"This matter should not be fake, the incarnation of Poor Dao in the prefecture has seen the Taichen Zhenjun himself who went to visit Houtu Niangniang, and he clearly feels that his cultivation is definitely not the so-called true immortal perfection.

It is the early days of the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

As for why you were able to conceal the Heavenly Eye Divine Power of Da Luo Golden Immortals such as me, especially Yang Jian's nephew, you have forgotten that this son is the second person in the Hong Wilderness who has completely mastered the Heavenly Dao Divine Power handed down by the Pangu Great God.

As far as the poor way knows, this magical power is far beyond the way of change and transfiguration, and the way of incarnation and avatar is even more mysterious, and it can create life out of nothing.

I think that back then, Nuwa was a magical ability to create the Terran race and repair the heavenly cave, but this technique has many mysteries, but it is far beyond my imagination.

It is also easy to deceive me and so on with this incarnation technique.

Moreover, that day, the Nine Heavens Xuannu sent Fan Li to protect the Taichen Zhenjun, I think it was not all because this son was from the Terran race and had extraordinary talents, and there must be the meaning of Nuwa Niangniang.

After all, if the Heavenly Pillar breaks again, when the Heavenly River falls, Nuwa Niangniang also needs a helper! "

His own Taiyi Salvation Heavenly Clan avatar was able to maintain a timely exchange of information with him, so that he knew what happened in the underworld as soon as possible.

And Tai Yi Zhenren's words, as a disciple of Da Luo Golden Immortal, can understand the meaning when he listens to it.

However, while Tai Yi was speaking, he looked at Yang Jian, and the meaning was very clear, there were two saints behind Taichen Zhenjun as backers, if he offended two saints for the sake of one Taichen, it would be a bit worth the loss for a Da Luo Golden Immortal.

The road to preaching will be bumpy and difficult.

In fact, he still has important information that he has not said.

That is, Houtu Niangniang later recruited the Styx Daoist, and finally came out of the reincarnation space, and the Styx was too enthusiastic about Taichen Zhenjun.

Hospitality to the other party to the Asura Temple as a guest, that attitude, is simply closer than his own brother, you must know that Taichen Zhenjun is just a Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Ether Yi Zhenren's understanding of the top god-killing figures such as the Styx.

Not to mention the Taichen True Monarch, even if his master Tongtian Saint came to the Blood Sea, the Styx Dao people estimated that they were only so entertained at most.

It's easy to see why.

The reason why Styx could welcome a Taiyi Golden Immortal so warmly was no other reason than Styx's direct boss, Houtu Niangniang.

In this way, it shows that Taichen has a great relationship with Houtu Niangniang, which will make Styx so enthusiastic.

As for the relationship between that Taichen Zhenjun and Houtu Niangniang, this is not something that Taiyi Zhenren can know.

However, these are not important.

The important thing is that in this way, behind this Taichen True Monarch are two saints and a big man who surpasses the saints.

There are only a total of Flood Saints.

For a little Taichen to offend the three big guys, Taiyi Zhenren will definitely not do this as long as he has no brain problems, not to mention that this Taichen Zhenjun is not a simple person.

Even if he only has the Taiyi Golden Immortal, he can expect the way of the charm seal, and he does not dare to provoke at will.

Yes, Taiyi Zhenren told himself many times in his heart that there was nothing to find Taichen Daoist.

"Meet the Houtu Niangniang? Can the junior brother know why he visited Houtu Niangniang? "

For what Taiyi Zhenren said, Guangchengzi, who was an ancient Da Luo Golden Immortal, did not understand, but he did not think about how Taichen Daoist was, but he was a little curious about his visit to Houtu Niangniang.

"Junior Brother, I don't know about this.

But the junior brother guessed a little, that Taichen Zhenjun is a god of the Pangu clan, and Houtu Niangniang is also a god of the Pangu clan, so I think it should have something to do with this. "

Tai Yi Zhenren said ambiguously.

But Guang Chengzi and Burning Lantern Daoist both took a deep look at Taiyi Zhenren, and both of them had doubts in their hearts that they still knew and did not say, but since the other party did not say it, they had no way.

"So it seems that Taichen Zhenjun may appear again?"

Wu Wang Ji said sullenly, kill and can't kill, the key other party has such a heaven-defying talisman power, at this moment Ji Fa is extremely helpless in his heart.

"The great king can rest assured that although this son has a talisman seal, but the river map in the hands of the poor Dao can be specially defeated, as long as that Taichen Zhenjun dares to come, he will definitely be captured alive!"

The Lantern Daoist said confidently.

"Hehe, the vice sect leader still don't talk too much, otherwise he will lose the supreme treasure like last time, if he loses the supreme treasure again this time, then the anger of the master uncle is not something that anyone can bear."

Guang Chengzi next to him saw the confident look of the burning lamp, and couldn't help but say something faintly.

"Junior Brother Guangchengzi, what do you mean?

I lost the last mixed yuan Yiqi Taiqing talisman, I was responsible for the last accident, can the junior brother be exempted from responsibility. "

Hearing Hiroshiko's words, it was as if he had lost the Taiqing Talisman himself.

It made him really angry, but after thinking about it, at this moment, the burning lamp was cold in his heart, and he suddenly felt bad.

It makes him feel that giving the river map to himself seems to be a big pit.

If Hetu was really lost from his hands, he was afraid that the Taiqing Saint would definitely not spare himself, after all, Xuan Du had already explained when he handed over the magic weapon to himself.

Hiss... Not good! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Hmph, even if Hetu is lost from the hands of the poor road, then it is a big deal to switch to the Western Sect, I don't believe that there are two sect leaders to shelter, what else can you do with me!"

He was in an awkward position and felt that he had no future.

When the prospective saint invited him, he had already intended to move, and the way of silence handed down by the West coincided with his avenue, the most important thing was the generosity of the two saints in the West.

Without sparing luck, he is a third Buddha.

To have a reputation and reputation, to have good and to have benefits.

Perhaps, if you turn to the way of Shimen, you can still find the hope of a mixed element saint in the Western religion.

"Vice Sect Leader, don't misunderstand, Poor Dao (Good Money Zhao) has no other intentions, just want to remind the Deputy Sect Leader to be careful, don't regret it after losing the magic weapon at that time!"

Although Guang Chengzi shouted the deputy sect leader in his mouth, there was no trace of respect in his words.

And the quarrel between the two made Yang Jian on the side feel embarrassed, knowing that the Taiqing talisman was lost in his hands last time, and now the two of them are revisiting the matter in front of themselves.

It's just punching yourself in the face.

If it was someone else, Yang Jian didn't say a word, directly proposed a three-pointed and two-edged knife, and killed them, regardless of whether he was a Daluo Golden Immortal Perfection powerhouse.

But these two are their own elders.

Jiang Ziya also saw Yang Jian's embarrassment and felt nervous anger, so he quickly stood up and interrupted the two of them, "The two senior brothers don't need to argue about such a trivial matter, then Wen Zhong is in front, I can't wait to lose my footing."

Wait for the poor road to explore the truth first.....".

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