And at this moment, two girls ran in from outside, it was Qiong Xiao Bixiao and the two.

"Sister, does the teacher's decree have any important orders?"

The heavenly decree fell from the sky, of course, Qiong Xiao and the two also saw it, but they didn't know why their teacher suddenly taught them the decree at this time of calamity?

Absorbing the information in the decree, Yunxiao opened his eyes, his face was a little strange, and looked in the direction of the Terrans.

"Pangu Clan Taichen Zhenjun!"

Just now, she was in her Middle Thousand World, the Dao of Heaven and the Dao of Enlightenment of All Sentient Beings, where did she know what Taichen Zhenjun was.

And now that I received the teacher's message, I understood that it turned out that not long ago, such a number one figure was actually born in heaven and earth.

If her teacher Tongtian hadn't lied to herself, it would really make her, a Da Luo powerhouse, sour.

This kind of luck is simply better than the two Middle Thousand Worlds she found in the chaos.

The Heavenly Dao Divine Mediation and Creation can also return the Pangu Dao bones to their roots, allowing himself to change from a low-qualified innate being to an innate divine with Pangu atmospheric luck in just a few months.

This can no longer be described as good luck, this is directly one step to the sky.

Heavenly Dao Divine Power, this divine power that even her teacher Tongtian Sage did not master, did not expect to let a small true immortal master it.

Don't say that the Heavenly Dao is supernatural.

Even if it is a supreme power, she is willing to exchange those two Middle Thousand Worlds.

Tiangang has thirty-six magical powers, she has cultivated a few doors, but the main cultivation is still calling the wind and rain, soaring clouds to drive the fog, size Ruyi, and divine Que Imperial Qi.

The supreme divine power has only learned one, that is, the Five Thunder Zhengfa, but it is a pity that this supreme divine power has only been cultivated.

Not in full control.

However, the four great divine powers are completely controlled, especially the divine qi, Yunxiao relies on this divine power to refine the Heavenly Dao and control the entire world.

Although it's just a big power.

However, with the Great Luo Golden Immortal, dealing with the Heavenly Dao of a Middle Thousand Worlds is still a handle.

If you want to be in the supreme world heavenly path of the Flood Desolate Great World, let alone the great power of iQue Imperial Qi, even the supreme divine power is only touching porcelain.

Tongtian's purpose is to let him introduce that Taichen into the Truncated Sect and accept disciples on behalf of the teacher.

There is no requirement to succeed, it is good to succeed, it is nothing if it cannot succeed, and accepting Taichen as an apprentice is nothing more than fancy that half of Pangu luck, and it is better than the beginning of the yuan.

After all, that Yuan Shi said every day that the disciple he accepted was a wet egg incarnate, and now he accepts a disciple of the Pangu clan, there is nothing to say.

As for why let the clouds go.

It was not because he found that this Taichen had a retreat cultivation because of his low qualifications before, so there were no Daoists who really had a good relationship on the East Sea Immortal Island, but they had a good relationship with Wen Zhong, and the rest was intersecting with Yunxiao.

That's why I let Yunxiao go.

And for Taichen Yunxiao, of course, I understand.

I remember that it seemed to be called Han Chen, did not worship the sect, but listened to a saint's sermon once, followed by his own practice, found an immortal island above the East China Sea, and came to Sanxian Island from time to time to listen to her preaching to the creatures on the island.

Trade elixirs, elixirs, magic weapons and the like with some sect scattered immortals and disciples.

Just a transparent person, but for her Yunxiao is very respectful, did he come to ask her about the way of cultivation, a strong senior sister shouted.

For this polite Terran cultivator, Yunxiao remembered it very well.

In order to cultivate the Nine Pins Immortal Record, she could say that she had never seen it in other disciples.

Feeling that the heart of the direction was so sincere, Yunxiao didn't know why he was in what mood at that time, and directly gave him a five-fold discount, so that he could successfully buy a low-level Xiaoqian World from himself.

Later, I don't know what chance or what he obtained, but he actually promoted that low-level Xiaoqian world to a high-level Xiaoqian world in just a few decades.

Relying on this high-level small world, in just a few years, he actually made him a heavenly immortal cultivator.

Heavenly Immortal Friar.

Even if the technique of "Nine Pins Immortal Record" is somewhat mysterious, if you want to practice this path, there are great requirements for the world, and the average low-level Xiaoqian World can only provide for one Earth Immortal cultivator at most.

That is, its world has been promoted to a high-level Xiaoqian world.

Otherwise, it is really impossible to be promoted to become a heavenly immortal.

"I didn't expect it."

"Sister, you haven't said it yet, what did the teacher say, and what did you not expect?"

The two Qiong Xiao next to them saw Yunxiao in a daze and did not answer himself, and immediately asked a little anxiously.

"Hey, look at the two of you, if you don't work hard in cultivation, do you still remember the Han Chen Daoist who practiced on our Three Immortal Island a few years ago?"

"Han boy? Remember, what's wrong, sister, don't you often use his diligence to spur us to cultivate hard? Why did he suddenly talk about him, Han Xiaozi broke through the true immortal?

It's impossible, it's only been a long time, he is only a lower grade immortal root, even if he practices the "Nine Rank Immortal Record", if he wants to break through the true immortal, I am afraid that it will take at least a hundred years. "

Bixiao looked at Yunxiao with a strange look and said.

In my heart, I secretly said how strange my sister is today, all these things are not.

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