
Suddenly, Houtu was surprised, because she found three divine fetuses that were being conceived among the Dao Green Lotus that day.

"Sister, those three divine fetuses seem to have been formed under the action of the avenue, originally junior brother, I just wanted to breed a Heavenly Emperor of this world with a drop of essence blood.

Who knows, under the power of the avenue, the essence blood is divided into three.

The three origins gave birth to three beings. "

Han Chen explained slightly.

Hearing Han Chen's words, Houtu was shocked in his heart, a small Zhongqian world can actually attract the attention of the Dao, Dao, this is not an ordinary thing.

This is the Great Will of Chaos, and as long as anything that helps Chaos is born in the entire chaos, it will attract the participation of the Great Will of Chaos.

It's like creating a world to get merit, if you can create a great world, you can definitely preach with merit ~ saints.

And like her, creating the first reincarnation of the entire chaos, although she can't think of any benefit of reincarnation to the entire chaos, but it allows her to obtain the Dao-Chaoyuan Dao merit.

Therefore, hearing Han Chen say that it attracted the attention of the Dao, she would be very shocked.

Instead, let's see what's the secret of this?

Thinking of this, Houtu secretly exerted his strength to probe among the Dao Green Lotus that day, and looked at Han Chen with a strange look for a while.

"Sister, don't look at me like that, is there something wrong?"

Han Chen, who was furrowed by Houtu's eyes, said in a slight panic.

"It's really strange, I didn't expect it.

If I'm not mistaken, these three origins were bred by three forces in your essence blood. "

"Oh? Please also ask my sister to explain? "

"The first power is the origin of Pangu's father god combined with the breath of creating the green lotus, this son was born, he is absolutely extraordinary, and he can be the heavenly emperor of this world."

This Han Chen is also very easy to understand, after all, he is an innate demon god born through Pangu essence blood.

"The second is that Nuwa's origin is combined with your original Terran origin."

"Our Lady Nuwa Niangniang? Why is that? "

This Han Chen couldn't figure it out.

"The Terrans call Nuwa the Holy Mother, and this Virgin is not known because Nuwa created the Terran so simply, but the Terran really has the bloodline of Nuwa.

Back then, Nuwa created the Terran race in Buzhou Mountain, with the Nine Heavens Rest and the Three Lights Divine Water, and added his own essence blood, so that in theory, every Terran today has a Nuwa bloodline.

It's just that the bloodline is too thin, and it will be useless.

And now, it is estimated that it is the intervention of the power of the Dao, so that you and Nuwa Origin have been nourished and nurtured into the life god fetus.


Little brother, you actually intersected with Nuwa Origin to give birth to an heir!

In theory, this heir should call you father and Nuwa mother.


Interesting, interesting, if you let Nuwa's sister know that she has somehow become a mother, it will be fun...! "

At this moment, Tuha laughed, and his appearance of fear and chaos made Han Chen shocked in his heart, what the hell, the heir born with Nuwa Niangniang?

If this really let Nuwa Niangniang know, she must not chop herself.

No, at this time, you must not let Nuwa Niangniang know.

"Sister, don't, if you let Nuwa Niangniang know at this time, your little brother and I are afraid that my little life will be difficult to save ah!" Han Chen quickly begged with a look of grievance.

"Don't worry, when the time comes, my sister will protect you, and that Nuwa will definitely not be able to take what you do."

At this moment, Houtu's eyes narrowed into a slit, and he didn't know what he was thinking, but Han Chen didn't need to guess to know that it was not a good thing.

"Okay, okay, don't worry, Nuwa this person I know, although a little belly chicken intestines, cultivation is also low, not reasonable, except for good face, everything else is fine."

Nima, with so many shortcomings, do I still have a way to live?

Han Chen cried in his heart, but he couldn't influence anything, who let others be saints.

"Then, sister, you must protect me then!"

No way, he has no ability to mix with the direct relationship of the saint, moreover, he can also hear that his sister seems to have a little conflict with Nuwa Niangniang.

But think about it too.

When the Lich was robbed, many of Nuwa helped the demon clan, if it weren't for this, the demon clan would have been destroyed long ago, how would the brothers and sisters of the Houtu fall.

And back then, Fuxi died at the hands of those ancestral witches. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The two directly estimated that there was a lot of contradiction.

"Don't worry, you are my sister's only younger brother now, and my Pangu clan is only our two brothers and sisters, no matter what, I won't let you have an accident."

Besides, I won't tell her that you made the child. "

Seeing that his younger brother was so afraid of death, completely lacking the momentum of their Wu Clan's supremacy and dominating the three realms, Houtu was really a little depressed, but he was still comforted.

Ask for flowers 0

And Han Chen was even more speechless when he heard this, what is the child I made out, it is clear that it was made by the avenue!

"In a few days, do you want to go to Wa Huangtian with my sister?" Houtu rolled his eyes, thought of something, turned his head to look at Han Chen and asked.

"Why are you going to Wa Huangtian?" Han Chen was puzzled.

"Of course, congratulations to Nuwa for having a daughter!"

"Ah, sister, don't tease me, didn't you send it to the door to die, you go, I won't go, and, don't say it's me." Han Chen pleaded again.

"Oh, coward, don't be weak-hearted, how can she know, well, since you don't go, I'll take Jiufeng myself!"

It just so happens that I haven't gone out for tens of thousands of years, and I always stay in the reincarnation space, which is a little boring. Glancing at Han Chen, he pouted, and Houtu said.

"Okay, sister, what do you say is the last kind of origin?"

"It's nothing, it's that you are originally of the origin of the human race, but you should belong to the descendants of Shennong Yandi, with his bloodline, he is now a human emperor, although he is not a saint, but he can also be regarded as an enlightened person.

Therefore, this divine fetus will probably be somewhat similar to Shennong in the future. "

For the origin of the last divine fetus, Houtu has no interest.

And when Han Chen heard this, he seemed to have thought of something, "Sister, you said that this divine fetus will be like my ancestor Yandi, then wouldn't the other two divine fetuses also be..."

Houtu nodded.

"You guessed right.

The first divine fetus, Pangu race, human head dragon body, innate Dao body.

You and Nuwa's daughter, that is, the heir of the Wa clan, the human head and snake body, are also a natural Taoist body.

The last divine fetus is the head of the ox, and it is also a kind of innate Tao body.

It can be said that these three divine fetuses will all have extraordinary potential in the future and have the potential of quasi-saints, but this Middle Thousand World is afraid that it will not be able to carry quasi-saint cultivation.

Unless you really want to be promoted to the world. "

The Tao body, but not only the Terran is the Tao body, when Pangu opened the sky, the day changed eighty-one, manifested eighty-one Dharma, and the last one was the form of the Terran.

Theoretically, these eighty-one forms belong to the Taoist body.

The Great Dao is simple, and the Terran body is the simplest and most perfect, but it does not have the same natural power as other Dao bodies.

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