Then, Guang Chengzi, Yuding, and Lingbao shot at the same time, wanting to defeat Zhao Gongming, but did not want Zhao Gongming to have the Dinghai God Pearl to cheat, mana was all over the sky, always the three joined forces, and they were also invincible in mana, and were repelled back.

"Hahaha..... The way of interpretation is not as far as my avenue of interception, Guangchengzi, poor road advises you to return to the mountain early, confining the cave mansion, don't enter this red dust world again, and harm Er and other small lives. "

Seeing that Guangchengzi and the three ran back to Xiqi City with red sperm, Zhao Gongming did not chase, but laughed and belittled the practice of expounding the teachings.

When Guang Chengzi and the others heard this, they clenched their silver teeth, but they did not fight back at each other's words, after all, facts speak louder than words, and several of their own brothers lost to each other one after another.

Now even Junior Brother Huanglong has been arrested by him, and the other party is only a disciple outside the sect.


Guang Chengzi snorted coldly, but his heart was not "eight nine seven" convinced.

This kind of battle of the Great Luo Golden Immortal has been rare since the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, and even Han Chen also admired Zhao Gongming's strength.

Among the Great Luo Golden Immortals, I am afraid that except for Sister Xuannu and the legendary Kong Xuan, I am afraid that no one can fight the God of Wealth!

At this moment, Han Chen, who was visiting the Asura Temple of the Blood Sea, saw the battle between Zhao Gongming and the Golden Immortal through the incarnation of Peach in his eyes, this time Han Chen learned to be obedient, and there was not a trace of breath.

It is impossible for Da Luo Jinxian to discover his incarnation.

"Daoist, just now you asked me if the Blood Sea has that Hongmeng ferocious beast Blood-winged Black Mosquito?"

Styx was a little surprised, although he could not say that he could not control one hundred percent of the sea of blood, he also controlled more than eighty percent, and there was still twenty percent not controlled, mainly because he was not the only one living in the sea of blood.


As far as Han Chen knew, this blood-winged black mosquito was a Hongmeng ferocious beast, born in the sea of blood, and had the mouthparts of the ultimate innate spirit treasure of the rank of the twelfth-grade meritorious golden lotus, but this was the extreme against the sky.

Among the gods, he was captured by Zhun Ti and locked up in the magic weapon baggage by the usher.

In the end, let the blood-winged black mosquito suck up the Turtle Spirit Virgin who was locked up in the baggage, leaving only a remnant soul reincarnation.

It can be said that among the entire consecrated gods, the disciples of the Sect Intercept Sect have the worst fate.

After all, Duo Bao has become the Western Buddha Lord, and he deserves to enjoy the Immortal Dao, and the Golden Spirit Virgin has also become the nominal Doumu Yuan Jun of the mother of the northern stars, although the authority is not much, but the status is there.

Although there is not much intersection with the Turtle Spirit Virgin, it is still a pity that Han Chen is still a pity, if he can change, it is better to save it.

Of course, there was another important reason, that is, Han Chen took a fancy to the origin of the three-pin golden lotus that was sucked by the blood-winged black mosquito.

The practice of the Chaos Green Lotus Dharma Phase requires three origins, although it does not necessarily require the basic origin of the innate spiritual root.

The kind of Acquired Green Lotus that descendants of the Creation Green Lotus is also enough, but wouldn't it be better if Han Chen could obtain three innate spirit treasure-level origins, just like his Houtu sister's words, the origin foundation is huge, and it can also reduce the consumption of merit origins.

Of course, there was another reason, it was for his Five Spirits World Heavenly Dao Green Lotus.

Theoretically, even if the realm of the Five Spirits World becomes a great world, the Heavenly Dao Green Lotus will grow into the Heavenly Dao Green Lotus at the innate supreme treasure level at most.

After the world became a great world, there was not much help from the Heavenly Dao Green Lotus.

At most, it plays a role in energy conversion, which does not play much role in the evolution of the world, and can only promote the evolution of the world by absorbing incense and faith.

However, relying on the belief of all sentient beings alone, the process is absolutely very slow.

Therefore, Han Chen was wondering if he could let the Heavenly Dao Green Lotus go one step further and raise its upper limit to the Chaos Spirit Treasure, or even the Chaos Supreme Treasure level.

In this way, Han Chen could only gather the origin of all the lotus platforms.

Of the five lotus platforms, Han Chen only had the Pure World White Lotus and the Creation Green Lotus and the Karmic Fire Red Lotus, and only lacked the Merit Golden Lotus and the Extinction Black Lotus.

The meritorious golden lotus is in the hands of the receiver, but the black lotus of extinction is the magic weapon of the demon ancestor Luoji.

Who knows where.

However, for the time being, Han Chen only aimed at the meritorious golden lotus, of course, maybe this can also be regarded as a cut beard.

"Whether there is a Hongmeng fierce beast, the poor road is really unclear, but there are other creatures in the sea of blood, which is the body of an innate demon god killed by a fierce beast in the primeval period.

Because he accidentally absorbed Pangu's bruised blood, got the opportunity of creation, and successfully resurrected, this thing called himself a general, the ancestor of the zombies of heaven and earth.

Although his strength is only in the middle of the quasi-saint period, his physical body is strong, his resilience is amazing, and he has the power of time, occupying the remaining twenty percent of the sea of blood.

All this time, the well water did not violate the river water, and he was not cared for by the poor road.

As for the blood-winged black mosquito? There are quite a few blood sea mosquitoes, all kinds of exotic beast mosquitoes, but Hongmeng fierce beasts and other exotic beasts have indeed never been seen! "

Styx didn't hide anything either, shook his head and said...

Hearing the words of the Styx, Han Chen was surprised, he did not expect that the legendary Zombie King General actually existed in the Flood Barren World, and he was still a quasi-saint mid-stage strength.

Such a heaven-defying strength is also a great god in the flood.

"I didn't expect such a powerful existence in the sea of blood!"

"But it was the neglect of the poor road back then, so that it had the opportunity to grow, and now even the poor road cannot be underestimated."

I just don't know what is the use of Daoist friends looking for that Hongmeng ferocious beast blood-winged black mosquito? Taoist friends just say, if the poor Dao finds it, he will definitely bring it to the Taoist. "

Nonsense, now with his relationship with Houtu Niangniang, as well as the saint opportunity given to him by the other party, the cause and effect of such opportunities is far from being offset by a superb innate spirit treasure.

It's good not to be sanctified now, and when you become holy in the future, you are repaying the cause and effect, I am afraid that it will not be so.

Therefore, he really hoped that Han Chen would ask for more now.

"This ferocious beast kills too much, and it has a great cause and effect with the poor road, if the Taoist friend can kill it, he can tell me that his flesh is given to me, and the poor road has its own use."

Han Chen didn't play a sharp edge, and said straight to the point.

And hearing Han Chen's words, Styx raised his eyebrows, he didn't expect that this white-faced good-faced Xiaolangjun could still say such murderous words, and he opened his mouth to help him kill that Hongmeng fierce beast.

It's just that what grudge does this Taichen have with that Hongmeng ferocious beast? 0.6

The River Styx really couldn't figure it out.

But think about it, the reason why the Hongmeng fierce beast is Hongmeng fierce beast, its killing nature is definitely far beyond its own, and the killing things he does have a purpose and a result.

He will not kill indiscriminately, after all, he is a congenital deity, and he does not want to be contaminated with karmic cause and effect at will.

"Hahaha, Daoist rest assured that such Hongmeng fierce beasts are doing evil in my blood sea, but Poor Dao will not ignore it, and after Poor Dao has asked the generals and Daoists, he may be able to find its clues."

The sea of blood that originally belonged to his Styx ancestor alone had one more general, and he was already very uncomfortable, and now there was one more Hongmeng fierce beast, which was not what he wanted to see.

Can be called Hongmeng fierce beast, its potential is definitely not under the innate demon god, once again let it grow, when the time comes, another strong person will compete with himself for the blood sea?

Absolutely not allowed!.

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