"Father, there is a water pass ahead."

Huang Feihu looked at Huang Tuan, his face sank, and said.

"That Han Rong's strength is mediocre, but I know that one of his subordinates is a sect master, a master and nephew, his cultivation is unfathomable, and he has a mysterious magic treasure soul killing banner in his hand, I am afraid that this pass is sad!"

With Yin Shang as a general, he also had a meeting in private, and he had also fought together to deal with demons, and the soul killing banner in Yu Hua's hand was not a secret.

Although the Houtian Lingbao refined by the Duo Bao Dao people is only the lower grade of the Houtian Spirit Treasure, this is the only quasi-saint refining among the second generation disciples of the Three Sects of the Duo Bao Dao people, how can it be simple.

Yes, Huang Roll was worried at the moment.

"I'll try him later, see if his soul killing banner is really so amazing, I don't believe it, I haven't practiced the golden body for many years, let alone the same realm true immortal."

Even the Golden Immortal who is one realm higher than me is not mine. "

Huang Feihu has this kind of words, and the entire Yin Shang is the only one who can become a king at such an age to obtain the title of king.

Just because his Huang Fei's martial arts qualifications are against the sky, the three emperors have said that if Huang Feihu can grow smoothly, he is expected to become holy in the flesh in the future!

Holiness in the flesh!

What is sanctification in the flesh? This is an existence of the same level as the Immortal Dao Daluo Golden Immortal, and this is already the highest level of martial arts.

Since the three emperors joined forces to create the Terran Martial Dao, there were few successful flesh formations in the entire Terran race.

It is precisely because of this that Huang Feihu has obtained the thick seal of Yin Shang, after all, there is a future martial arts supreme suppression of physical sanctification, and it is difficult for Yin Shang to destroy it.

And now, that king is actually a worm on the brain, and has sinned such a future supreme powerhouse, if Emperor Yiquan has knowledge, I am afraid that he will jump out of the coffin and slap the king twice.

"I must not be careless!"

Huang Feihu said so, Huang Roll hurriedly persuaded.

"Father rest assured!"


And this side of the Shuishui Pass, since Han Chen returned from the Qinglong Peak, after asking for a drop of essence blood from Han Cheng Han Sheng's two nephews, he began to retreat again, and he didn't come out for several days, and he didn't know what he was doing.

However, Han Rong and the others needed to deal with Huang Feihu's breakthrough.

Inside the room, the seal in Han Chen's hand was constantly changing, and two drops of thumb-sized with a wisp of golden blood floating in front of him.

With a wisp of gold, it means that this is the blood of an immortal.

After all, Han Cheng Han Sheng is both Earth Immortals, the qualifications of the two are not bad, they are top-grade immortal roots, far stronger than the previous Han Chen, if they don't have top-grade qualifications, they won't let that Golden Immortal cultivation ring look at it.

If you work harder, and add some blessings to help, you can hope to be too fruitful in the future.


The two drops of essence blood in front of him were constantly rolling under the power of Han Chen's mediation.


A divine light flickered, and two drops of essence blood continued to change, turning into two figures, these two people were not others, it was Han Cheng Han Sheng's two appearances.

"Meet Uncle!"

The two opened their eyes and bowed to Han Chen with a smile on their faces.

"Whew, it's a success."

Han Chen smiled and nodded in reply, "This is the doppelganger that Uncle I helped you two refine."

This doppelganger is not a simple doppelganger, these two have independent personalities, but they are connected to the lives of the two of you, and this doppelganger can block the robbery for the two of you three times in this divine calamity.

I hope you two have the energy to do it without being too impulsive. "

Han Cheng said sincerely.

Han Chen has not persuaded the two in the past two days, after all, his two nephews are still qualified, and they are expected to be immortals, so why should they mix with this divine calamity.

Follow yourself to leave the Xianshui Pass, practice, add your own golden finger, have your own help, and the future is not without hope of achieving the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

But his eldest brother, hopeless immortal Dao, martial arts qualifications are also very reluctant, Shinto is already the best choice.

But the idea of the two being loyal to the king and serving the country is too deep-rooted, and I don't know who taught it.

Helplessly, Han Chen could only give up.

However, Han Chen also thought that this should be the influence of the calamity, in the calamity, the power of the red dust calamity is rich, if there is no means to shield the karmic influence of the red dust calamity, it is easy to be stained the mind.

Do some extraordinary behavior, just like that Jun King, who was originally such an inspirational person, capable of writing and martial arts.

Love the people and be diligent, who would have thought that in just a few years, they would become a generation of dim tyrants.

The two nephews are not allowed to leave, and Han Chen does not dare to mix in the big battle between the sect and the teaching, although he is already in the robbery, but hide a little, don't make trouble casually.

Therefore, Han Chen's idea was to stay away from the flood and go to the East China Sea to find an immortal island or something.

After traveling through the flood world for more than a hundred years, but he didn't even have a decent dojo, he really shivered, he hadn't looked for it all these years, but he was not the protagonist in the novel.

Whether looking for the innate dojo, or the innate spirit treasure, the innate spirit root or something, Mao has never seen it.

Of course, it was not without gain, at least a Pangu Dao bone was obtained.

"Second Uncle, are you leaving?"

When Han Chang and Han Sheng heard Han Chen's words, they thought of something, and Gu Yi looked up at Han Chen and asked.

"Yes, in the midst of the calamity, your uncle and I are just true immortal cultivators, and in the face of those Da Luo Golden Immortals who are Jiao Jiao and Intercept Sect, they don't even have the qualifications to be cannon fodder, so they can only hide first."

How, are you willing to leave with me? "

"Second uncle, my Han family has eaten for generations, if you don't want to serve the country..."

"Come on, come again, okay, let's not move the two of you, do whatever you want..." After speaking, Han Chen looked at the two of them a little, and saw that the two instantly turned into a stream of light and flew into Han Chen's hands.

Two transparent marble-like strange objects.

"Taichen Zhenjun deserves to master the person who mediates the incarnation, and even I can't help but admire this hand to block the incarnation technique! It's too mysterious, mediation, it's really magical! "

Just as Han Chen collected the marble, the voice sounded in Han Chen's ears, and the space in front of him changed and distorted...

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