
Heaven and earth were turbulent, and under the power of reincarnation in Houtu, the power of reincarnation began to breed in the underworld of the Five Spirits World, and Houtu glanced at Han Chen.

"Little brother, now reincarnation needs to be carried by innate spirit treasure or innate spirit root, I have innate spirit treasure in my hand, but the innate spirit root does not..."

The main thing is that these things are of little use to her, so she has not collected them.

"Sister, the little brother has already thought about it!"

Han Chen said nothing, and directly a red flower flew out of his hand, turning into a huge red lotus, which was the ultimate innate spirit root, and it was also the ultimate innate spirit treasure, the karmic fire red lotus.

"This... Little brother, why are you? Aren't you going to use this to cultivate the Chaos Green Lotus Dharma? "

Seeing his younger brother behaving like this, this made Houtu unable to understand at the moment.

And only Han Chen himself knew.

The Five Spirits World is said to be the world's "Five One Three" realm, but it is actually his own Dao fruit, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is an extension of his life, and what Han Cheng wants is to collect the five lotus platforms to promote the promotion of the Heavenly Dao Green Lotus.

Become the Spirit Root of Chaos.

I also want to use the "Chaos Creation Green Lotus Law" to create my own innate treasure.

Therefore, Han Chen wanted to use one lotus for two purposes.

Carry reincarnation with the Karmic Fire Red Lotus, practice the Chaos Green Lotus Dharma with the Five Spirit World, and at the same time provide the Heavenly Dao Green Lotus with the original function of the Karmic Fire Red Lotus.

Of course, the reason why Han Chen was like this was because he thought of the division of authority in the flood wasteland.

Yes, he could only nod, "Sister, this is my secret art of little brother, this world is not a simple world, but also an extension of my little brother's Daoguo."

The Chaos Green Lotus Dharma Phase does not require me to practice personally, it can also operate with the Five Spirits World! "

"Oh? It is so mysterious, my sister I am a little curious, if it were not for my sanctification, my sister I would have to take a look. "

Houtu said with a smile.

"If my sister really wants to learn, it doesn't hurt for my younger brother to take it out!"

"Forget it, what your senior sister only got when she made the oath made it so simple for me to see, what do you let your senior sister think."

Moreover, it is also amazing to get a congenital treasure from you.

People, don't be too greedy.

What's more, how can your sister now also be a half-step Wuji Dao Realm cultivator, what's the matter, your World Dao can still allow me to be promoted to the Wuji Dao Realm? "

Houtu smiled and looked at Han Chen, and there was actually some expectation in his eyes.

If he can really promote himself to the Infinite Dao Realm, even if he makes a Dao Oath, what's the harm.

And hearing Houtu's words, Han Chen smiled bitterly.

Promoted to the Infinity Dao Realm?

How is it possible, "Hongmeng Shinto" is at most to make people become mixed yuan cultivators, as for becoming a mixed yuan middle stage, or late mixed yuan stage, then I don't know.

This depends on whether the origin of the great world is strong or not.

If the origin of the Great Thousand World is strong and the three thousand avenues are gathered, it is not impossible to say that it is impossible to directly preach the consummation of the mixed elements.

And the promotion from the low-level Great Thousand World to the middle-level Great Thousand World was not something that Hongmeng Divine Dao could help, and it was precisely because Han Chen wanted to see if he could promote the Heavenly Dao Qinglian from the innate supreme treasure level to the chaotic spirit treasure level.

Maybe there is a Chaotic Spirit Root level Heavenly Dao Green Lotus, and in the future, the Great Thousand World can further become a middle-level Great Thousand World or even a high-level Great Thousand World.

"Sister, you think too highly of my brother and me!"

"Isn't this enough, when will you get me a way to break through the Infinity Dao Realm, your sister and I will promise you any conditions!"

Receiving Han Chen's negative answer, Houtu felt a little regretful in his heart, but he also said with a full mouth.

"Hahaha, don't break your word then."

Hearing this, Han Chen laughed and said, with the system in hand, he did not believe that he would not be able to get the Dao of the Infinite Dao Realm in the future.

In fact, he already had a Heavenly Dao deduction card.

Using this card to deduce the Dao of Gongfa must be the Dao True Law of the Infinity Dao Realm level, but unfortunately, it requires five mixed-element level exercises as a basis.

He also only had two Mixed Element Level exercises in his hands now.

I don't know if there is in the hands of sister Houtu...

Thinking of this, Han Chen looked at Houtu and asked, "Sister, do you have a Dao Technique that goes directly to the Mixed Yuan level?" "

"Straight through the mixed yuan, there is a one, this method is called "Pangu Xuanyuan Gong", with this method can cultivate Pangu true body, and then break the Dao with force, my sister also cultivated my own Pangu true body after obtaining the Yuan God and with the help of immeasurable merit.

In the entire Flood Wilderness, only Hou Yi and Chi You are now completely practicing this Xuan Gong.

This method must have Pangu bloodline to practice, and you are also the god of Pangu, this method is just right for you, since you just asked, I will pass it on to you by the way! "

Let's say, a little bit of Han Chen's eyebrows, and soon a mysterious exercise appeared in his mind.

After sorting out the exercises, Han Chen was shocked in his heart, he didn't expect that there was such an anti-heavenly divine skill in the Hong Wilderness, didn't it mean that the "Nine Turns Yuan Gong" was the only technique that directly pointed at the Mixed Yuan Saint in the Hong Wilderness?

Looking up at the back soil, his face was puzzled.......

But Houtu also understood what Han Chen was thinking.

"Those few saints of them are nothing more than fragments of divine skills, and the truly complete Pangu Xuanyuan Gong is only on the twelve ancestral witches such as me, and the rest of the witch clans are fragments.

However, it is also remarkable that several saints together can create a "Eight Nine Xuan Gong". "

Goto explained.

"It's a pity that although Pangu Xuanyuan Gong directly points to the way of saints, it can only be accomplished by both physical and Yuan God cultivation.

If my brothers, especially the eldest brother and the second brother, can give birth to the Yuan God, they will definitely be able to preach the Mixed Yuan Saint with this divine skill. "

Thinking of this again, Houtu's face was full of sadness.

"Sister does not need to be sad, I believe that soon, I will be able to meet with all the brothers and sisters again."

Han Chen comforted and said, his right hand stretched out, his index pointed to the void point, and a little white mangs flew into the void, it was the Ninth Grade Pure World White Lotus.


The White Lotus of the Pure World seems to be integrated into something, which ordinary people can't see, but as a saint, the Houtu who holds the authority of the Flood Barren Tunnel can certainly see it.

This is that this little brother of himself has divided the authority of the five spirit worlds into three ah. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

That day, the Dao Green Lotus carried the Heavenly Dao, the Karmic Fire Red Lotus carried the Tunnel, and this White Lotus was in charge of the humanity of all living beings5.4


A thunder resounded throughout the Five Spirits World, and three figures flew out of the void, sitting on the three lotus platforms respectively, smiling on their faces, and looking at Houtu to salute and greet.

"I've seen Sister Houtu!"

"This... Junior brother this is..." The three are the three incarnations, and Houtu also feels the strength of the three incarnations, quasi-saint cultivation, and, if it weren't for the same aura as her little brother, it is estimated that she would have made a move.

Not knowing the reason for the three of them, they looked at Han Chen with questioning eyes.

Han Chen could only reply, "Sister, these three people are my three incarnations, and they have no real personality, and can only rely on this five-spirit world to exist.

No need to deal with it!

Now with the karmic fire red lotus, I don't know if it can carry reincarnation? "

"It would be better to have the Karmic Fire Red Lotus as the foundation of the Supreme Spirit Root."

Houtu nodded.

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