"The teacher's decree is related to the Han boy in your mouth!"

Yunxiao smiled bitterly helplessly and looked at the two younger sisters who did not want to make progress, and could only say the reason for this.

And hearing his eldest sister's words, Qiong Xiao and the two were stunned, and this operation.

This Han boy, this kind of luck is simply against the sky, "So, sister, isn't Han boy going to be developed now?" "

This is not just developed.

Yunxiao smiled bitterly.


I didn't expect to see it for several years, now it's not the past, Pangu Clan is congenitally sacred, coupled with Han Xiaozi's diligence, maybe it won't be long before Xiu Wei will surpass me. "

Qiong Xiao muttered, and Bixiao next to him blinked a pair of big round eyes when he heard this.

"What, it's impossible, how can we say that it is also the Taiyi Golden Immortal Perfection Realm, Han Xiaozi is only a true immortal cultivator now, if you want to surpass us, you have to cultivate for at least a few hundred years!"

Bixiao said with a look of disbelief.

Practice is not as simple as eating and drinking.

From mortal to immortal is a hurdle, and from the heavenly immortal path immortal golden immortal is another important hurdle, after the golden immortal, almost every realm is a major hurdle.

Especially from the Taiyi Golden Immortal to the Da Luo Golden Immortal, the two sisters have not broken through after so many years of cultivation.

You must know that although the origin of their two sisters is weaker than their eldest sister Yunxiao, they are also the next innate demon gods.

The innate demon god is still like this, let alone the general innate being, and the difficulty of breaking through the Da Luo Golden Immortal can be imagined, unless there is a saint to support it.

Oh, right.

Han Xiaozi seems to be also a congenital demon god now, or the middle innate demon god of the Pangu clan.

With the huge luck of the descendants of the Pangu clan, maybe he can really surpass the two of them in a short time.

No, if he is surpassed by Han Xiaozi, he will not be laughed at for a lifetime in the future.

"Big sister, you go to that Han boy, don't worry, we will work hard to practice."

At this moment, Bixiao turned to the usual frivolity, and said to Yunxiao with a serious face, and Qiong Xiao also nodded vigorously, "Well, big sister, you go, we must seriously practice on Immortal Island." "

Seeing the change in the attitude of the two younger sisters, Yunxiao, who is the eldest sister, did not know that the two were worried in their hearts.

"Now you know nervousness?

Just know that you are nervous, I think you used to teach Taichen as an elder teacher, but now Taichen is favored by the teacher, and he has become a true monarch, and he has a great future in the future.

Da Luo is just the starting point, maybe there is still hope for the mixed yuan avenue. "

"Mixed Yuan Avenue? How can it be? "

If he said that he would surpass himself Qiongxiao in the future, but the Mixed Yuan Dao, he would never believe it, after all, even if that Taichen obtained the position of the true monarch and became the god of the Pangu clan.

But in the end, it is just a mid-level innate demon god.

In today's flood and desolate world, although the innate demon gods have fallen countless times in the Lich Tribulation and the Human Emperor Tribulation, there are still many innate demon gods in the world.

Even the top innate demon gods have quite a few.

Like Zhen Yuanzi, Styx, Kunpeng, Queen Mother of the West, etc., these are the top innate demon gods, and these people have no hope of seeing the mixed yuan Daoguo.

The current Taichen is also a true immortal cultivator, and the Great Tribulation actually said that it is expected to mix the Yuan Dao Fruit?

Is it possible?

"You guys, it's still too small.

Think about it, is there any preaching in the Pangu line that exists now? "

When Qiong Xiao and Bixiao heard this, they thought for a while, they both understood the reason, and opened their eyes, yes, among the second-generation heirs of the Pangu lineage who are now in existence, they all seem to have preached.

Needless to say, Sanqing is the fruit of saints.

There is also a Houtu who is even more cattle, not only becoming a mixed yuan Daoguo, but also holding the authority of reincarnation, and the entire flood and desolation material authority accounts for most of it.

When the saints see it, they must be respectful.

And now the surviving Pangu direct second-generation divine, it seems that Taichen has no Dao mixed yuan.

If the other party doesn't want to fall like other ancestral witches, maybe they will really be able to preach the Dao Mixed Yuan in the future!

What a preaching mixture!

Under the saints, there are ants, this is what Daozu said back then, this is also the ultimate dream of all living beings in the flood waste, including their three sisters, but they also know that it is difficult.

So just thinking about it.

"Therefore, you should not see Taichen Daoyou clearly in the future, let alone treat him as an elder, if you can befriend him, it will be of great benefit to us in the future."

This was Yunxiao's true thoughts, and if they could get the friendship of a future saint, it would be much better than their identity as a named disciple of Tongtian teacher.

In the end, named disciples are not personal disciples, qi luck is not shared, and the degree of attention is not very large.

"Don't worry, big sister, we know the light and heavy."

"So, very good, sister, I will go first, you two stay on the island and chant the yellow court, don't run around, now is the amount of robbery, you should be careful."

"Follow the teachings of the eldest sister."

Yunxiao nodded, turned around and headed towards the Western Terran merchants.


But said that Taichen got off the Yuntai Lingshan Qinglong Peak and flew straight to the General Military Mansion of Xianshuiguan, but found that at this moment, the entire Xianshuiguan revealed a solemn atmosphere, as if something big had happened.

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