly told his fallen brothers and sisters' senior brothers, hoping that Han Chen could resurrect them.

Hearing this, Han Chen pondered for a moment.

"Don't hide my sister, before I came, my brother actually wanted to exchange for this, but I didn't expect to recognize a saint sister.

Since we are all a family, my younger brother also has to think about it for my brothers.

The elder brothers have now fallen, and only the essence blood preserved by the true spirit and sister remains.

If you use mediation to create a resurrection and repeat the previous innate demon god heritage, this is simply impossible, at most, it is only a great witch with the bloodline of Pangu Zuwu.

In this way, the future potential is limited after all! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

If my sister believes me, my brother and I will fuse these essence blood into the Nine Heavens Resting Land, so that my brothers and sisters will become the dependents of my world, the Terrans!"

Of course, not ordinary Terrans, but god people!

Become a dependent of the world, in the future, my world will be promoted to a great world, and the potential of my brothers will definitely be able to break through again, and the potential will not be limited by the day after tomorrow. "

This was what Han Chen had in mind.

Han Chen wanted to create a Terran race that belonged to the Five Spirits World, but it was not just a Terran race.

It is also necessary to create a race of gods and men for the heavenly realm, after all, if you want to establish a heavenly court and collect the incense wish power of all sentient beings, the mortals in the nether realm will use it to provide incense belief.

0 ask for flowers

"The Great Witch? God? Houtu thought for a moment, but this choice was a little difficult, she didn't care much, the key was her brothers and sisters.

If you find out that you are no longer a witch after the resurrection, you will make a disturbance.

"It's okay, brother, you said the same, just listen to your brother."

Even if you are reborn, it is only a big witch, the foundation is limited, it is better to become a dependent of your world, sister, I believe you once, I believe that you can promote the world to a big world! "

Become a dependent of the world, and the potential of the race is limited in the world.

The world will also bring unimaginable benefits to the dependents, just as the dependents of the Flood Barren World are now the Terrans, if the Flood Barren World is promoted again.

The entire flood desolation will not benefit the other races.

But the Terrans can definitely get the benefits against the sky, maybe the whole race can become innate beings, and even innate demon gods, at that time, it will really be the time for the Terrans to prosper.

"By the way, what are you looking for Styx?"

Han Chen thought for a moment and took out the Chaos Green Lotus Dharma Technique.

Under the probing of Shen Nian, Houtu was shocked, "Brother, you are such a great blessing!"

Although it is difficult to preach sanctification, it is able to cultivate a treasure of one's own, if this kind of magic method is known to the two Western saints, I am afraid that even if I support you, it is estimated that they will not be able to resist attacking you! "

She didn't expect that her cheap brother would have such a mysterious method, and it was directly through the mixed yuan, but it was a pity that ordinary people wanted to rely on this method to preach the mixed element, which was basically impossible.

"It just so happens that your sister and I lack an innate treasure, and this method is exactly what I practice!"

There are all the innate treasures, and the Chaos Bell should have been given to her, but it didn't go directly to where the Eastern Emperor Taiyi hid the Chaos Bell, so she could only sigh helplessly.

As for the practice of this method, it is necessary to create the origin of the exercise.

Hehe, as the ruler of reincarnation, the other lack is to complete the origin creation.

Every reincarnation of sentient beings can give themselves their origin, and the practice of the golden body path of the two Western saints also requires reincarnation, and the merit accumulated in the world of each reincarnation needs to pay 30% of the tax to her.

Otherwise, how can you plan for the great prosperity of the West, and how can there be such a person as the king of Jizo in hell.

The Styx is the six reincarnation Asura Dao masters, in theory, he is now a subordinate of Houtu, protected by Houtu, and it is Houtu who directly issued a decree.

A golden light flew towards the sea of blood..... Wide..

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