It was also the Lord of the Asura Dao, one of the Six Dao, who was sheltered by the Houtu, otherwise it would be impossible for the two Daoists and Zhun Ti to let him go.

Not to mention the others, the karmic fire red lotus in his hand and the meritorious golden lotus in his hand are simply born together.

Karma Fire Red Lotus burns karma, merit golden lotus transforms incense, if you can include this treasure in the West, presumably, there will be unexpected benefits, and even if you absorb the origin of the karmic fire red lotus, maybe you can make the merit golden lotus promoted to become an innate treasure.

After all, the two lotus platforms were both bred by the lotus seeds of the Chaos Creation Green Lotus, and the possibility of devouring evolution in theory was still very large, and in this regard, the person who received the Dao was actually very early on.

It is a pity that he was driven away by Houtu, that is, after that time, the Styx completely became a subordinate of Houtu.

Asura world, a middle thousand world that the Styx found in the chaos, a high-level middle thousand world, when the Styx created the Asura race with the help of the power of the Flood Barren Heavenly Dao.

Now many Asura tribe students "seven eight seven" spirits have been put into this world.

Helping Styx manage this world, although it is only a thousand worlds, Styx still values it very much, and in his heart, he feels that this world is good for his future.


Above the Twelve Pinkarma Flaming Lotus, the River Styx was preaching for the Asura Heavenly Gods below, suddenly stopped preaching, opened his eyes, and the beings below also opened their eyes and looked at their Father God in amazement.

I don't understand why God the Father suddenly stopped preaching.

The three god kings Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva all saluted the River Styx, "Father God, but something happened in the flood?" "

The three are the original three Asura tribes created by Styx, and now they are forgiven by Styx to rule the entire world, ruling the three major powers of creation, balance, and destruction of the world.

It can be said that most of the authority in the entire world has been handed over to the three, which shows that Styx has a fancy for the three, but the three are not bad, and they have already achieved the cultivation of the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

Such achievements are also rare in the truncated teachings.

"Niangniang summoned me again!"

Styx did not hide anything, for the flood waste, the three Brahma people are also clear, knowing that the father god is now the lord of the Asura Dao under Houtu Niangniang.

Just now, Styx got a message from his good corpse, and he didn't dare to hesitate about it.

"During this period of absence from this seat, wait for good life to educate the gods!"

Styx explained.

"Father God rest assured that I will definitely live up to Father God's expectations and seriously manage the Asura God Realm!"

All three Brahma replied solemnly.

"Well, so, Honza is gone!"

Saying that, on the high cloud bed, the Styx Daoist and the Twelve Pins Flame Red Lotus disappeared into the Asura Heavenly Realm!

Reincarnation space!

"Poor road to meet Niangniang!"

The two were originally equals, but Houtu walked in front to achieve mixed yuan, and even held the authority of the tunnel, and now doing things under the other party, he couldn't help but be humble.

A very polite visit, and for a supreme strong person like Styx, the Houtu also gives him equal status.

"I don't know that Niangniang is coming to seek poverty, but there is something important to summon?"

"Styx, if there is a mixed element opportunity and want to exchange your karmic fiery red lotus, I wonder if you are willing or not?"

Houtu said straight to the point.

Yes, it is exchanged for the Twelve Pins Industry Fire Red Lotus.

Originally, Han Chen just wanted to exchange the lotus seeds of the Twelve Pins Fire Red Lotus, because the lotus seeds were enough, as long as there were enough origins, he could also have an innate treasure of his own.

However, Houtu suggested that he directly come to the Twelve Pins of the Styx.

After all, if it is only the lotus seed of the karmic red lotus, its origin is too small, and if you want to breed the lotus seed into an innate treasure, the origin, merit, and creation in this are not ordinary.

And if it is a top-grade Innate Spirit Treasure, Karma Fire Red Lotus, its origin is profound.

The process may be easier and less of the source of merit.

After all, in Houtu's opinion, her younger brother did not want to hold the authentic authority like this, and the Origin Creation was not lacking for her, but for Han Chen, who had not yet become a Great Luo Golden Immortal, it was very lacking.

Moreover, Houtu also knows the desire of the Styx Dao people for the Mixed Yuan Saint!

It can be said that it has reached the point of going crazy.

Sure enough, hearing Houtu's words, Styx was immediately excited, and his eyes looked at Houtu hotly, "Niangniang takes this seriously?" "

Mixed Yuan Saint, he has been waiting for so many years, but in the end he still failed!

If he can become a Mixed Yuan Saint now, let alone the Karma Fire Red Lotus, even if it is the Yuan Tu A-nose Two Swords, the two extremely high-quality innate spirit treasures, he will not have the slightest hesitation.

Seeing Houtu nodded, Styx's heart was even more excited.

"Willing, willing, of course willing!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Without saying a word, Styx stretched out his right hand, and saw a mini tiny red lotus in his hand, lotus flower, lotus leaf, lotus stem, lotus root, a complete innate spirit root, the ultimate innate spirit root.

The divine light flickered, and the superb innate spirit root turned into a twelve-poinsettia lotus platform.

It can be a spirit treasure or a spirit root, and the end is extremely mysterious.

"Don't worry, Poor Dao will introduce you first, this is Poor Dao brother, Pangu Clan Taichen Zhenjun, this is actually a transaction between you and him 0.."

"Pangu Clan Taichen?"

During this time, he was not very concerned about what happened in the Hong Huang, and of course it was impossible to know Taichen, a little cultivator of the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

And being able to become the younger brother of the authentic authority in Houtu is actually so simple.

God thinks to look!

Pangu Clan Innate Demon God!

He Styx is actually a Pangu Clan Innate Demon God, but it is not a lineage, but a top Innate Demon God bred by Pangu's bruised blood.

It is very sensitive to the gods of the Pangu clan.

"Taichen has seen the Styx senior!"

"Don't dare, don't dare, since Daoyou is Niangniang's younger brother, you and I will have a good relationship with each other."

Although the other party only has the cultivation of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, but as the god of the Pangu clan, and a sister like Houtu, the potential will be small in the future, so the people of the Styx Dao dare not raise it.

Moreover, the words of the Houtu just now are very clear, trading, the transaction of the chance of the mixed element saint.

"In this way, Poor Dao Taichen has seen the Styx Daoist."

"Taichen Daoyou, what Niangniang said just now..."

"The Father God of the Poor Dao has obtained a Dao, and this Dao leads directly to the Chaotic Element, but this Dao requires the descendants of the three different origins of the Chaos Creation Green Lotus as the foundation...

I can't tell for a while, Taoist friends will take a look at this exercise first! "

Saying that, a divine bead depicted by Han Chen's divine mind flew towards the River Styx.

The River Styx turned out to be a divine bead, and the divine mind penetrated.......

In the time of a cup of tea, the Styx absorbed the information in the divine bead, and the divine bead dissipated 4.7, but his face was shocked.

"Wonderful, wonderful, I didn't expect that Daoist friends actually have such a magic method, the magic of this method is not under the three corpses created by the Dao Ancestor, and it is even stronger than the way of beheading three corpses."

It's a pity, it's a pity, if the Taoist friends can be born tens of yuan early, the poor Dao is estimated to have already been sanctified by now. "

At this moment, the heartache in Styx's heart.

Through the understanding of the exercise "Chaos Green Lotus Dharma", Styx kept sighing in his heart that this method could not only allow him to have an innate supreme treasure, but also let his Yuan God pin on the innate supreme treasure.

Achieve immortality, immortality, and immortality, and mixed element saints.

But this method requires a lot of origin creation or merit, if Han Chen could have been born early, he would have become holy with so many merits at the beginning.

And now, although he has also cultivated as a person, he does not have much merit in his body.


However, in the end, this method made him see the hope of achieving mixed elements.

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