Hongjun's words are very clear, both of them are Xuanmen disciples, he does not take sides, look at the respective means of the two.

But if Taichen didn't worship under the two doors, then the position of protector of this Xuanmen would be gone.

Tongtian and Nuwa looked at each other.

"Junior sister, since the words of the master are so, then you and me, how about each relying on the means, literary fighting or martial combat?"

"What is Wendou? What is martial combat? "

Nuwa is puzzled!

"Martial fighting, of course, you and my two saints personally ended up fighting for a high and low, but it was not decent, after all, you and I are the honor of saints, so it is somewhat inappropriate.

As for Wendou!

If you and I don't come forward directly, send disciples to make a move, each with its own means, and when the time comes, who will Taichen worship under, it all depends on the will of God, how? "

Tong Tian replied with a smile!

"What if the two senior brothers Shi Taiqing and Yuan Shi make a move?"

"Hmph, how can I be mixed with by others!"

Well, the meaning in Tongtian's words is obviously that he has regarded Taichen as his fifth personal disciple.

"Hmph, whether it is a truncated sect is not certain, this son is from the Terran race, I am the Terran Virgin, and I have cultivated to mediate and create, and I should be my own disciple."

Otherwise, Senior Brother Tongtian will give this son to Junior Sister.

There are countless good talents and talents under the senior brother, why should you stare at this son, the senior sister really does not have a disable, and now I meet a disciple who can see it.

What a rarity!

If the senior brother is willing to let it, the junior sister has her own cause and effect exchange. "

Nuwa said pitifully.

And when Tong Tian heard this, his eyes lit up, "Oh? Junior sister took this seriously?

It's not a secret, my brother is very excited about the refining pot in the hands of my junior sister, if he can exchange this treasure, senior brother is not unable to agree. "

Of the seven gourds that came out of the Chaos Gourd Immortal Vine, only six were mature.

But each gourd is extraordinary, containing the innate origin, and is refined into the ultimate innate spirit treasure, but the same gourd, the same origin, he also has a water and fire gourd in his hand.

Although it is also a superb innate spirit treasure, for the saint, the power is somewhat unsatisfactory.

If you can get the gourd supreme treasure of the same origin to refine into it, it is impossible to say that this treasure can be used as a supreme treasure of the Dao, and the blessing of the gourd space law.

His own Immortal Sword Array would definitely be further strengthened.

Maybe you can turn the Immortal Sword Array into a real world.

"Since Senior Brother is not sincere, then Junior Sister has nothing to say

Wendou, right?

Junior sister will accompany to the end, leave! "

Glancing at Tongtian's handsome face, Nuwa couldn't help but feel a pang of boredom in her heart, and the secret road in her heart looked like a dog, how could she be so treacherous in her heart.

The demon refining pot owes him for thinking about it.

This treasure is the most precious treasure he uses to suppress and control the entire demon race.

This treasure and the demon banner match, as long as the demon god who has been on the demon flag, the demon saint, no matter where you are in the flood barren world, dare to disobey Nuwa's order, the refining demon pot is launched.

Immediately died.

Without this magic weapon, Nuwa would also be able to suppress the demon clan, but it would be a little troublesome.

How could such a treasure be let out.

Yes, at the exit of Tongtian's words, Nuwa showed no mercy, took a cold farewell, and left the Zixiao Palace directly, and in the huge Zixiao Palace, there was only one person left in Tongtian.

Looking at the empty Zixiao Palace, Tong Tian did not feel embarrassed.

"Hehe, it seems that Junior Sister Nuwa is still a little less energetic.

This guy doesn't know how to think of it, actually provoking Nuwa Junior Sister, this kind of chicken-bellied woman, you dare to provoke, don't you think that your Shang Tang died too slowly? "

Muttering to himself, Tong Tian also stepped out and disappeared into the Zixiao Palace!


Qingluan Mountain, a blessed place with rich spiritual energy, here is the dojo of the Heavenly Court Princess Long Ji in the world.

In the cave mansion, the two women were talking about something, and the children and virgins next to them served all kinds of fairy tea, and the fairy fruit was carefully entertained.

"Sister, you say, you went down on the orders of a saint? Looking for that guy called Taichen Jinjun? "

With the cultivation of the late stage of Longji Golden Immortal, he has not entered Daluo, but he is not qualified to connect to the Heavenly Dao, so he is not very clear about the appearance of Taichen Zhenjun.

However, the True Monarch is also famous among the entire Three Realms.

It should not be that she is a nobody, how come she has never heard of it.

"My sister has been under Fan for some years, and the Terran Kyushu has also gone similarly, but I really haven't heard of this person called Taichen Zhenjun.

It is said that if you can get the position of a true monarch, it shouldn't be a nameless person, could it be that Niangniang is mistaken, that person is not in Terran Kyushu? "

"Impossible, the teacher is the honor of the saint, it is impossible to be mistaken.

I think this person does not pay much attention to fame, he is a hermitage, or maybe he has only recently come to Terran Kyushu from other places. "

The person who spoke was none other than Yang Chan, who had just come down to mortal.

The first stop, he came to Qingluo Mountain, the mansion of Longji people, and just happened to meet Longji back to the mountain.

"It's possible.

Sister rest assured, sister I still have a little relationship, I will definitely be able to help my sister find this person called Taichen. "

"Princess! Before Yang Chan went to the Immortals, His Majesty had already given orders to all the land mountain gods in the world, and as long as there was news of it, it would be reported to the Heavenly Court. "

At this time, the maid in charge of serving next to him said.

The maid only has a nine-pin earth immortal cultivation, she is the god of the five hundred miles of Qingluan Mountain, and since Long Ji settled in Qingluan Mountain, she has become Long Ji's maid.

But she was also happy, after all, Princess Longji, the daughter of the Heavenly Emperor, served and was happy, and from time to time gave the elixir fairy fruit or something, this kind of good thing, others can't ask for it.

Before Long Ji went to mortals, she was just a mountain god who practiced void cultivation.

In just a few decades, he is now a nine-grade Earth Immortal, and he has almost broken through to become a Heavenly Immortal cultivator in one step.

So, it's much better to bury your head in hard work with the right person.

"Why didn't you say it earlier?"

Long Ji was suddenly a little displeased.

The maid did not dare to refute, she could only admit her mistake, Long Ji saw this, knew that this was her father's order, these people did not dare to say nonsense, if she was not the daughter of the Heavenly Emperor.

I'm afraid that the other party won't tell me yet.

"Well, I know your suffering, and I don't blame you."

"Sister, this Taichen Zhenjun is Heyuan, and he can actually attract my father's attention?"

Long Ji was a little curious at the moment.

And just as Yang Chan was about to answer, a golden light descended from the sky, "It's the teacher's decree!" "

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