
The space was distorted for a while, and as the voice came out, a figure appeared in front of Han Chen, an extremely beautiful young woman, dressed in a light red Luo skirt, looking Han Chen up and down with her eyes.

As if I wanted to see what it was.

At this moment, Han Chen did not dare to be careless, this person actually knew his Dao number.

You must know that now it is a calamity, the heavenly machine is chaotic, and he has comprehended the matter of mediating this heavenly path divine ability and obtaining the true monarch's karma, and actually let this person know.

It shows that this person is not simple!

Sage? No, among the several saints, there are only two women, Nuwa and Houtu, and these two people have great merit in heaven and earth, offering sacrifices and incense.

Yes, the god statue of the two Han Chen has still seen.

Moreover, the saint personally came to see his little true immortal, and he did not think that he could alarm the saint because he obtained the true monarch position, and to the extent that he could come in person.

In this way, if it is not a saint, then it is a person who returns to a saint.

"Jiao Taichen has seen the senior, I don't know where the senior came from, why did he come to my house?"

For fear that this strong man would mess around, Han Chen couldn't eat it accurately, so he could only raise the name of the Intercept Sect, although he was not a disciple of the Intercept Sect, but at least he had heard of the Intercept Sect Saint Avenue.

Xiu Jiao Taoist can be regarded as a member of the Truncated Sect Taoist System.

When the woman heard this, she smiled slightly.

"Hahaha, Taichen Daoist doesn't need to be like this, I didn't come here maliciously, but there is a great good thing with Daoyou, moreover, don't say that you are just intercepting the sect and scattering cultivation."

Even if the Daoist friend is a disciple of the Intercept Sect, even if the Sect Intercept Heaven Saint, when he meets the family master, it is only a salute. "

For Han Chen's careful thinking, how the woman did not understand.


Being tormented by the woman in front of him, Han Chen didn't have time to be embarrassed, but he was shocked by the words behind him that the Heavenly Saint didn't put in his eyes.

O Heavenly Saint!

Who is this, who can actually make a saint salute, right?

Han Chen thought about it again and again, and suddenly thought of something, and looked at the person in front of him with wide eyes, and his eyes were mostly waiting for confirmation......

"I think Taichen Daoyou guessed it.

That's right, I am the Great Witch Jiufeng of the Wu Clan, and I came to send you a great opportunity on the order of Houtu Niangniang! "

No, this beautiful woman is not someone else, it is Jiufeng, a great witch of the Wu clan, but Xiu Wei is a solid witch god powerhouse comparable to a quasi-saint.

Hearing the beautiful woman's words, Han Chen was shocked in his heart.

Jiufeng, Houtu Niangniang, really Houtu Niangniang, yes, only the mysterious Houtu Niangniang can make the saints have the qualifications to see the ceremony.

And this nine phoenixes.

Coming to this century-old world, although there are not many resources to purchase exercises and magical powers, but the historical events about the flood famine in the Truncated Sect Scripture Pavilion, and some geographical and hydrological introductions of the flood famine, can be seen without spirit stones.

These nine phoenixes are not simple, and they are introduced in the Jiaojiao Collection.

The great witches of the Wu clan were already comparable to the Great Luo Golden Immortal when they were calamities.

When the Three Emperors Daoist Huang Xuanyuan and Chi You competed, they had already broken through to become a true quasi-saint powerhouse, and over the years, even if their cultivation had not improved, they were also quasi-saint powerhouses.

Thinking that this person in front of him was actually a quasi-saint powerhouse who had participated in the Lich War.

Suddenly a little apprehensive, Wu Clan, those are all disobedient existences, so Han Chen did not dare to have the slightest snub, and hurriedly saluted.

"The junior Han Chen visited the senior of Jiufeng, I don't know if the senior came to the junior, but does the Houtu Niangniang have any explanation, as long as the junior can do it absolutely obligation."

For Houtu, this power that gave life to the entire Flood Barren creature, Han Chen respected it in addition to respect.

You must know that before the reincarnation of the post-soil body, those who do not enter the Da Luo are not eligible for reincarnation, but will only become ghost cultivators of heaven and earth, or be absorbed by heaven and earth, become nutrients in the world, and disappear in the world forever.

After the soil created reincarnation, it created a ray of life for all sentient beings.

In this life, there is no preaching Daluo, beyond the long river of fate, there is still hope in the next life, not in one life, that is, two lives, three lives, four lives... Even the reincarnation of a hundred lifetimes....

Such acts of great compassion and love can be said to be the hope of all sentient beings, and no one dares to offend or even say bad things.

Otherwise, after calculating that Lord Tu Niang Niang will not remember the villain, others will also leave you with no place in the entire flood world.

"Didn't you say that another big chance?

Don't worry, it's not harmful to you, to be honest, I don't know what my mother values you, and I actually gave you such an opportunity, which is considered cheap for you! "

Looking at the one in front of him, who only had a true immortal cultivation, his face was full of caution.

Jiufeng really didn't look at it, but I had to admit that this guy was really lucky, obtained the ancestral god Dao bone, and used the residual intention of the ancestor god to comprehend the divine power.

He also became a god of the Pangu clan.

How come I didn't let myself encounter such good things, if I encountered such an opportunity, I can now become an ancestral witch.

What about Pangu Divine Blood.

Although she is now a witch god powerhouse, she has always been a great witch in her bloodline, and it is her regret that she has not entered the ancestral witch bloodline after all.

Hearing Jiufeng's words, Han Chen's eyes lit up.

The opportunity that can make Jiufeng envious is not a simple chance, but why would Houtu Niangniang give such an opportunity to herself.

Can't figure it out.

"Well, don't think about it, Niangniang does this, there is a reason, I just hope that you will not have the kindness of Niangniang in the future!"

After saying that, a divine light appeared in the palm of his right hand...

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