"Hmph, you two rammed goods, what you think about is beauty, the Great Realm, the road of the Great Avenue lies in itself, if you don't work hard, even if you wait under the Sage Sect Lord, what can you do."

When the great calamity comes, if you don't pay attention, you will not turn into dust, and don't leave regrets at that time. "

Seeing that the two disciples actually had a slackening mind, Zhao Gongming was furious and scolded.

"The disciple knows it's wrong!"

Chen Jiugong and the two were also shocked when they saw Master Venerable react like this, and quickly knelt down and confessed their mistakes.

"Okay, you two get up, don't think like this in the future, even if it is for the master to achieve the way of mixed elements, and I can't help you too much, let alone the senior aunt."

The journey of the avenue, into the boat against the water, if you do not advance, you will retreat, you must not slack! "

"Disciples obey the teacher's instructions!"

And Zhao Gongming, who was educating the two disciples, suddenly looked happy, "You two get up, and go and welcome your senior brother Wen Zhong~ in!" "

But he felt Wen Zhong's arrival.

"Disciples obey!"

Chen Jiugong and Yao Shaosi were surprised when they heard this, but Senior Brother Wen Zhong hadn't come to their Emei Mountain for a while.

The two knew that their master and Wen Zhong's nephew were on good terms, although they were uncles and nephews, but the two were more of a friend's friendship, and the friendship was irresistible, so they did not dare to slack, quickly got up and walked out of the cave.

After all, it is a congenital hole.

The inner world, which exists attached to the Great World of Floods, has no way for outsiders, and if there is no one to guide the way, they cannot find the entrance.

Not long after, Zhao Gongming saw the person coming, and at this moment Wen Zhong had a vicissitudes on his face and a sad face.

"Hahaha, why is Wen Zhongshi and nephew so sad, but have you encountered any problems?"

"Alas, Uncle Junior, it's just a big difficulty, if not, how could you casually come to Emei Mountain to find Uncle Junior for help!"

Wen Zhong replied with a wry smile.

"Come on, sit down first!"

Zhao Gongming beckoned Wen Zhong to sit on the chair carved from the spirit stone, "Hurry up and pick some immortal fruits in the backyard to entertain your senior brother!" During this period, there were two people who commanded Chen Jiugong.

When Chen Jiugong and the two came back and cleaned up, the stone table was already full of immortal fruits, and immortal brews, especially the fiery red innate spirit fruits, spread out one after another of the innate spiritual energy to the surroundings, making people salivate.

The Innate Spirit Fruit is produced by a Chinese Innate Spirit Root Zhu Guo in the cave sky.

Although it is not comparable to innate spirit fruits such as peach life fruit, it also takes thousands of years to ripen, and dozens of fruits are obtained each time.

Moreover, this thing is not simple, ordinary immortals can increase mana for thousands of years by taking a vermilion fruit.

Of course, above the Golden Immortals, especially the Great Luo Golden Immortals such as Zhao Gongming, this thing is also a mouthful, because this Zhu Guo is exceptionally sweet.

It can increase the real mellowness, on top of the deliciousness, it is a congenital fruit, even peach and ginseng fruit can not be compared.

And because of its mellow aroma, Zhao Gongming is even more mellow and pleasant with his brewing of Zhuguo Xian.

It also created the reputation of Zhao Gongming's Jiujiao Wine Immortal, and even many immortals in the Flood Barren Land were willing to buy this Zhuguo Immortal Brew with heavenly materials and earth treasures.

"Master and nephew, I will be in Emei Mountain in the near hundred years, but you are welcome, try it quickly."


Wen Zhong was not polite, but he directly ignored Zhu Guo, directly picked up the wine jug, poured a large cup of immortal brew, and drank it in one sip, feeling refreshed.

"Hahaha, refreshing!"

Putting it down, Wen Zhong's face was sincerely admiring, "Uncle Master's winemaking skills are becoming more and more exquisite, I'm afraid it's not far from the level of Wine Immortal Du Kang." "

Feel the diffusion of immortal brew in the body, turning into a stream of mana, washing away the tiredness that comes along the way.

Heart Dao, this immortal brew of the uncle has far surpassed the jade liquid brewed by the Heavenly Court Wine Immortal Du Kang!

Du Kang, the sage of the Terran race, was the first person to create great merit in wine, and obtained great merit by creating wine to directly achieve the way of the Golden Immortal of Da Luo.

Nowadays, there is an official position in Tingtian, who is responsible for the brewing of the Heavenly Court's jade liquid, of course, most of the time it is not in the Heavenly Court, but in the Fire Cloud Cave to listen to the three emperors and five emperors.

Therefore, the Heavenly Court's Qiongyi jade liquid was said to be brewed by Du Kang, but in fact it was brewed by those apprentices under Du Kang's training, and its asking effect was not comparable to the immortal wine brewed by Zhao Gongming, a powerhouse in the late stage of the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

"Hahaha, the master and nephew are praised, don't dare to compare with the wine immortal, the jade liquid of the Heavenly Court is not made by the wine immortal!"

What's more, the immortal wine brewed from the merit Lingbao wine jar in the hands of the wine immortal is the real immortal wine, far from what I can compare! "

Zhao Gongming laughed, although he was praised and happy, he still had a number in his heart.

"The master and nephew just said that there is something to ask for, now you can take it slowly."

When Wen Zhong heard this, he put down his wine glass, his face was sad, and he slowly said what happened under the mountain.

But the way was that Wen Zhong fought against Xiqi, invited Penglai Immortal Friends to help, and set up ten absolute formations to block Xiqi's army, but he did not expect that Xiqi found many masters to expound.

Even breaking the six divine arrays on his side and losing six immortal friends in a row made Wen Zhong really shocked and painful.

The mind felt that it could not go on like this, and if he did not invite the same person as the Interpretation Golden Immortal, the remaining four Daoists were afraid that they would not be able to withstand the attack of the Interpretation Golden Immortal.

Therefore, I thought of Zhao Gongming, a big disciple of the outer sect of the Sect, who is also boundless in mana, has vast powers, and countless spiritual treasures in his hand, and will definitely be able to defeat the Golden Immortal of the Sect.

Hearing Wen Zhong slowly speak, Zhao Gongming became angry when he heard this.

"! Bullying Tai Yi and the like in the realm of the Great Luo Golden Immortal is really shameless.

As a friend of the three religions, I am ashamed of my poor path, and when my master and nephew go down the mountain, I will teach the disciples a lesson! "

Guangchengzi, burning lamps and the like, Zhao Gongming knows, Da Luo Golden Immortal is in the realm of perfection.

Such a powerful cultivation also has countless innate spirit treasures in his hands.

It is really too bullying to rely on people so much, but to bully a person who is too righteous, how can Zhao Gongming, a righteous person, tolerate the disciples of the Interpretation Sect to continue to be arrogant.

What's more, he still knows those ten Daoists.

I have instructed them to practice before.

Thinking of this, the more Zhao Gongming thought about it, the more angry he became, "Such a big hatred is not guaranteed, let the Sect think that I am a bully!" The master and nephew went first, and when the poor road was ready, they followed. "

Zhao Gongming said with a majestic face.

"So, thank you for your help, Wen Zhong went down the mountain first, waiting for the good news of Uncle Junior!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

And at this moment, Penglai Immortal Mountain, Biyou Palace, and Tongtian Sect Lord summoned Yunxiao, followed by the four major family disciples, but they did not see the seven immortals who accompanied them, and it is estimated that they are all in retreat in their cave mansion.

And Tong Tian looked at the outer disciple in front of him with a very surprised face at this moment, and the others next to him were shocked.


Because this junior sister of theirs actually beheaded three corpses and achieved quasi-sainthood.

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