As the son of the calamity, to be able to mix into such a look, it is Jiang Ziya, think about the calamity of Long Han, Hongjun and Luo Xiao, how against the sky, the demon ancestor and the Dao ancestor compete for dominance of the flood waste.

Which of the twelve ancestors of the Lich Demon and Dijun, Taiyi and other people is not prestigiously suppressed in an era and passed down for all generations.

Where is it like Jiang Ziya.

If you want to cultivate without cultivation, you have no basis for heels, and you only got a flying bear life, if it weren't for this flying bear life, Jiang Ziya would have died a long time ago I don't know how many times.

Guang Chengzi took out the divine pill that had been prepared long ago and gave it to Jiang Ziya, and in less than an hour, Jiang Ziya, who was already dead, opened his eyes again.

"Ah, it hurts me too!"

Jiang Ziya still remembered the golden whip hitting him, and he got up from the bed with a cry of pain,

"Junior Brother Ziya, don't worry, you're okay now!" Guangchengzi Daoist hurriedly used his magical powers to calm Jiang Ziya's divine soul, and the group of immortals next to him also stepped forward to greet.

"In this way, Junior Brother Ziya has to take a good rest, and leave the outside to the poor road!" The Lantern Daoist said.

The matter of breaking the Ten Extinction Formation this time was originally handed over to him to command, but he didn't expect to come to Zhao Gongming halfway.

In this way, Teacher Lao is more careful.

By the way, teacher, but I don't know that person is and the source, but he has such skills, and my yellow flag can't even prevent its attack? "

It's just that you can't prevent it, how can the apricot yellow flag not prevent Zhao Gongming's attack?

This is a Sect Leader-level innate spirit treasure, even a saint is enough in his hands, not to mention dealing with a Da Luo Golden Immortal like Zhao Gongming.

Burning Lantern thought to himself.

But seeing the surrounding disciples and King Wu who did not know where Zhao Gongming came from, they looked straight at him, and they didn't dare to say that Jiang Ziya couldn't do it.

Instead, he bowed his head slightly, "Junior Brother Ziya, but you don't know that that person is Zhao Gongming, a big disciple of the outer sect of the Truncated Sect, and he is a Da Luo Immortal himself."

In his hand, there was a mysterious spirit treasure, known as the Sea God Bead, a total of twenty-four.

This bead has immeasurable mana, and with the blessing of the mana of the twenty-four Dinghai God Beads, the mana is even greater, I am afraid that if it is not under the quasi-sect master, it is normal that the junior disciple can not prevent it.

Even if the poor road saw it, he could only be careful, at that time, that Zhao Gongming was too fast, and it was too late to remind the junior brother, otherwise, he would not let the junior brother fight with that Zhao Gongming. "

Everyone, including Yang Jian and the others, were shocked when they heard the glare, but they did not expect that there were such masters in the Sect.

"Alas, the tyranny of the king is tyrannical, why are there so many capable people helping.

Taichen Zhenjun is gone, and now Zhao Gongming is here, and these people are still all sectarians, and if they want to go to the Qing Lingbao Tianzun is also a saint supreme, don't they understand that this is going against the sky? "

Ji Fa suddenly complained at this moment for some reason.

And hearing Ji Fa's words, Guang Chengzi was happy at first, after all, now Ji Fa has no good impression of the Intercept Sect, and after the future calamity, there is someone in the world Ji Fa to support, it is the opportunity for them to expound the teaching.

But hearing that this Martial King Jifa behind actually bluntly accused the Tongtian Saint of not being the other, which made the second-generation disciples such as Guangchengzi and Burning Lamp shocked.

Nima, it's okay for you to complain about the Intercept Sect and the Intercept Sect disciples, but don't just talk about saints.

Aren't you looking for death?

The saint is what you said casually, and Guangchengzi hurriedly stopped him, "Great king, don't say so, Master Tongtian is the supreme saint, immortal and immortal, educating all sentient beings in heaven and earth, and is the master of heaven and earth."

It's not something that ordinary people like me can comment. "

"Great King, under the saints are all ants! Yin Shang is because the king insulted the saint and his mother because of his lewd words, and it is because I and others have helped the king to cut down the business.

If I offend the saint, don't say anything about the great king, even if the life of the great king, I dare not guarantee it!" The Lantern Daoist also quickly shook his head at this moment and reminded.

Ji Fa looked around at everyone, and the second generation of golden immortals looked nervous.

Immediately, I also knew that I had said the wrong thing, and I sighed in my heart, the change of my Terran dynasty was only because of the anger of the saint, it was too joking, too sad!

Ji Fa has a lot of worries in his heart, but as a human king, he still has the emotional intelligence of a human king.

Hurriedly reacted in a panic, shocked, "But Ji Fa said the wrong thing, this is Ji Fa's fault, and ask the saint to forgive the sin!" "

Even to the void to ask for forgiveness of sin.


Guang Chengzi and the others nodded when they saw that Ji Fa could admit their mistake, although their master was also a saint, they couldn't give the Tongtian Saint an excuse to make a move.

Ji Fa is an important pawn of their master, and there is absolutely no room for mistakes.

"Burning lamps........ It is better to surrender as soon as possible, otherwise Jiang Ziya will be waiting for the end. "

Zhao Gongming's shouting array came from outside, and the lantern could only respond, and walked out of Xiqi City with a group of golden immortals.

Lantern supported the long beard and looked at Zhao Gongming, "In the past, I waited for the three teachers to be on the list of gods in the Zixiao Palace, and once said that the names and surnames on the list, the three religions were sealed without a shadow, and they could only be seen after death.

Ask for flowers 0

Now, if the Taoist friends do not listen to the words of the sect leader and go down the mountain to this red dust karmic calamity, is it not seeking their own death? (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Hearing the words of the burning lamp, Zhao Gongming suddenly became angry, looked at the burning lamp and shouted, "Er and others are also disciples of the three sects, why did they go down the mountain to this red dust calamity?"

Saying that the poor road seeks its own death, hmph, I wait for the deer to die whose hand is still unknown.

Let me send Daoist friends to that God List and enjoy the Heavenly Court Immortal Blissful Way!" "

And Zhao Gongming just said, the Huanglong real person next to the burning lamp received, "Hmph, Zhao Gongming, you don't know the number of days, blocking my Great Zhou Merchant's move, this is against the sky, the fate is waiting for me and not you, today will be the day you are on the list of gods!" "

Well, quarrelling, how can Zhao Gongming and a Da Luo Jinxian win over each other, and don't say anything about him.

Directly beckoned the golden whip in his hand to kill the Yellow Dragon Zhenren, who is also a Da Luo Golden Immortal, although his cultivation is minimal, the early stage of Da Luo has not yet entered the middle stage.

But it is also a Da Luo Golden Immortal, and the Heavenly Spirit Treasure Immortal Sword in his hand flashes, and the end is extraordinary.

Jumped into the air and killed Zhao Gongming.

"Oh shh

The magic weapons of the divine weapons intersected, Mars was radiant, and Huang Longton felt that Zhao Gongming really had boundless mana, and he was not an opponent at all, so he wanted to retreat first.

Before he could, the divine light in Zhao Gongming's hand flashed, and a golden light came towards him like a swimming dragon.

Huanglong Zhenren didn't react at all.

It was approached by that golden light, entangled, revealing the true face of the golden light, but it was a golden rope, the ultimate Houtian Lingbao Dragon Rope.


Suddenly, Huanglong felt that the mana around his body was sealed, and his divine soul was trapped, falling directly from the air and falling on the loess, splashing a burst of dust.

"Hahaha!" Seeing this, Zhao Gongming laughed.

Without laughing, a divine light shot towards him, Zhao Gongming quickly dodged, but it was the red sperm who made a move, this time the group of immortals broke the formation, it was not because he lost the saint's innate treasure Taijitu.

Therefore, seeing Huanglong really suffering, he couldn't help but make a move, even if the two didn't have any intersection, he didn't think much of Huanglong.

"Oh, little trick!"

Zhao Gongming dodged the divine light, did not put the red sperm in his eyes at all, and a blue light flashed in his hand, hitting the red sperm.


Right in the middle.

It flew hundreds of meters upside down, landed on the ground, spit out a mouthful of golden blood, and his face was extremely pale and ugly.

"Junior Brother!"

Seeing that the big red sperm was injured, Guang Chengzi, Yuding Zhenren, and Lingbao Archmage three flew through the air... Three..

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