
With Cihang Xiaoyou's master and apprentice joining me in the West, there is still hope for wooing Taichen Xiaoyou! "

The premise is that Taichen has not returned to the Houtu, but in the opinion of the introduction, the attitude of the Houtu is relatively salty, and even the prefecture does not want to care, I think it should not interfere in the dispute over the flood and desolation.

After all, she holds the authority of reincarnation, and she occupies most of the authority of the Flood Barren Land, which can be described as the honor of the tunnel.

Innately invincible, where do you have to fight for luck like them.

Therefore, in his opinion, if he could not persuade Na Taichen to join the West, he could also let Cihang's master and apprentice persuade, or even let Taichen's two nephews persuade, and even let his brother persuade him is one of the alternatives.

"In this way, giving Cihang Xiaoyou a bodhisattva fruit position is a little low!" Jun Ti also thought at this time.

When Cihang was promised a bodhisattva fruit, even if it was the first bodhisattva of one of the four great bodhisattvas, the head of many bodhisattvas, his dignity was not below the ordinary Buddha.

But in the end, it is not a Buddha, not to mention that the status is not comparable to the Buddha, and even luck cannot be compared.

"Can be named the Great Freedom Buddha of the Heavens Guanyin!"

For those who were ready to join the Western religion, the two of them had already prepared, and every Buddha and every bodhisattva was related to Western luck.

It can be said that the quasi-mention and introduction are also fought for the sake of the West's great prosperity.

Divide the luck of the entire West into parts, each carrying a fruit according to its size.

The fruit positions are generally divided into arhats, bodhisattvas, and Buddhas according to their heights.

And arhats are also divided into general arhats, Vajra arhats and Venerable arhats.

Bodhisattvas are also divided into walker bodhisattvas, messenger bodhisattvas, and first bodhisattvas, while Buddhas are divided into heavenly Buddhas, three Buddhas, and supreme Buddhas.

There are so many lucks, it can be said that each fruit position has a fixed number.

Yu divided the shares of the big company of the Western Sect to everyone and became rich with everyone, which is really not something that ordinary saints can do.

At least Sanqing can't go, and only disciples under Sanqing's sect can enjoy luck.

And Nuwa and Houtu, the two of them did even more, they didn't even stand up the Great Sect.

This is also the main reason why the two of them can attract talents in the Sect and Interpretation, after all, everyone is not a fool, they were originally under the saint's door, and they were only saint disciples in the end when they betrayed the division, so why bother.

It's better to give something practical.

And the two of them did this, in the hope that everyone would work together to make the cake of the Western Sect bigger, strive to become the number one sect in the flood wilderness, and surpass the Xuanmen, so that they would gain more luck.

Moreover, there is no possibility of betrayal.

"What about Ryukichi?"

"She is the daughter of the Heavenly Emperor, and the fate law is not in my release, so there is no need to worry about it!"

The meaning of the introduction is very clear, at the beginning, Zhun Ti calculated Long Ji, now let him not make a move, just let her go, as for whether Cihang wants to use her disciples to block the robbery, this is not for them to decide.

Moreover, the fruit position of their future Buddha Gate is not from the wind pipe, how can they give it to people casually.


Jun Ti thought about it and nodded.

"What do the two disciples of the Dharma Ring think?"

"At the beginning, Junior Brother I promised to give the Dharma Ring a Bodhisattva Fruit Position, but his two disciples were also highly qualified, how was Senior Brother distributed?"

Dharma Ji is only a named disciple, the qualifications are too poor, and now the situation has changed, but in the end, he made a promise by himself.

And over the years, it has also worked hard in the East.

"Since it is the junior brother who promised to go out, let it be allowed to be a walker bodhisattva, as for its two disciples, if they can survive the great calamity, they can promise a Vajra arhat, and if they can't survive the great calamity, they can let the Dharma Ring go to his reincarnation and enter the mantle of my release."

The usher thought for a moment and said.

"Very good! So according to what Senior Brother said! "

Jun Ti clasped his hands together and nodded in satisfaction and said.


Sanxian Island, a burst of coercion radiated the entire Immortal Island, and the majesty was fleeting, and Qiong Xiao and Bixiao, who taught the way of cultivation to some children, spirit birds, spirit beasts, flowers, trees and spirits on the island, both opened their eyes.

The two looked at each other, and both saw the joy in each other's eyes.

And the boy elves below really suffered, although the breath just now was fleeting, but the breath was too huge, that is, the general Taiyi Golden Immortal momentum they couldn't bear it.

Therefore, all the boy elves were lying on the ground at this moment, motionless, and their eyes were full of panic.

With that momentum just now, even Qiong Xiao and Bixiao trembled in their hearts.

"Big sister is out of customs!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Qiong Xiao said first.

"This is, did the eldest sister successfully behead the three corpses and become a quasi-saint?" Bixiao also said.

"Yes, it must be the eldest sister who broke through, and this breath is clearly the eldest sister's." Qiong Xiao nodded with certainty and said.

At this moment, both of them were overjoyed in their hearts.

Because they knew that if their eldest sister became a quasi-saint, the four brothers and sisters would definitely have a great luck, so that the chances of becoming a Daluo Golden Immortal in the future would be greatly increased.

Perhaps, it won't be long before the two of them can become Da Luo Golden Immortals.

Thinking of this, the two hurriedly ran towards the mansion where Yunxiao was closed.

Not long after, Yunxiao Jingxin Pavilion walked out and saw the two younger sisters running towards him full of joy.

"'Big sister, you successfully beheaded the corpse?'

Yunxiao nodded and got Yunxiao's answer, and the two quickly congratulated, "Congratulations to the eldest sister for beheading three corpses, and obtaining the certificate of sainthood, and from now on the mixed yuan road can be expected!" "

Yunxiao was also in a good mood at the moment, nodded, and looked the two younger sisters up and down: "Not bad, it seems that you listened to what I said last time, and I haven't seen you make great progress in cultivation these days!" "

Yunxiao was also very happy in her heart, after all, she cut off the three corpses, achieved quasi-saint, or was a quasi-saint mid-stage powerhouse, and at this moment, looking at the whole world, she had a feeling of seeing through everything with a clear mind.

Unlike in the past, even if Da Luo Jinxian successfully cultivated, he was still restless, as if some bad crisis had occurred.

She is a Da Luo Golden Immortal, and this kind of warning is not out of nowhere.

It is precisely because of this that she always remembers the explanation of Teacher Tongtian, the measure of robbery can not run around, closed the door, quietly recited the Huangting Avenue, equal amount of robbery before speaking, she also told herself in her heart.

And now, that kind of crisis warning is gone.

Let Yunxiao have a feeling of refreshment.

"Of course, of course I won't forget the explanation of the eldest sister, with our qualifications, I believe it won't be long before we can preach Da Luo, but we can't let the fifth senior brother surpass it!" Qiong Xiao said very confidently.

"Very, very!"

"Hahaha, you still need to work hard, otherwise I'm afraid it won't be long before you five senior brothers surpass you!" Your fifth senior brother is now a Taiyi Golden Immortal farmer!" "

Yunxiao saw the two younger sisters said with an arrogant look, and couldn't help but scream.

"Ah! How can it be! It's only been a long time, so soon to become a Taiyi Golden Immortal, the fifth senior brother won't be eating the Nine Turns Divine Pill of the Master Uncle, right? "。

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