"Hahaha, what you gave last time was the reward you found for your junior brother Taichen, this time it was given by your mentor, and you should accept it from the time you received it!"

For Yunxiao's thoughts, Tongtian still understands.

I am also very satisfied that this apprentice can consider the views of the same senior sisters.

"In this way, disciple thanks Master Venerable for the treasure!"

Yunxiao took the Nine Dragon Ding, put it into the water and fire gourd, and probed it, and the heart Dao was really a wishful spiritual treasure.

With this treasure, if the junior brother wants to create a person next time, it can be more convenient.

Jiulong Ding, although it is not comparable to Qiankunding and other innate treasures, in the end it is the ultimate innate spirit treasure, coupled with the help of Heavenly Dao Qinglian, I think it is no less than Qiankunding.

Even the effect will be better, after all, the Heavenly Dao Green Lotus is the power of the world, and when Nuwa created people, it was only a quasi-saint cultivation.

After meeting Master Tongtian, Yunxiao was pulled to one place by the four Turtle Spirit Virgins, as if he wanted to find out something.

In the Biyou Palace, Tong Tian looked up in the direction where Yunxiao and a few disciples left, and muttered to himself, "Good apprentice, I hope I won't blame the master in the future!"

The gods of heaven and earth are not lost in a great fruit! "

Shaking his head and closing his eyes.

Don't say how Penglai Immortal Mountain 06 is, but say that it is outside Xiqi City at the moment.

Zhao Gongming took two disciples, sat down on a Taiyi Golden Immortal Black Tiger Beast, broke through the air, saw the person coming, Wen Zhong led everyone to come to greet him.

"Greetings Senior Uncle, the disciple has been waiting for a long time!"

"Meet Senior Brother, if Senior Brother comes, I will definitely be able to beat the disciples of the Interpretation Sect to the ground, in order to avenge me and other senior brothers and sisters!"

Ten Heavenly Monarch has always been more obsessed with the Dao, because they are studying each other's Dao, and they are both brothers and sisters, but they are more than brothers and sisters.

And at this moment, six people died directly, although they have all gone to the God List, but the Heavenly Court Zheng God is not as free as the Immortal Dao, and they will not be free to get together again in the future.

He also had to obey Haotian's order, and he was really humiliated.

Well, although their cultivation was only Taiyi Golden Immortal, it still did not prevent them from looking down on Hao Tian, a quasi-saint cultivator, on what basis, just because they were saint disciples.

And Haotian was just a boy.

What is a boy?

This is just a special miscellaneous subordinate who is not even as good as a named disciple.

Even if you serve the Dao Ancestor, it still can't change that you are a child, and in their opinion, it is a shame to listen to a boy in the future.

Unless they can be given the Six Heavenly Venerable Karma.

The Six Royal Positions are not under Hao Tian, and they can ignore Hao Tian's order, so that they will think.

And let their brothers and sisters lose the people of the Immortal Dao, the disciples of the Interpretation Sect are enemies in the true sense of the word in the hearts of the four at this moment, and they must also send these Interpretation Sect disciples to the list of consecrated gods in order to solve the hatred in their hearts.

"Hahaha, junior brothers, don't be impatient, and wait for the poor Dao meeting to explain the masters later!"

"Good, master and nephew are lined up with a hundred diseases!"

Wen Zhong hurriedly returned when he heard this!

Not long after, the war drums were beating, the war horns were blowing, thousands of troops and horses were lined up, and the battle flags were fluttering, and when they heard the sound of the war drums of the merchant army in Xiqi City, they also knew that the opposite side began to call for battle.

The group of immortals gathered, Jiang Ziya analyzed, "Some time ago, after I broke the anti-six god array, I didn't fight for half a month, and now I suddenly called the formation, I am afraid that the opposite side is coming to shout!" "

"What the Prime Minister said is very true, there must be another intercept sect master coming down the mountain, I have to be careful to guard against it!"

Huang Feihu, as the head of the military generals, although his personal combat strength is far less than Yang Jian Nezha and others, but his ability to arrange troops and lead troops to fight, Yang Jian and others are not as good as horses.

Now the two ministers of the Great Zhou Wen and Wu said this at the same time, how can King Wu Ji Fa be calm.

Looking up at everyone, "I don't know who it is this time, is there something that Taichen Zhenjun has returned?" "

To be honest, Ji Fa has a shadow over the Taichen Zhenjun at the moment, and the way of the talisman in his hand is too against the sky, and the key is also protected by the Nine Heavenly Xuannu, the sage of the Terran race.

Even if he wins, what if he can't take him?

If so, if he can't deal with my Xiqi all the time, then how can my Xiqi succeed in the harvesting business.

Seeing Wu Wang Jifa's worried face, Ran Lantern said with a smile.

"The great king does not need to worry, I have in my hand the treasure river map given by the saint, this treasure is the supreme treasure of the ancient emperor's teaching, and it is also the way to restrain the talisman of the Taichen true monarch.

Even if it comes, it can only do useless work. "

"Hmph, if he takes the initiative to send him to death, I, Yang Jian, will definitely not keep his hand, even if the Nine Heavens Xuannu protects him!"

Life and death hatred, even if he is blessed by misfortune, but this is his own luck, do him too much, this hatred Yang Jian must repay.

Nezha, on the other hand, stood in the crowd without making a sound.

Joke, if this Taichen was just a disciple of the Sect, he would not be afraid, but now that Sister Xuannu could make a move, it showed that this was Niangniang's meaning, and he would not disobey Niangniang's order.

"Hahaha, the second brother is powerful, with the second brother's current Da Luo Golden Immortal cultivation, plus the magical power of "Eight Nine Xuan Gong", I am afraid that no one is invincible under the quasi-saint, but it makes me so envious!"

Nezha said with a compliment on the side.

"Very, very, this time I agree with Nezha's words, don't say that the second brother is too much of a Daoist, even if the sect disciple Duo Bao Daoist comes, why not!"

Next to him stood a nine-foot-tall, jade-faced young man, this person was Huang Tianhuaye, the son of Huang Feihu and a disciple of Pure Moral Heavenly Venerable.

He has always not dealt well with Nezha, and every time Nezha says, he wants to go back, but this time he follows this word.

"The great enemy is in front, how can you be a child's hee-hee, and you can't mess around in the sky!"

Seeing his son look so rash, Huang Feihu, who is a father, of course has to blame 480.

Huang Tianhua also did not dare to return to his father, so he could only shrug his shoulders and retreat.

"Yang Jian, one thing that Poor Dao did not say was that the Taichen True Monarch I met last time was not actually his true body, his true body was a Taiyi Golden Immortal cultivator.

Therefore, even if he defeated that True Immortal Taichen, it would be harmless to him. "

At this time, Tai Yi Zhenren stood up and said.

"What? No way? If he is an incarnation, only the realm of true immortals, why can't I see it later? "

Yang Jian's most confident was his Heavenly Eye, when he was still a Taiyi Golden Immortal cultivator, under his Heavenly Eye, even if he practiced the Transfiguration and Transfiguration Daluo Golden Immortal, it was impossible to dodge.

What's more, that Taichen is a little real immortal?

And the rest of the people couldn't believe it, because everyone had done in-depth investigation on Taichen, and knew that this son was just a Heavenly Immortal cultivator not long ago.

Later, Pangu Relic, Fuyuan broke through to become a true immortal, even if it was already a true immortal.

It's also reasonable.

But if you want to say that it is a Taiyi Golden Immortal, this is a bit outrageous.

Among everyone, Cihang didn't have much emotional change, because that Taichen still broke through the Taiyi Golden Immortal with the help of her innate Yuan Yin Origin.

And Long Ji, who was standing behind the person of Cihang Dao, was wide-eyed, his mind was full of changes, surprise, excitement, confusion...

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