
Hearing Yang Chan's words, Long Ji's mind kept flashing the crazy picture of himself that night, and he couldn't bear to look at it directly, and secretly scolded himself in his heart, why was he so shameless.

To be so active, forcing the other party to do such a thing.

Is this the nature of my heart?

No, absolutely not, this must be because of the poison of yin and yang, Long Ji shook his head vigorously, and looked at Yang Chan a little nervously.

"Sister Chan'er, it's nothing, just thought of something.

By the way, Nuwa Niangniang said that the one called Taichen Zhenjun was in Xianshuiguan? No way? How could a Pangu Clan innate divine be in such a poor place as Xianshuiguan.

According to what I have shown, that Shuishui Pass is not a blessed place for monks to practice. "

Quickly changed the topic and asked.

"This, I don't know, but I think the teacher will not lie, my sister should go to Nashuiguan with my sister."

Yang Chan said with a smile.

"Sister, now it's the time of the Feng Shen Tribulation, I went down to the Fan to cross the robbery, to help Xiqi Felling, and now, Ji Chang has returned to Xiqi City, the calamity is about to open, I'm afraid I can't leave, so I won't accompany my sister."

When Yang Chan heard this, she also thought of something.

Yes, as the teacher said, now the gods are sealed to measure the calamity, as long as those who commit the calamity must go down to the calamity of red dust and wash away the body of sin before they can recultivate the immortal of escape.

And the younger sister was ordered to help Xiqi Faleng, and the Bianshui Pass was a key point for Shangling.

His sister is not suitable to go with him.

"Well, then sister, I'll go alone!"

Yang Chan also wanted to quickly finish the task assigned by the teacher, and then go to see her second brother...

The two said goodbye, Yang Chan stepped directly on the clouds, turned into a stream of light and disappeared in Qingluan Mountain, straight to the Xianshui Pass......


Sanxian Island.

Sanxiao Niangniang is one of the best in the outer sect, and although she has not been accepted by Tongtian as a personal and inner disciple, she also has to pass on the orthodox inheritance of the Qing Immortal Dao.

Among them, Qiong Xiao Bixiao and Bixiao are nothing, like most of the second-generation disciples of the Sect, but they are only in the late stage of the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

But Yunxiao is incredible.

Although Sanxiao is a sister, Yunxiao's cultivation is enough to have the Daluo Golden Immortal Perfection Realm, which can be said to be far beyond, Qiongxiao and Bixiao.

Of course, there is a reason why Qiongxiao and Bixiao are playful.

But mainly because Yunxiao found two worlds in the chaos.

Yes, it is two middle thousand worlds, in addition to the two middle thousand worlds, there are dozens of small thousand worlds, it can be said that Yunxiao is a real big man of the heavens, ruling so many worlds.

The Great World of Flood Desolation is a supreme world opened up by Pangu Great God by killing three thousand demon gods.

The origin is strong, because it has absorbed the origin of three thousand chaos demon gods, but the real loss of chaos is not much, and the entire flood desolation world is actually only occupying three percent of the chaos.

There are also seventy percent of chaos, that is, saints open up some dojos, or occasionally open up a world to preach, other than that, everything else has not been developed.

But this is not to say that there is no world formation in the chaos.

Affected by the Great World of Flood Desolation, the Chaos Great Will instinctively wants to evolve all the chaos into the world, so from time to time the riots of the Chaos Ferocious Beast cause chaos storms.

Slowly gather to form a chaos explosion, or the battle between two chaotic ferocious beasts causes chaos to open up.

And so many other reasons.

As a result, there is still a world in the chaos.

But because there is no support from the power of Pangu, most of these worlds are difficult to preserve after they are formed, and even if they are preserved, most of them are some small worlds.

Even the Middle Thousand Worlds are very few.

Think about it, even if the dojo opened by the saint himself is only the Middle Thousand World, it can be imagined that the naturally formed world can have the level of the Middle Thousand World.

And Yunxiao was able to find two Middle Thousand Worlds in the chaos, which was simply a blessing.

Even took shit luck.

Don't say that Yunxiao is just a Da Luo Golden Immortal, even a quasi-saint powerhouse does not dare to say that he can find a Middle Thousand World.

Even, even saints, and even strong people such as Hongjun Daozu are dark in the chaos, and if they want to find the world and chaos treasures, they can only rely on luck.

Moreover, the preciousness of a middle thousand worlds can be imagined, after the calamity, the burning lamp relies on the twenty-four sea god lords as the foundation to open up twenty-four small thousand worlds, which has already given it the capital to become the ancestor of ten thousand Buddhas.

This shows the preciousness of these worlds.

It was precisely by relying on these two Middle Thousand Worlds that Yunxiao allowed him to take the heels of a lower innate demon god, and the identity of the outer disciples surpassed many inner disciples, and even his own disciples.

became a strong man in Da Luo.

Only a slight chance can cut off three corpses and become a quasi-saint.

Now in the entire Sect, as for Duo Bao's cultivation surpassed him, the other Golden Spirit Wudang and Turtle Spirit were all in the late stage of Da Luo and the Perfection Realm, and their cultivation was roughly the same as hers.


The divine soul was withdrawn from the Heavenly Dao of the Middle Thousand Worlds.

Yunxiao opened his eyes, and his originally mechanical expression revealed a human expression.

"It is really mysterious to fit the Dao with his body, no wonder the Dao ancestor wants to fit the Dao of Heaven, refine the Dao of Heaven with his divine soul, control the Dao of the world, and comprehend the Law of the Dao with the wisdom of all sentient beings in the world, which is much faster than relying on his own body to understand the Law of the World."

I believe that it will not be long before the three corpses can be beheaded and become quasi-saints. "

Yunxiao muttered to himself.

And at this moment, a divine light flew from the sky.

"Teacher's decree?"

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