In the cave mansion, the Dharma Decree appeared in the air above Yang Chan.

Yang Chan stretched out her hand to take the decree, but the moment she saw that the decree fell into her hand, it turned into a golden light and flew into Yang Chan's mind, and the relevant information about Taichen was also clear.

Taichen, but also the Taichen of the Pangu clan, rebels against the innate, achieves the innate sacred, is in charge of mediating and creating divine powers, the potential is limitless, and the content of the law is to let her do everything possible to include this Taichen under the emperor's door.

To this end, Nuwa even directly took out her own cultivation method "Creation Hui Yuan Gong".

This is the sage practice practiced by Nuwa herself, which contains many understandings about the way of creation, although Yang Chan is also a practitioner of the method of creation taught by Nuwa.

But the exercises she practiced are called "Creation Immortal Recipe", which can be regarded as a weakened version of "Creation Society Yuan Gong".

Looking at the sealed method in his mind, it was impossible to say that he was not moved, but he didn't expect that this Taichen had not yet entered the teacher's door and was so valued by the teacher.

She couldn't help but feel a little jealous.

"Alas, who let others be Pangu Clan Divine, yes, we will be born in the future, we can't compare with it."

Yang Chan couldn't help but think a little self-pity in her heart.

In fact, Yang Chan's qualifications are not low.

Mother Yunhua is a Chaos God Jade, and she is also the top among the Innate Demon Gods, although the true Origin Inheritance was inherited by Yang Jian, but how to say that she Yang Chan is also the son of the Innate Demon God.

Although its heels are innate.

But the qualification is no worse than some innate beings, such a qualification, if Han Chen was before, it is estimated that he will shed tears of jealousy.

"Sister, the decree handed down by the saint just now, but did he tell you the news of the Taichen Daoist?"

Long Ji was very curious when he saw Yang Chan who opened his eyes, and stared at Yang Chan with a pair of big eyes and asked.

Yang Chan did not hide it and nodded.

"Taichen, now practicing in the Terran Shuishui Pass and Yuntai Mountain, it is the Pangu Clan's innate divine, with deep heels and feet, and is in charge of the Heavenly Dao Divine Mediation and Creation.

The teacher ordered me to do everything I could to introduce it under the gate of the palace.

Sister Ryuji, it seems that I can't stay here anymore.

Because the Tongtian Saint will also let people introduce them into the Intercept Sect, if I am slow, I am afraid that I will be preempted by the Intercept Sect disciples. "

Hearing Yang Chan's words, Long Ji's eyes moved.

Bianshuiguan, Yuntai Mountain.

It is impossible for her not to have an impression of this name, but she does not dare to recall, some time ago, she encountered a Taiyi Golden Immortal-level Red Refining Heavenly Snake, this snake is a Hong Desolate Xenomorph.

Not only is it infinitely powerful, but it is also good at using all kinds of poisons.

Among them, there is a kind of yin and yang poison, which is very powerful, even if it is a Da Luo Golden Immortal, if you can't find the opposite sex creature and your own yin and yang dual cultivation, you will be able to stand the toxicity and go crazy and abolish your cultivation.

At that time, that Red Refining Xuan Snake just wanted to catch himself and his double cultivation.

As the daughter of the Heavenly Emperor, how could she cultivate with a Hong Desolate Beast, she could only resist desperately, plus many innate spirit treasures in her hand, she did not look at this Taiyi Golden Immortal-level Red Refining Heavenly Snake in her eyes.

But, in the end, she underestimated the poison of this strange beast.

Unconsciously, she was heavy on the poison of yin and yang, and she also looked for many antidotes on her body, but it was useless, because this yin and yang poison is not an ordinary poison, which is the origin of the original power of the alien beast.

Ordinary antidotes will not work.

At that time, she happened to pass through the Yuntai Mountain Range, which was a relatively large mountain range, and although the aura was not as good as Qingluan Mountain, it was enough for cultivators below the Golden Immortal.

Therefore, Han Rong, as the commander-in-chief of the Xianshui Pass, developed the Zishan Mountains.

Many blessed places were built to sell to the surrounding scattered practitioners.

Most of these scattered cultivators were relatively sloppy, or demon cultivators, and they looked too shivering, and at that time, she was eager to detoxify, and she used her divine sense to search for a good-looking little white-faced immortal.

The madness of that night, even now looking back, Ryukichi couldn't help but feel his cheeks hot.

'Pangu Clan Innate Divine? How so?

At that time, the highest cultivation on Yuntai Mountain was only in the early stage of True Immortals, and he was still a cultivator who had become a black bear.

Where is there any innate sacredness, or the innate divine of the Pangu clan, if there is really a congenital sacred, I would not have looked for that heavenly immortal to cultivate at that time!

Alas, if only you were innately divine. ’

Ryukichi couldn't help but think back to the man back then, although he still didn't know what the other party's name was.

But she could feel the other party's qualifications.

After all, the difference in cultivation between the two is too big.

Lower grade immortal root, can become a heavenly immortal or rely on the cultivation path of incense will.

Such a path of cultivation, if there is no blessing from heaven and earth, it is destined to go far in the future, and being able to become a golden immortal is already the limit.

And they also have to spend their lives campaigning to fulfill the wishes of believers.

Otherwise, the incense will be eaten, and that is not a joke.

It was just like that, even if it was her first time, she resolutely gave up on that person, and she really saw no hope in him.

And seeing Long Ji with a red face, Yang Chan was very strange, what's the matter, how did the atmosphere suddenly become strange.

"Sister Ryukichi, what's wrong with you? But not feeling well? "

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