As a sitting boy of Nuwa Niangniang, the spirit bead is an innate spirit treasure ornament on Nuwa Niangniang's body, because of frequent contact with saints, the saint has created spiritual wisdom.

When he was walking in Kyushu, he committed murder and robbery, and helplessly, Lingzhuzi could only be reincarnated and become a pioneer official of Yin Shang, with the help of the merit of robbery, cleansing his sins, and at the same time he could further break through Da Luo.

There were also saints who helped refine the origin of the spirit beads in the previous life.

The innate innate demon god body, although it is only a congenital demon god that does not enter the stream, but in the end it is the body of the innate demon god, and the practice is a thousand miles, catalyzed by the huge spirit bead origin in the previous life.

Nezha, Duan has become a Golden Immortal Great Consummation powerhouse in more than ten years.

After he cut the flesh and returned it to his father, his master used the innate colorful divine lotus to create his flesh body, and his cultivation once broke through the golden immortal and became a strong person in the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

However, at that time, he also awakened the memories of Lingzhuzi in his previous life.

After awakening the memory of the spirit bead, he realized that he had made a calculation, although the innate colorful divine lotus was good, it was an innate divine object cultivated by the root of the superb innate spirit root to create the green lotus.

But in the end, it is not an innate spiritual root.

Moreover, it is not its own body that carries the soul, how can it be compared to the physical body that absorbed the origin of the spirit bead in the previous life.

In the future, his achievements will definitely be limited, and he was originally reincarnated to cleanse himself of calamity and break through the Daluo Golden Immortal by the way.

Who knows how it will end up like this.

This is used by his own master to block the disaster.

I heard Niangniang say that the twelve golden immortals have committed the doom of red dust, and they need to walk through the red dust to get through the killing and robbery on their bodies, and there are many ways to cross the killing and robbery.

Compared to forcibly crossing it, the safe way is to prevent disasters.

And this person who blocked the disaster was not randomly selected, there must be atmospheric luck, otherwise the heavens will not recognize it.

'Hateful Tai Yi Zhenren! Thanks to my mother's mother, I left me a back hand, so that I awakened Suhui in my previous life in the Taiyi Golden Immortal, otherwise I wouldn't know that this Taiyi real person is so vicious. ’

Generally, reincarnation and recultivation, only by breaking through the Da Luo Golden Immortal can you get back the Suhui of your previous life, which is the law of reincarnation.

Of course, there was also an accident, it was the saint himself.

And Nezha's reincarnation is also for the sake of calamity, obviously his real calamity is Taiyi Zhenren, but unfortunately he did not survive.

The Dao is not completely uncrossed, the innate colorful divine lotus is a congenital divine thing, the grade is not low, and it is the same root and origin as the four twelve pint lotus platforms.

In the future, if he wanted to break through the limitations of his physical body, he would need to start from those twelve pints of lotus platform.

If he could obtain the origin of the lotus platform bred by the lotus seed of the twelve pins of lotus platform, his innate limitations would be solved, and maybe he could go further.

But those twelve pins of lotus platform are all in the hands of great power, not to mention who is willing to fight evil with Taiyi Zhenren for the sake of a saint boy of their own, and with Yuan Shi Tianzun.

'Niangniang, the spirit beads have disgraced you. ’

Nezha was bitter in his heart, although he was full of hatred for Taiyi Zhenren, but he did not show it, after all, he did not have this strength now, moreover, he still had to do this pioneer.

He still has to take the merit of the calamity.

It is better to have a meritorious protective body than to have none, but unfortunately, if it is his spirit bead body, he is sure to directly break through the Great Luo Golden Immortal at the end of the calamity.

But now, it's impossible....

As for the Lotus Origin Origin, it can only be done from other aspects in the future!

And just when Nezha was thinking about it, there was a kind voice, it was Taiyi Zhenren who called himself, and when he heard this sound, Nezha also quickly collected his mood and rushed to Taiyi Guan.

"Does Master have something important to find a disciple? But the disciple was able to go down the mountain to help King Wu fell? "

At this moment, Nezha looked at Taiyi Zhenren with a mischievous look.

"Hahaha, but so.

Now the time has come, it's time for you to descend!

King Wucheng met Xianshuiguan on his westward road, and there was a strange person in Xianshuiguan, and he had a magic weapon in his hand, which was specifically aimed at the soul, whether it was a golden immortal or a taiyi golden immortal.

As long as you cast this treasure, you will definitely not be able to fight.

And you are the body of the lotus, and the divine soul and the body are one, but you are not affected by this, so you are allowed to go and rescue King Wucheng and take him to Xiqi City..."

Tai Yi Zhenren v. Explain the reason.

Nezha was also overjoyed when he heard this, "Master, the disciple can't wait for this moment, the disciple will go down the mountain!" "

"Okay, in this case, you can go, then Wucheng King Huang Feihu can't lose anything at the moment!"

This was specially given to him by Yuan Shi Tianzun, and although he didn't know what was special about this Huang Feihu, he could only accept the order of the master.

"Disciple retreat!"

Nezha said, there was a burst of fire under his feet, and the two fire wheels made a buzzing sound under his feet, soaring up and flying towards the distance...

Looking at Nezha's departing back, Tai Yi's real face was helpless.

"Alas, I hope you don't hate being a teacher in the future!"

As a teacher, using disciples to block disasters is a common occurrence in floods.

That is, there is Nuwa Niangniang to protect it, otherwise, the current Nezha is estimated to have already been on the list of consecrated gods, where is there any pioneer official saying.

However, Taiyi Zhenren is not worried now.

Nezha wants to break through the Da Luo Golden Immortal in his current state, I don't know what year or month he will have to wait, by then, he will have already beheaded three corpses to become a quasi-saint, why should he be afraid of a Da Luo.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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