Zixiao Palace!

At this moment, Nuwa and Tongtian are arguing over Taichen Zhenjun, and the two do not give in to each other.

Suddenly, Tongtian's mind moved slightly.

Looking up at Hongjun Daozu, Hongjun nodded with a smile, "Mediation Creation is worthy of being the Heavenly Dao Divine Power created by Pangu Great God, and it has endless mysterious creation."

It is incredible that a congenital divine statue was conceived in just a few months. "

Hongjun couldn't stop admiring in his words, and looked at Nuwa, as if he had the intention of asking.

As a saint, everything is clear and clear in my heart.

Secret Dao, I didn't expect that this Taichen actually had such a creation, to mediate the creation of the divine power to absorb the return to the original, propose the Pangu God blood, and then use the Pangu God blood to create his own body.

Sheng Sheng turned himself into a Pangu descendant.

These means, such creations, and such blessings really cannot but amaze her.

But Nuwa shook her head anyway.

"Mediation creation has many incredible mysteries, but with divine blood, it is unlikely that it will be an innate demon god, and Taichen can succeed, I think it is because it is Pangu divine blood.

Although Pangu has fallen, Pangu's will remains, and the world is naturally fond of Pangu's descendants.

That's why he successfully rebelled against the innate and became the innate demon god.

If it is replaced by other divine blood, even if it is a Chaos Demon God divine blood comparable to Pangu Great God, it is estimated that it will not be possible, and it can be said that it is all Taichen's blessing.

What a coincidence! "

Nuwa couldn't help but mumble and sigh, this luck, there is simply no one.

"Master, the disciple was transformed by the Pangu Yuan God, and that Taichen originally obtained the Dao of Interception of the Sect, and now he has obtained the blood of the Pangu God for me, and he belongs to the same line of the Pangu Clan as the disciple.

Therefore, this son, when he is related to his disciples, should be educated by his disciples. "

Qi luck is divided, or half of Pangu Qi luck, this Qi luck is quite a lot, enough for people to break through the quasi-saint before they don't need to worry about Qi luck.

Why did he only accept four disciples, wasn't it because he couldn't bear to be lucky.

There is no supreme treasure suppression in the Sect, if there are too many disciples and a few are divided, then the luck will be easily separated and lost, which is simply a disaster for him.

Yes, only four family disciples were accepted.

Therefore, he also has an innate supreme treasure as a treasure of suppressing the great sect.

Not to mention that there are more than a dozen protégé disciples like the Interpretation Sect, it doesn't hurt to accept twenty or thirty protégé disciples, because there is an innate supreme treasure to suppress qi luck.

Even if it is calculated and the disciples betray it, the luck that has been shared among these family disciples will be automatically recovered.

It has no effect on one's own great teaching luck.

And now, if he can accept a disciple of the Pangu Clan, he will get a part of his luck, which is a good thing for the Sect.

"Hmph, Senior Brother Tongtian, the Sect Interception Avenue you mentioned is the Nine Pins Immortal Record created by your disciple Duobao? Ridimental, ridiculous.

And now in the midst of the Sealing God Tribulation, I don't know if you can protect your own disciple.

This son is a True Monarch of Creation who has been determined by the Heavenly Dao, and now this kind of cultivation cannot meet the requirements of this karma.

If you accidentally let your second son die, even if Heavenly Dao doesn't say about you, Poor Dao won't have a good time with you!" "

Nonsense, why is Nuwa so nervous Taichen.

This is not because someone has taken over his work, as long as it is not a relatively large world breakdown, it is good to let Taichen Zhenjun, who has mastered mediation creation, make a move, and there is no need to call her this saint.

She is a Heavenly Dao Saint, mixed Yuan Dao Fruit, and she is not a small handyman, she wants face.

And now Taichen only has a true immortal cultivation, which obviously can't meet the requirements, and if you want to meet the requirements of this position, you must at least Da Luo Golden Immortal.

In other words, this Taichen cannot die!

This is the secret meaning of the Heavenly Dao, at least let it live until the Great Luo Golden Immortal, at that time, if it is not on the list of conferred gods, the Heavenly Dao does not care!

Anyway, the cultivation of Da Luo Golden Immortal has already met the requirements.

And hearing Nuwa's words, the corners of Tongtian's mouth also twitched.

"Nine Pins Immortal Record", this is created by Duo Bao, I have to say that Duo Bao still has a lot of talent in the Dao.

I found that there were many disciples in the disciples of the Sect Intercept Sect who were not very qualified, so after several studies, I discussed the Dao with some Shimen disciples, and combined with the path of the incense and golden body of Shimen, I opened up my own incense cultivation path.

It is the "Nine Pins Immortal Record".

This technique is very wonderful, directly leading to the Golden Immortal Immortal, reliable incense practice, but also reliable heaven and earth spiritual qi cultivation, and relying on incense cultivation speed is obviously much faster.

After all, there is the will of all sentient beings to help.

This method also earned a lot of income for Duobao, after all, there are many people with low qualifications, and Taichen is one of them.

After purchasing this method, Taichen purchased a small thousand world from Yunxiao, established his own incense divine court in it, became the god lord himself, and sealed many auxiliary gods to help him manage the world and collect incense.

It is precisely because of this that Taichen can achieve the position of heavenly immortal from the mundane in just one hundred years.

"Well, you two don't need to argue.

This son can control the Heavenly Dao Divine Power, and it is also the Pangu bloodline, but when I am the left protector of the Xuanmen, as for who worships under it, it depends on the means of the two of you. "

Left Protector?

Hearing this, the two understood in their hearts.

The Xuanmen Protector God of War had actually been decided before, that is, Yang Jian, a disciple of the third generation of the Interpretation Sect, obtained the Chaos God Jade Bloodline, and even cultivated the Reincarnation Heavenly Eye with the help of the Jade Void Origin Sage.

Watered by many resources, although this Yang Jian is not Da Luo.

But its strength does not have to be much weaker.

And now, the meaning of their master is very clear, that is, they are adding a protector, and it is still the left protector, and Yang Jian has obviously become the right protector.

The left is more honorable than the right, obviously half a chip higher than Yang Jian.

This protector is fortunate by Xuanmen's qi, and if you get this identity, you will be of infinite use in the future, and the entire Xuanmen can speak wherever you go.

As long as it is a person in the Xuanmen, they dare not ignore your existence.

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