Yunxiao shook her head, but did not answer the reason, in fact, she herself was not very clear.

But with such anti-heaven exercises as "Hongmeng Shendao", normal phenomena are no longer enough to explain his junior disciple, so what is strange about going against the sky.

That is, her cultivation is too low, if you want her to be like this, Da Luo Golden Immortal is complete, even if Da Luo Golden Immortal is in the late stage, at the moment of practicing "Hongmeng Divine Dao", he is estimated to be able to become a quasi-saint mid-stage powerhouse like her.

However, even if she is now a quasi-saint powerhouse.

But she still firmly believed that her junior disciple would be sanctified before her, not because of anything else, but because she believed that Taichen was different from them.

"Your master uncle's elixir is so easy to take?

Stop thinking about it! Always thinking about relying on external objects, the future path of cultivation is destined to go far! "

Yunxiao couldn't help but teach the two younger sisters a lesson and said.

Taught by the eldest sister's lesson, Qiong Xiao and Bixiao also flattened their mouths, and said with a slight grievance, "Where do we want the elixir of the master uncle, just talk casually."

Big sister, after discovering that the fifth senior brother appeared, you became more and more strict with us! "

"It is, it is!"

"I am strict with you, for what, not for your good, you must know that although we are saint disciples, if we do not work hard, the great calamity comes, and we still cannot escape the crisis of death.

Before your eldest sister and I were beheaded for the corpse, my mind was always restless, 990, warning me that there was a crisis coming..."

"Ah! Big sister, why didn't you tell us about this? "

Qiong Xiao and Bi Xiao looked at Yunxiao in surprise at this moment, at this time, their eldest sister never said to them, if they didn't say it today, they were afraid they would never know.

"What's the use of telling you, you only have Taiyi Golden Immortal cultivation, so, eldest sister, I will let you practice hard!"

Bixiao heard something.

"In other words, big sister, you don't have such a bad crisis warning now, right?"

Yunxiao also did not hide it, nodded directly and said, and then frowned and said.

"But there is no such crisis warning, but I don't know if this crisis is aimed at me alone or against our brothers and sisters."

If it's for the four of us, it's fine.

Indicates that the number of robberies has passed.

But if it is only for me, it only means that my crisis has passed, and your crisis still exists, which is what I am worried about. "

Hearing the eldest sister's words, Qiong Xiao and Bixiao were silent.

Obviously, at this moment, the two of them thought of what Teacher Tongtian said, but the three corpses were all in the robbery, and the two of them did not behead the three corpses, as for why there was no pre-(agbj) police like their eldest sister Yunxiao.

Mainly because the two have not yet become Da Luo Golden Immortals, they have not transcended the long river of fate and taken back their life marks from the long river of fate.

Therefore, there is no control over their future destiny.

The Da Luo Golden Immortal is different, this is a realm that controls my own destiny to a certain extent, and my destiny is my master, if there is a crisis in my future.

Instinctively can get early warning from the long river of fate.

"Big sister, as a saint disciple, and with the support of a quasi-saint like you big sister, who else can let us into the robbery, big sister rest assured!"

Qiong Xiao stood up at this moment and said.

"That's right, Second Sister is right, as long as the saint doesn't make a move, who can do what about us, moreover, we have the Nine Curves Yellow River Array in our hands, even if all the second-generation disciples of the Sect are on it!"

Bixiao has this pride.

The Flood Barren Array Dao Tenth Order, the Nine Curves Yellow River Great Array is an eighth-order Divine Array, which can exert the power of the middle stage of the Quasi-Saint, even if it is a strong person in the early stage of the Quasi-Saint, it is necessary to take off three layers of skin when it falls into this array.

And Da Luo Golden Immortal, no matter what level of Da Luo Golden Immortal you are, as long as you don't cut off the three corpses, you will be cut off the top three flowers, five qi in your chest, and ten thousand years of cultivation will be mourned.

Cultivation is wasted!

Of course, Da Luo is not bad, the immortal body will still be there, and there will still be a realm, and it will not be completely reduced to mortal dust.


Seeing that the two younger sisters were so confident, moreover, she thought about it and felt that there was nothing wrong with it, as long as the saint did not make a move, she did not believe that anyone could take what her three sisters could do.

And he is not stupid, how can he provoke a saint.

"By the way, big sister, the good news that you killed three corpses is to tell your brother!"

"Yes, yes, I have to tell the teacher!"

At this moment, Qiongxiao and the two are excited, but Yunxiao's killing of three corpses is the glory of their brothers and sisters, how can it not be publicized.

"Do you want to hold a mixed yuan Dao meeting on Sanxian Island, and invite the sages of the Sect, Donghai Daoyou, Dragon Lord, and the mountain lord to come and listen to the mixed Yuan Immortal Dao talked about by the eldest sister?"

Qiong Xiao suggested on the side at this moment.

Cut off three corpses, one corpse is a mixed yuan scattered immortal, the second corpse is a mixed yuan true immortal, and the third corpse is a mixed yuan golden immortal. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Therefore, quasi-saints can also be called mixed yuan immortal path.

Generally, if someone in the Flood Barren Great World successfully beheaded the corpse and promoted to the Mixed Yuan Immortal Dao, they would hold an immortal meeting, invite friends to come to the gathering to discuss the Dao, and by the way, tell about the loneliness of their retreat practice over the years, sort out their cultivation gains and so on.

It's like when Duo Bao beheaded the corpse into the mixed yuan, but the entire second generation of disciples of the three sects came.

Even if it was just a banquet for the elderly, whether it was a Western religion, or the Heavenly Court Haotian, or the Styx, or Zhen Yuanzi, they all sent people to send congratulatory gifts.

"Don't, two sisters, it's time to calamity now.

There are too many variables in this, this kind of activity is still not needed, the three of us sisters get together, and then go and tell the teacher.

As for the brother...

I think my brother should have been returning to my advanced mixed element path a long time ago! "

Hearing that the two younger sisters wanted to make a move, Yunxiao hurriedly stopped her, she was also out of caution, if it was a normal time, the promotion to the quasi-saint should be celebrated, she would not stop it.

And now it's a calamity.

"Alas, what the eldest sister said is very true, it is the younger sister who takes it for granted."

The two of them also understood after thinking about it, and their brother Zhao Gongming was a late cultivator of the Great Luo Golden Immortal, able to master qi luck, and the four brothers and sisters were connected by luck.

The two of them could not sense the growth of luck, but their brother would definitely be able to sense it, and now the elder brother must know that his eldest sister was already preaching mixed yuan.

"In this case, you better go and pray to the teacher!"

Emei Mountain, Luofu Cave Cave Heaven, a top innate cave heavenly world with a radius of 80,000 li, uses more than ten days of innate spiritual veins, and continuously produces innate spiritual energy.

The innate aura that caused this Luofu cave was about to atomize.

And as a great disciple of the Outer Sect of the Lord of the Cave Heaven, Da Luo Golden Immortal Zhao Gongming opened his eyes in vain from the retreat and laughed.


The two disciples of the outer courtyard of the Taoist Temple, Chen Jiugong and Yao Shaosi, heard the sound and quickly ran in.

"Master, why is this such joy?"

"Good thing, good thing, your master has advanced to the Mixed Yuan Scattered Immortal Achievement Great Escape, and the Mixed Yuan Dao Fruit can be expected!" Zhao Gongming did not hide it in the slightest, and said that Yunxiao had become a mixed element scattered immortal.

"What?" Chen Jiugong and the two were shocked when they heard this, so fierce expected that the two of them were really shocked, the two of them were not mortals with different cultivations, of course they knew what the Mixed Yuan Scattered Immortal was.

It was precisely because they knew that they would be shocked, but the two turned ecstatic and quickly congratulated.

"Congratulations Master, Master Aunt can be expected in the future, and I can also follow Master Venerable to enjoy the blessings of Master Venerable."

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