Looking at the white-robed young man in front of him, Han Chen was a little surprised, originally thought that the legendary zombie ancestor would not be good to see even if it was not the kind of forest face fangs and terrifying and scary.

But he didn't want to bring the legendary zombie ancestor general, who actually looked like a handsome scholar.

"Poor Dao Taichen has seen the senior!"

"Hahaha, Taoist friends are polite, Daoyou is Niangniang's younger brother, how dare I call me senior, just directly intersect with peers!"

When the general heard Han Chen call himself senior, how dare he agree, when the Styx elder called him, he had already explained the identity of this Taichen, not only the saint's own disciple.

The most important thing is the younger brother of Houtu Niangniang.

He lives in the sea of blood, and has never dared to mess around in the Flood Barren World, and the main reason is not because of his fear of those saints, over the years, he has found some small worlds in the chaos to develop the zombie race.

But for the Flood Barren World, he would not give up, compared to the origin of the Flood Barren World, the foundation of those small thousand worlds was too shallow, and it was simply not enough to support the cultivation of a quasi-saint like him.

All this time, he was not accepted by other saints, and even Houtu Niangniang did not look at him squarely.

But it's not that he doesn't want to be recognized by the saints.

Especially Houtu Niangniang, if she is recognized by Houtu Niangniang, it is definitely much better than the recognition of those saints, and no matter how she says that she has absorbed a part of Pangu's blood.

It can't be regarded as Pangu authentic, and 12 must be Pangu sideline.

And now I heard that this Pangu True Sect of Taichen in front of me is the younger brother of Houtu Niangniang, so befriending this person, maybe he can get the approval of Houtu Niangniang.

Yes, he did not dare to be careless.

As soon as he received the message from the River Styx, he rushed to the Asura Temple non-stop.

"In this way, the general Daoyou is polite!"

Unexpectedly, this zombie ancestor still listened modestly and politely, Han Chen smiled and saluted, "I have indeed seen the Hongmeng fierce beast that Xiaoyou said."

He lives in the part of my blood that I am.

It has a powerful mouthpiece, even the flesh of my zombie ancestor cannot withstand its attacks, but its cultivation is not high, and only the Great Luo Golden Immortal has completed its cultivation.

But its speed is too fast, and it can also transform countless blood-winged black mosquitoes, and if it can't kill them all, it can't be completely killed.

I don't have the ability to cultivate the Blood God Son and the Blood Sea of the Dao like the Daoist of the Styx, so I have no way to take him, I can only let him practice in the sea of blood.

At ordinary times, he does not casually bleed the sea...

But I don't know what you want to find him? "

Hearing the general's words, Han Chen was overjoyed, but he didn't expect that this Hongmeng ferocious beast was really in the sea of blood, before it was just his guess, but now when he heard the general's words, he was sure in his heart.

"Don't hide from Taoist friends, the poor road and its other cause and effect need to be concluded..."

Han Chen can't always say that this Hongmeng fierce beast has a great cause and effect with the meritorious golden lotus.

Seeing that Han Chen didn't want to say, the general would not continue to ask without being uninteresting, cause and effect, he didn't believe this thing, that mosquito Daoist has been staying in the sea of blood, and he doesn't go out casually, how can he have cause and effect with you a taiyi golden immortal.

If there really is cause and effect, how can you escape the killing of such a Daluo-level Hongmeng ferocious beast.

"So it is, this ferocious beast is now in a sea of blood.

I'm afraid that Daoist cultivation is..."

"Poor Dao will help itself, and the ministers and Daoists can show me the direction for me!"

At this time, Styx answered from the side, "Huh? "

Hearing the words of the Styx, the general was surprised, you must know that the Great Luo Golden Immortal is very difficult to kill, even if it falls, the true spirit wrapped in immortal aura will be reincarnated.

It is the cause and effect between the Da Luo Golden Immortals, and the general quasi-saint will not interfere.

Unless, this quasi-saint owes one of the monks a great cause and effect.

But after thinking about it for a while, he also understood why he personally killed this Hongmeng ferocious beast, and this Styx had long regarded the sea of blood as his territory.

Now the Hongmeng ferocious beast Blood-winged Black Mosquito is still only a Da Luo Golden Immortal, not fully enlightened, it is the best time to solve it, if you wait for it to achieve quasi-sainthood, complete enlightenment, and then compete for the authority of the blood sea, it will be a troublesome matter.

If I hadn't been careful, I'm afraid I would have been strangled in the cradle!

The generals did not have the slightest good impression of the Styx, in fact, the two were still hostile, and they were in charge of the way of time, even if the other party was strong, they could not help themselves.

However, the Styx is on the list of Houtu Niangniang.

If he let him feel emotional when Houtu Niangniang, he estimated that his life would not be saved, and it was precisely because of this that he very much wanted to befriend Houtu Niangniang or other saints.

It would be even better if he could get the protection of the Houtu mother!

"This will trouble the Styx Daoist!"

Taichen understands that Styx wants to repay the idea of cause and effect, and he can't stop it, and with the help of Styx, he can be foolproof.......

With the leadership of the general, it didn't take long to find the blood-winged black mosquito, and at the moment of the arrival of the three, they were also discovered by them and flew out directly from the sea of blood.

Without many words, he came to kill the three.

Whether it is a ferocious beast or a Hongmeng ferocious beast, in theory, even if the ferocious beast achieves the Great Luo Golden Immortal, its IQ is not much higher, and it will be killed and influenced, only knowing killing and destruction.

Just like the six-winged golden cicada in the previous life of the Tang monk, it was also a Hongmeng fierce beast, and the Da Luo Golden Immortal cultivator actually sucked the saint's body without knowing whether he was dead or alive.

It is precisely because of the Bodhi Tree Essence of Zhun Ti that he has received the help of the Innate Spiritual Root Bodhi Wisdom Source of the Sage Ontology.

Only then did he become fully enlightened, no longer just a machine that only knew how to kill.

But I have to say that the potential of the Hongmeng ferocious beast does not belong to the ordinary innate demon god at all, which is why the two saints of the West have successively collected golden cicadas and mosquito Dao people.

That is, the meritorious golden lotus was sucked by the mosquito Dao people, otherwise, the mosquito Dao people would definitely be able to become a saint disciple like the golden cicada.

Among the three people of the Styx, Han Chen's cultivation was the lowest.

Although the mosquito Dao people are not highly intelligent, they instinctively seek benefits and avoid harm, so they first kill Han Chen.

"If it is really an animal, he does not know manners and righteousness, and he should fall! Daoist friends are on the sidelines, watching how the poor road kills this evil beast! "

Saying that, the Yuan Tu A Nose double sword in his hand unfolded, with the Xuanyuan Water Control Flag on his head, and stepped on a nine-pin red lotus of the Acquired Ultimate Lingbao level.

Seeing the Nine Pins Flame Red Lotus at the foot of the Styx, the general was surprised.

In his impression, isn't this lotus platform of the Styx Old Way a twelfth grade industry fiery red lotus, how did it become the nine-pint red lotus of the Heavenly Spirit Treasure?

And at this moment, the body is in the blood 033 sea, to the strength of the person is displayed.

At the moment when the Styx body closed the sea of blood, the blood-winged black mosquito felt the crisis of life and death, and quickly broke through the air, "This beast has spatial powers, be careful not to let it run!" "

At this time, the general's words came from behind.

And hearing Jiang Chen's words, Styx was speechless in his heart, don't say it earlier, on purpose.

Han Chen next to him frowned, and when he saw that the mosquito Daoist turned into a mass of thousands of blood-winged black mosquitoes ready to use magical powers to escape, his right hand suddenly flashed.

It's a charm.

The general next to him was surprised, because he felt a destructive force from Han Chen's talisman seal, a force that restrained him, and made him feel the crisis of his life.


Han Chen drank loudly, and the rune flew towards the group of blood-winged black mosquitoes, boom...

A chaotic thunder fell from the sky.

All Heavenly God Thunder!

Seeing that thunder, these words appeared in his mind, Pangu Great God opened the heavenly capital god thunder!

"Hiss, it's really worthy of being Niangniang's younger brother, even this kind of thing!" The general couldn't help but sigh in his heart, but the power of thunder is also the nemesis of the zombie family.

Ordinary thunder power, even if it is purple thunder, it depends on who casts it, if it is cast by the general Da Luo Golden Immortal, it will not have the slightest effect on him, but the quasi-saint powerhouse casts it.

Well, it doesn't have much effect, he cultivates the way of time, a time pause, he can fix the thunder for a moment, and he can run.

But all Heavenly God Thunder, this is a little difficult, this is the power that points directly to the origin, the destruction is too strong, if it is a quasi-saint, he can't hold back, unless he comprehends the time regression, or cultivation to further achieve the quasi-saint stage.

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