Outside the sky, the sky is too clear.

The top dojo opened up by the saint.

In the center of the dojo, in the Da Luo Palace, the Bajing Palace, in front of the Bagua Furnace, the Taiqing Daoist carefully controlled the six divine fire in this furnace, and constantly refined the heavenly materials and earth treasures in the furnace.

At the same time, he also distracted himself from controlling the creation machine of this entire world, and constantly poured it into the furnace, and was joined by the creation machine of the top middle thousand worlds of the Great Red Sky Taiqing Realm.

The superb innate Lingbao gossip furnace was constantly shaking as if it had eaten a stimulant.

The power of the two yi gossip constantly tempered the heavenly materials and earth treasures in the furnace, causing them to slowly condense, and soon thirty-six golden shining pills absorbed the essence of the heavenly materials and earth treasures from the surrounding creation machines.

It slowly formed and turned into thirty-six dragon-eyed laughing divine pills.

Nine Turns Divine Pill!

Da Luo Wuji Jindan!

A supreme divine pill that can make mortals become Da Luo Golden Immortals, but as long as they are promoted from zero to Da Luo by taking this pill, their lifelong potential will be exhausted, and all sentient beings will no longer be able to advance.

But what's the harm.

In the vast realm, there are many sentient beings, and how many people can become the Daluo Golden Immortal who transcends the river of fate by their own efforts.

And if the Taiyi Golden Immortal Perfection powerhouse takes this pill, although it will also damage the potential, it is not so serious.

Moreover, the main role of this pill is not to restore the cultivation of the Daluo Golden Immortal, or to cultivate for the cultivators of the Daluo Golden Immortal.

Even if the Da Luo cultivator was cut off and abolished his mana, he only needed one Da Luo Wuji Golden Pill to restore it to the original.

And right now!

Taiqing's heart was shocked, a distraction, only listening to the Dan furnace, a muffled sound.


There were ten Da Luo Wuji Golden Pills shattered and turned into nothingness.

Such a sudden change made Taiqing very painful, in order to refine this elixir, he had collected tens of thousands of years of heavenly materials and earth treasures.

The next time I refine this pill, I don't know when it will be.

Now it has gone to nearly a third at once, how does this make Taiqing not painful.

Especially that one yuan blossoms, one yuan fruits, one yuan ripens the supreme innate god fruit yellow in plum.

He used five for this fruit alone.

And this fruit takes nearly 400,000 years to ripen each time, and only nine ripe at a time, each of these yellow plums can make people from zero to Daluo Golden Immortal.

It is precisely this kind of divine fruit that can be used as the main medicine of this Great Luo Wuji Golden Pill.

However, Huang Zhong Li is not the main medicine, after all, Huang Zhong Li's innate spiritual root is in his hands, and there are still a lot of stocks in his hands over the years.

But other miracle medicines are hard to find.

Like what true dragon, phoenix true blood, nine thousand years of peach, meritorious golden lotus lotus seed, etc., heavenly materials and earth treasures, all of them were put together by him to have this elixir.

Just because of a distraction just now.

"Alas, I think this matter is providential!

Pangu Qi luck was divided, could it be that there are descendants of Pangu Yan born in heaven and earth? "

Yes, the reason why Taiqing was distracted just now was precisely because part of the Pangu Qi Luck on his body was divided.


"Xuandu apprentice!"

"When a disciple meets the master, the master is there, what is the order to summon the disciple?"

"You go to the Nether Realm and go to the Flood Barren Land to see if any descendants of the Pangu line of the heart are born, if you look for this person, you can accept an apprentice on my behalf and teach me the Tai Qing True Tradition."

You can take this off-the-ground flame flag and seven-star sword in case. "

After all, it is now a god and calamity, and although his disciples have meritorious protection and profound blessings, they are still in the process of calamity if they do not behead three corpses.

In order to prevent accidents, Taiqing directly gave the Ultimate Innate Lingbao Flame Light Flag and the Top-grade Innate Lingbao Seven-Star Sword.

"Disciple leads!"

Now that the heavenly machine is chaotic, although his saint controls the rule authority, after all, unlike Houtu and Hongjun, he has a huge influence on the three powers.

Yes, it can only be impossible, can not calculate the heavenly machine, calculate who the new Pangu clan is.

This is the only way to use this method.

"By the way, after you go to the Nether, by the way, pay attention to that Taichen Zhenjun, if possible, you can also include it in my human sect."

For this person called Taichen Zhenjun, Taiqing is not very demanding.

Even if the other party comprehends the divine power of the Heavenly Dao, but this is the divine power of mediation and creation, his Nuwa junior sister will not let go of such a talent.

Now is the time to seal the gods and measure the calamity.

There is no room for mistakes, he doesn't want to provoke Nuwa to let him end up in person.

"Disciple leads!"


Kunlun Immortal Mountain Jade Void Palace Yuan Shi Tianzun also felt that Qi luck was separated at this moment, but frowned, he looked down on the hairy horns, wet egg incarnate, but he couldn't look down on the innate divine of the Pangu clan.


"The disciple is here!"

A group of people was summoned by the master, walked in from outside, and saluted respectfully.

"How is Yin Jiao's teaching?"

"Master Qiyu, with the help of the elixir prepared by the teacher, it is already a true immortal complete, and I think it won't be long before he can break through the Golden Immortal Realm!"

"Well, this is very good, this is about what you should do, so don't be careless."

Yuan Shi nodded and explained.

"Master rest assured, the disciple will definitely take it seriously."

"Calling you to be a master is an order to you, just for the master sensed, the Pangu clan has the sacred birth of the heart, accompanied by Pangu atmospheric luck, the future potential is endless.

You can inform your junior brothers and disciples.

If you have its information, you can introduce it into my Jade Void Court, and when the time comes, it will be rewarded for the teacher's own benefits. "

Yuan Shi did not say that his luck was divided.

"Obey the decree of the Master!"

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