"Second brother, it doesn't hurt to say this.

Just because Huang Feihu betrayed the Chaoge, now he has passed the boundary pass and is coming towards my Xianshui Pass, and I heard that Huang Feihu's martial arts cultivation is unfathomable.

It has long been cultivated into a golden body, and there are multicolored sacred cows on mounts, and the strength is strong, I can't stop it. "

At this moment, Han Rong said worriedly.

"Hmph, that is, our Ten Thousand Blade Chariot has not yet been fully sacrificed, if he comes a few months late, regardless of whether he has cultivated a golden body that is not bad, he will definitely have no return."

Han Sheng and Han Cheng next to them said with anger on their faces.

The Ten Thousand Blade Car is the Houtian Lingbao, mainly attacking the group injury, the two are just Earth Immortal cultivators, and it is still very reluctant to want to sacrifice the Houtian Lingbao, and over the years, the preliminary sacrifice has been completed.

I believe that it only takes a few more months to become small.

At that time, you will be able to master this acquired spirit treasure.

It was Wucheng King Huang Feihu who betrayed Chaoge at this time, and it was really not the right time to come.

Han Chen was also surprised in his heart when he heard this, and secretly said, but it is a great merchant Wucheng King, and the person who can be crowned king is really not simple, and the martial arts are not bad golden bodies.

It is comparable to a true immortal.

But if the Immortal Dao cultivator does not use magic weapons, he is not a martial arts powerhouse opponent in the same realm at all.

'Alas, this king is really too mediocre, if King Wucheng is not forced to rebel, even if he can't return to heaven, it's still okay to delay his death. ’

But Han Chen understood that he and the others would definitely not be able to stop Wucheng King Huang Feihu from going west.

After all, this is the general trend of days, and countless immortal saints are secretly paying attention.

Don't say that his eldest brother's strength is only copper-skinned and iron-boned, and he is far from Huang Feihu, even if he cultivates the same, he can't change the facts.

"Haha, why should the marshal worry, let him Huang Feihu martial arts cultivation how to reach the sky, as long as the little brother I have the soul killing banner in my hand, I will definitely be able to capture it."

Yu Hua next to him is not worried.

The Soul Killing Banner in his hand was personally found by his master to find the Tai Shi Uncle, and the Duo Bao Dao people refined the Houtian Spirit Treasure, specializing in the soul, and anyone who did not protect the Soul Spirit Treasure.

They can't escape the magic weapon in their hands.

Unless the other party is a Da Luo Golden Immortal powerhouse, some of them are idle.

"It's good that Brother Xian has confidence, but you still have to raise your spirit, but you can't let this Huang Feihu exploit the loophole."

Han Rong saw Yu Hua's statement, but he also nodded, he knew Yu Hua's ability.

But he didn't see all of his abilities.

The soul killing banner in his hand he had seen was very mysterious, and any monster, cultivator, or even an immortal golden immortal monster whose cultivation exceeded one realm was hit.

"Big brother, do you know about the consecration of gods that the saint sold?"

"Feng Shen?"

Hearing Han Chen's words, Han Rong's eyes were confused, and he looked at Yu Hua as if to solve it.

And when Yu Hua heard Han Chen's words, his eyes narrowed, and he said in his heart, 'I didn't expect that Han Daoyou actually knew about the sealing of gods. ’

The Intercept Sect saints have explained to their disciples about conferring gods, but only for the second generation of disciples, like those Intercept Sect Scattered Immortals.

He Yu turned into a disciple of the Sect Interceptor, and of course he knew about the consecration of the gods.

Now that the gods are calamitous, he knows that there are many fierce people, if it is possible, he will not come to intervene, wouldn't it be better to hide in the cave mansion and practice.

It is a pity that the rest of his family has been favored by Yin Shang for hundreds of years, and if this cause and effect is not repaid, it will hinder his practice in the future.

Moreover, Yin Shang itself was established and developed with the help of the Jie Sect, and it is precisely because of this that some disciples with poor qualifications in the Jie Sect have become officials in Yin Shang.

Therefore, this Yin Shang he had to come, had to protect this Yin Shang Jiangshan, of course, if he did not keep it, it was none of his business, he tried his best.

Seeing the reactions of several people, Han Chen also understood, sure enough.

His eldest brother doesn't know, but this Yuhua definitely knows.

Han Chen nodded.

"But it is Haotian God Heavenly Court that needs the Heaven and Earth True God to be in charge of the authority of the three realms, it is the above report ancestor, and the Dao ancestor recruited all the saints to determine this god sealing calamity.

Those who are virtuous and good, after surviving the calamity, can continue to enjoy the path of immortality.

Those who are virtuous and moderate, die and disappear, and the Yuan God is promoted to the list of consecrated gods, subject to the jurisdiction of the Heavenly Court, achieving Shou and Tianqi, and the righteous god of heaven and earth who is in charge of the authority of the three realms.

Those who are deficient in virtue will die and die, and the soul will enter samsara, and everything will disappear.

This calamity was carried out with the help of the rise and fall of the human dynasty.

Big brother, that is to say, now that we are in the midst of a calamity, we may fall at any time, and that Huang Feihu defected from Yin Shang and switched to Xiqi.

If you can't do anything, big brother must not be stubborn, it is important to save your life! "

Han Chen said what he knew, and the three Han Rong father and son next to him were shocked when they heard this, but they didn't expect this.

"Second brother, are you saying that after death, you can become a Heavenly Court Righteous God on the list of consecrated gods, and Shou and Tianqi?"

Hearing this, Han Rong was moved, he did not have an immortal root, and his martial arts qualifications could only be regarded as okay, but if he wanted to become holy in the flesh and achieve martial arts Daluo, this was absolutely impossible.

If you can become the righteous god of the Heavenly Court, this is not a good place.

"Alas, big brother, not necessarily.

Whether he can be on the list of gods depends on the will of God, this list of gods is in the hands of Xiqi Jiang Ziya, whether he will give us gods, who knows. "

Seeing that his eldest brother was moved, Han Chen just shook his head helplessly.

If there is no change, his eldest brother has indeed succeeded in being consecrated, but the two nephews... In the end, it did go back to reincarnation!

"Huh? The list of consecrated gods is in the hands of Jiang Ziya? "

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