Change, fools don't change.

Although the Twelve Pins Fire Red Lotus is precious, compared to this mixed element opportunity, the two are far from being a weight, but they only need three lotus platform origins...

Karma Fire Red Lotus, over the years, he has cultivated many descendants with karma, and the rest, it is easy to create the descendants of the green lotus, after all, this creation green lotus only needs to absorb the innate aura to cultivate.

It is able to absorb the free creation of heaven and earth.

Sanqing is cultivated, and it should not be difficult to exchange one or two from under the Sanqing Gate, but there is still one left, and it will be difficult, the Black Lotus of Annihilation, the Golden Lotus of Merit, and the legendary White Lotus of the Pure World.

None of these three are so easy to find.

"From now on, the Flame Lotus will belong to the Taoist." Retracted the imprint in the red lotus and handed it to Han Chen.

Taking the red lotus, Han Chen's heart was very happy, this is a karmic red lotus that can burn karma, and it can also manipulate karma to attack people, if the other party has karma.

Control the karma burning on the other party's body, if the other party does not have a strong innate defense spirit treasure, it will definitely only be fateful.

Hurriedly took the Karma Fire Red Lotus into his body, but at this moment, Styx showed helplessness.

"Daoist friends are worried about the other two Lotus Origin Origins?"

"Exactly! Don't know if you have a solution? "

02 Han Chen also shook his head, "Sorry, the descendants of the Creation Green Lotus, there are some in the hands of the poor Dao, and the others have a Pure World White Lotus, but the Pure World White Lotus damaged the origin when it opened the sky."

If you can't replenish the origin, I'm afraid you will never be able to give birth to descendants. "

Han Chen didn't lie, several lotus platforms that wanted to give birth to lotus seeds all needed to replenish the origin, as if every time the merit golden lotus gave birth to a merit lotus seed, it would damage the origin.

Only by supplementing with merit, and then can we continue to give birth to meritorious lotus seeds, and it is precisely like this, each meritorious lotus seed, quasi-mention and two people are extremely precious.

Because this lotus seed is really bred with merit.

Of course, the same is true of the Karma Fire Red Lotus, the blood sea karma is innumerable, compared to the preciousness of the meritorious lotus seed, the lotus seed of the Karma Fire Red Lotus is somewhat flooded.

It can be said that the Asura Realm Milk Sea is already overgrown with Karma Fire Red Lotus.

The Karma Fire Red Lotus where the three god kings sat became the Nine-Pin Lotus Platform, but although it was able to give birth to the heir Lotus Platform, it lost its innate spirituality.

Even if it is a second-generation nine-grade lotus platform, it is still just a lotus platform that is comparable to the top-grade Houtian Lingbao.

Not like the meritorious golden lotus.

Each meritorious lotus seed has an innate spiritual light, and then cultivated with merit, and can even cultivate a high-grade innate spiritual root.

Of course, the merits required for this are also amazing, and it is not good to cultivate the merit of the golden lotus, so that you can cultivate for promotion and behead the corpse.

If you weren't stupid, you wouldn't do that.

"Daoist friends are really profound, and the blessings are boundless, and the legendary White Lotus of the Pure World can be found."

When Styx heard Han Chen's words, his eyes widened, and his face was full of incredulity, and the Houtu next to him also glanced at Han Chen, she didn't expect that her younger brother still had such a blessing.

"But it dragged Pangu Father God Legacy, a blessing for a while!"

Han Chen smiled and said, this is not false, before he became the innate god of the Pangu clan, he didn't look for the innate spirit treasure or something, but Mao didn't see it.

After becoming a god of the Pangu clan, all kinds of blessings continued to come to him.

This also made Han Chen feel in his heart, if you want to mix well in the flood wilderness, you must have a good background, and other great wisdom and great understanding are useless.

Houtu also nodded in approval.

Yes, the same god of the Pangu clan, think about the legacy inherited by himself and Sanqing.

Sanqing directly became holy, holding the innate treasure, and he was also reincarnated under the design of the Father God, holding the authority of the tunnel, and his younger brother.

It's really shabby.

A pure world white lotus with a damaged origin is really nothing.

And when Styx heard this, he also sighed in his heart, and said with a pity for Han Chen's face, "Alas, if Daoist friends were born a few years earlier, I am afraid that their achievements in the future will be even greater." "

Thinking about him, the River Styx was only turned into Pangu's blood.

It is not Han Chen's essence blood, but even if it is not a Pangu lineage, it is only a Pangu side lineage, but he has also obtained the four ultimate innate spirit treasures of Yuantu, Anose, Karma Fire Red Lotus, and Water Control Xuanyuan Banner.

And each piece is the top of the best innate spirit treasures.

It can be seen that Pangu God has given preferential treatment to his descendants.

In Styx, if this Han Chen was born in his own time, the opportunity obtained in his hands would definitely not be less, and even, it is estimated that he has become holy now.

"Each has its own karma, and, in the eyes of the poor way, these magic treasure spiritual roots, as long as they have nothing to do with preaching, are all foreign objects, and such foreign objects are enough, and there is no need to force them too much."

Han Chen said a little freely.

Of course, if it is a treasure above the innate supreme treasure, even if it is a foreign object, it is estimated that the saints will go forward to fight for it.

"It's still Daoist friends who can see it!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"It seems that this trip to the West has to go!" Styx shook his head and said.

"Taichen went to the prefecture to look for Houtu Niangniang, junior brother, what do you think is its purpose?"

The quasi-Taoist who was doing something in the east was the first to receive the news from Jizo, and hurried back to Mount Meru to tell the usher the news.

The person who received the Daoist pondered in his thoughts, unable to understand why this Taichen wanted to go to the prefecture, and he did not expect that this Houtu actually contacted Taichen.

"Senior brother, it won't be that Taichen received the solicitation of Houtu Niangniang, so he has an idea!"

Jun Ti said speculatively.

"Alas, the negligence of the poor Dao, I originally thought that after the defeat of the Sect, I could draw the Tai 547 Daoist friends into my Western Sect, which would be of vital help to the prosperity of my Western Sect in the future.

But I forgot about the Houtu Niangniang. "

The reincarnation of the Houtu is very important to the West to flourish, without the help of reincarnation, it can be said that the West is simply not prosperous, and the golden body beheading method created by the two of them is directly in vain.

And Taichen is just a talent that the two of them fancy.

"Try it, if it's really impossible, give up, don't offend the Houtu mother because of it."

Moreover, it is not necessary to draw it into my Western religion, you can choose to befriend it.

By the way, then Cihang Xiaoyou, how did you get in touch? "

The usher thought about it and made a choice.

"Cihang Xiaoyou, I still yearn for my Western Avenue, and it is rare that Yuan Shi Daoyou has already guessed his relationship with Taichen Xiaoyou.

It can be said that after the robbery, she has nowhere else to go except me in the West.

It's just that what surprised my junior brother was that Cihang Xiaoyou and Taichen Xiaoyou had advanced from the middle stage of Da Luo to the consummation realm close to Da Luo Golden Immortal with just one double cultivation.

It's really weird.

Even my Western Way of Joy doesn't have such a miraculous effect!

If I can pull Taichen Xiaoyou into my west, I am afraid that this position of Joyful Buddha and Dingguang Xiaoyou will not be able to get there! "

The would-be Daoist couldn't help but smile.

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