"I've seen the second uncle!"

Just as Han Chen walked into the General Military Mansion, Han Sheng and Han Cheng hurriedly stepped forward to greet them, although they were young, they had already survived the three calamities and achieved the Earth Immortals.

The two worshiped under the door of the Dharma Ring Toutuo, and they passed down the Heavenly Spirit Treasure Ten Thousand Blade Car, which was mysterious, and the two were in charge of this treasure, not to mention the ordinary true immortals, I was afraid that even if the Golden Immortal encountered it, he would have to take a detour.

That is, the cultivation of the two is a little weak, otherwise this treasure will also have a good damage to the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

After all, this is the day after tomorrow.

But the problem is that the Dharma Ring itself is only a Golden Immortal cultivator, and has been practicing on Penglai Immortal Island in the East China Sea all these years, and like Han Chen, he belongs to the Penglai Sect Scattered Immortals.

What is the characteristic of loose practice, that is, poverty.

Don't say that the magic ring is just a golden immortal, even if it is a Taiyi Golden Immortal, Da Luo Golden Immortal, a Houtian Lingbao is extremely precious, there is no talent for refining treasures, even if the Da Luo Golden Immortal is strong, don't want to refine the Houtian Lingbao.

The most important thing is that the heavenly materials and earth treasures needed for each Houtian Lingbao are also very precious.

Each piece is a treasure for the strong above the Da Luo Golden Immortal.

But this magic ring is a golden immortal, but he can have the Houtian Lingbao, and he also gave this Houtian Lingbao to his disciples, which is a bit indescribable.

But Han Chen, who had read the Romance of the Gods, knew that this precept later entered the Western Religion.

Therefore, without thinking, Han Chen could guess that this Dharma Ring was definitely a spy planted by the two Western saints in the Intercept Sect.

What a role!

It should not be said that it must be for a better harvest.

'Pity my two nephews, who are loyal to the king and defend the country, and in the end, they were beheaded, and they did not even get a divine position. ’

Han Chen sighed in his heart.

If you can obtain the divine position, it is not bad to die, after all, not everyone can cultivate an immortal, and if they do not enter Da Luo, in fact, it is not necessarily good to be a god.

At least the god position is covered by heaven and earth, immortal and immortal, as long as the world is not destroyed, they will live with heaven and earth, as long as they do not violate the rules of heaven and abide by the rules, they will never worry about others messing with you.

Like in the journey to the west, the sect ministers do not bird the Jade Emperor, and they can't contribute to the work, and the Jade Emperor is not that he can't take them.

"Hahaha, congratulations to the second brother for successfully exiting the customs, can the second brother gain something from this retreat?"

At this moment, Han Rong also laughed and walked out of the living room to the front yard.

There were one or two others following him, and Han Chen knew that it was Yu Hua and Wang Hu.

Yu Hua needless to say, the four generations of disciples of the Sect Intercept Sect, the true immortal is complete, and the golden immortal realm is almost a little, and Wang Hu is also a copper-clad iron bone warrior of the realm of the three calamities.

Just after surviving these three calamities, you can reach the martial arts that is comparable to the Earth Immortal Realm, and the future is brilliant.

And at this moment, Yu Hua's eyes narrowed, looking Han Chen up and down, and his heart was shocked.

With his cultivation of the True Immortal Perfection Realm, he certainly felt the cultivation on Han Chen's body, the middle realm of the True Immortal, the middle stage, you must know that a few months ago, he only had a first-class Heavenly Immortal cultivation.

Now in just a few months, he has actually changed from a first-class heavenly immortal to a true immortal.

How is this possible, I'm afraid I didn't get some elixir divine fruit.

Ordinary elixir divine fruits are not enough, you must get the divine fruit of the innate spirit root, or the elixir of the divine pill level, because the general elixir spirit fruit can only increase mana, and there is little help for the cultivation realm.

And the divine fruit produced by the innate spirit root contains the charm of the Great Dao.

The divine pill contains some of the great road perceptions of the alchemist.

While taking these innate divine fruits or divine pills, he also absorbed the Dao Shen Yun in them, allowing the cultivator to achieve the simultaneous promotion of the realm of mana cultivation.

However, most of these treasures are occupied by great power, and this Han Chen Dao friendly in front of him is like just a Sect Sect Scattered Immortal, very poor, and being able to listen to the Dao in the top five Sect Penglai Immortal Mountain is still entrusted to the relationship of his uncle Wen Zhong.

"Daoist friends are afraid that they have encountered some innate divine objects, right? He actually became a mid-stage True Immortal master in just a few months, if he waited for a few months, Daoist friends were afraid that he would not become an immortal golden immortal! "

Yu Hua opened his eyes wide, looking at Han Chen and said half-jokingly, the meaning of his words was also very curious why Han Chen was able to break through so much in just a few months.

Han Rong and Han Sheng also widened their eyes when they heard Yu Hua's words.

"What? Second brother, is this true? "

Han Rong was very unwilling to believe ah, what does it mean to achieve the mid-stage realm of true immortals in so many months, this represents that the golden immortal can be expected, what does the golden immortal can be expected?

On behalf of their old Han family, they will also be a big family of immortals in the future.

With the immortal golden immortal seated, in the future, the old Han family may be able to become one of the largest families in the Terran Kyushu.

"But there are also some chances, when I was walking in the flood waste, I encountered a Dao bone, and a few months ago, I successfully refined it, and with the accumulation of these years, I finally managed to break through.

As for the Golden Immortal Realm behind, it still needs to work harder. "

Han Chen smiled modestly and said.

"So that's the case, I said why did you suddenly improve so much, and I thought that Taoist friends had to meet innate divine objects, and they couldn't get involved with Taoists, and now it seems that congenital divine things are gone."

Yu Hua smiled and shook his head with pity on his face and said.

He had already heard about Han Chen's assiduous cultivation, and refining Dao bones, his qualifications would inevitably be improved.

Generally, it is possible to refine Dao bones, and its qualifications are at least comparable to upper-grade immortal roots, and even extremely high-grade immortal roots, and even comparable to innate beings.

I don't know to what extent this Han Daoyou's qualifications have improved.

But the accumulation of these years can directly enter the realm of true immortals?

I think there should be some treasures, but who doesn't have a few good things, as a disciple of the Sect Intercept, there are so many good things, and the Immortal Treasure completely ignores anything.

The one who can take out his hand must at least be the Houtian Lingbao.

Even if he had eaten a lot of peaches from the queen mother, he didn't care much about his chance, but just sighed that this Han Daoyou had a good luck, and he was actually able to meet the Dao bones.

And also successfully refined.

"Hahaha, such a big joy, but it is necessary to celebrate well..."

Hearing that his second brother refined into the Dao bone, he was overjoyed, what is the Dao bone, although he does not cultivate immortals, but he knows that as long as he gets this thing, the golden immortal will be stable.

In the future, even Da Luo is not without hope.

After all, every Dao bone needs to be nurtured by at least a strong person with the Dao Dao, and there is the legacy of the fallen Daluo.

"Big brother, let's not talk about the celebration, I just found that the atmosphere of the whole Xianshuiguan is a little strange, but what happened?"

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