Han Chen was not surprised that his entire eldest brother was interested in sealing gods.

After reading the original work of Feng Shen, he knew that originally his eldest brother saw that he couldn't beat and wanted to abandon the official and run away, as for what loyal and patriotic thoughts or something, it is estimated that he has long forgotten.

Obviously, this eldest brother is not a foolish and loyal person, he has his own thoughts.

But his two nephews, but a little foolish, in the end pulled their father to fight to the death to guard the Shuishui Pass, as a father, seeing that his two sons are so tough, of course, he is embarrassed to have stage fright.

So, a family of three, neat.

And now with his second brother, if there is no awakening of Goldfinger, I am afraid that he will have a family of four.

But now Han Chen doesn't want to be on the list of gods, with the heels of the innate demon god, and the heavenly Dao divine power such as mediation and creation, if nothing else, it is still possible to save his life.

Mediation is the power of the Heavenly Dao.

With his current cultivation, it is still very consuming, but this divine power is definitely a direct choice to save his life.

A little essence blood Yang Hao can dot countless doppelgangers, each of these doppelgangers represents Han Chen, as long as one does not die, Han Chen will not die, which is a bit like the meaning of the blood god son of the ancestor of the blood sea Styx.

Moreover, even if he can't beat it, as long as he wants to escape, change all things, the five elements of yin and yang, and can do everything, such a change technique is not comparable to Yang Jian's pseudo-form technique in the seventy-two minor magical powers of Heavenly Evil.

Even if the fetal transformation of the Tiangang Great God Power is far from comparable.

Although the Great God Transformation Technique is extremely mysterious, even if it is a great realm for cultivating a strong person, if he does not cultivate the Heavenly Eye of the Great God Power, he will definitely not be able to see through.

In front of the saint, it is even more vulnerable.

However, the saints cannot see the change of mediation and transformation divine power, and if there is a congenital supreme treasure to suppress their own qi, then the saints are estimated to turn the flood desolation upside down.

This is also Han Chen's confidence.

'Maybe, seeing that the eldest brother is so interested in becoming a god on the list, it may be possible to complete one or two at that time, after all, the eldest brother's qualifications are limited, and he has no chance to live forever, if he gets the position of a heavenly court god, it is also a good choice.

However, the two nephews have to be saved, otherwise I am sorry for my eldest brother's care for me over the years. ’

Han Chen thought in his heart.

Although he is a cultivator and a traverser, he is not a ruthless person, and Han Rong's care and concern for himself is real, and when he was a child, he heard that he wanted to practice.

Even if he was only a subgrade immortal root, he was entrusted to visit Wen Zhong and let him bring him into Penglai Immortal Mountain.

And the two nephews also respect themselves very much, and the second uncle and second uncle call non-stop every day.

How could he bear to let these two nephews fall into the catastrophe?

"I didn't expect Han Daoyou to know this, I didn't want to say it at this time, but when Han Daoyou said it, I said two words."

The list of gods was in the hands of Jiang Ziya, and this treasure was given by the ancestor of the Dao, and Yuan Shi Tianzun was in charge, and later Yuan Shi Tianzun gave this treasure to Jiang Ziya to take the palm and stand on the god-sealing platform for the purpose of sealing gods.

However, when this god is sealed, Jiang Ziya can't mess around, who is named a god, it's all the will of God, how is the will of God, but the matter of the divine position, or can be changed one or two....

I don't know exactly how. "

"But the marshal rest assured, with the position of marshal of the general army of Xianshuiguan, if it falls, how can there be a god position, after all, this is one of the five levels of Yin Shang in Xiqi, and its importance is self-evident."

Yu Hua said with a smile.

He also saw that Han Rong had thoughts about that divine position, so he woke it up and let him rest assured.

"In other words, if I don't have this position of the general soldier of Xianshui Pass, then even if I die in battle, I won't be able to get on the list of conferred gods?"

At this moment, Han Rong also understood, and continued to ask.

Yu Hua nodded.

"In theory, this is so, so if the marshal is interested in the divine position, this position of general soldier cannot be abandoned!"

Hearing this, Han Rong nodded.

"Thank you Brother Xian for your guidance, I am grateful for my brother!"

"Hahaha, after all this, today is the day of the second brother's big birthday, when you celebrate well, walk, enter the house, the eldest brother prepares some good wine and food for you, our two brothers are not drunk today..."

"Big brother, it's better not to get drunk, after all, Huang Feihu is close at hand..."

Han Chen reminded.

Han Rong nodded immediately, "This Huang Feihu is really unhappy, if he doesn't come to play early, he will come over on the good day when the second brother is out of the customs, and when he comes, he must teach a good lesson!" "

After speaking, Han Rong led the group into the living room and inner room.


Qianyuan Mountain Golden Light Cave Heaven.

A first-class cave heaven in the Flood Barren Great World, it is better to say that it is a small world attached to the Flood Barren Great World, with nine innate spiritual veins in it, and even innate spiritual roots suppressing the cave sky.

In the Cave Sky with a radius of 100,000 li, the innate aura is rich, especially in the Taiyi Guan in the center of the cave sky, the innate aura is about to atomize.

In the flood famine that has experienced several great calamities today, the innate aura is already a luxury, and the outside world is unpleasant, and only these cave geniuses have this precious innate aura.

Practicing under this aura, I am afraid that even a pig can become a pig immortal.

In the Tai Yi view, Tai Yi's real face on the futon was a little pale, and he was slightly injured when he fought with the White Bone Cave Sect monk of that Skull Mountain last time.

Although it is not serious, it will take some time to recuperate.

In vain the real person opened his eyes.

"Nezha!" The word came out of the mouth...

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