Others don't know what Hongjun thinks, but Houtu does.

There are many powers under the great will of the world.

It is mainly divided into rule authority, material authority, and living being's authority, and these three powers are collectively called world authority.

That is, the so-called three ways of heaven and earth.

The so-called heavenly way is actually a combination of all the rules and authorities, and the saint's sanctification is actually to perfect some incomplete rules and authorities of the world.

Mastering a law is actually mastering a rule that belongs to this world, thereby borrowing the power of the world, which is also the reason why the saint is powerful.

And reincarnation is a manifestation of material authority!

The three emperors and five emperors are a manifestation of the authority of all living beings.

Therefore, although Hongjun is in line with the Dao of Heaven, he cannot grasp all the rules and authority.

Although Houtu masters reincarnation, it cannot grasp all material authority!

Although the Terrans have become the protagonists of heaven and earth, the three emperors and five emperors have not mastered all the authority of living beings.

What the world's great will wants to do is to complete the unification of the authority of rules, material authority, and the authority of all living beings, so that the world can operate under the peaceful rules of relative stability and order, so that the world has more potential.

What Hongjun wants to do is to encroach on as much authority as possible.

Because if you can control more world authority, you can achieve control over the entire world, let the whole world serve you, and make yourself achieve a breakthrough in cultivation.

The Heavenly Court is the decentralization and embodiment of the authority of the Heavenly Dao over the world, and it is also the main force that maintains the operation of this world.

Hongjun Dao Ancestor Hedao Heavenly Dao, of course, quite controls part of the rule authority, and also quite controls part of the world authority.

But to be honest, Hongjun fits the Heavenly Dao, but the exercise of the authority of the rules is limited by many factors, first of all, the world's great will will not let you mess around, after all, the change of rules has a great impact on the world.

Therefore, although Hongjun controls part of the Heavenly Dao, most of them are interacting with the Heavenly Dao, and they are completely unable to do as freely as the Houtu authority over reincarnation.

And Fengshen is the person who has the great will of the world to run the world, let the world, let the heavenly way operate better and more practically, promote the development of the world, and promote the evolution of the world.

And Hongjun is mixed with private goods in this.

I don't know what secret technique is used to explain the great will of the world, and the sealed god is placed on the heavenly book that he refines, and as long as the body dies and the person who seals the god must be subject to the power of the heavenly book.

In this way, Hongjun was able to indirectly contact the authentic and humane authority through the list of consecrated gods refined by this Heavenly Book.

Feel the workings of these authorities.

This allowed him to control more rules and authorities more intact until he completely controlled the entire Heavenly Dao.

Even authentic authority, humanitarian authority.

Just like the Taihao Emperor who dominates yin and yang and mountains, this belongs to a combination of rules and material authority, but this Hongjun wants to intervene and use the great will of heaven and earth to seal the gods.

Even the Houtu did not dare to resist.

After all, the great will of heaven and earth is the will of the entire world, and instinctively wanting to be a god is to want to manage the world in an orderly manner, and as long as it is helpful to the orderly management of the world, it will be adopted.

Hongjun just exploited this loophole and demoted Emperor Taihao to Emperor Dongyue.

In this way, he will not have the ability to dominate yin and yang, at most he can only affect yin and yang, and he cannot be the lord of ten thousand mountains, but can only be regarded as the chief of ten thousand mountains and the honor of ten thousand mountains.

After all, the position of Emperor Taihao is a position designed by Pangu Great God for his heirs, and not everyone can carry it.

The main thing is that the boss of the real authority in Houtu wants to destroy the means, and there is no way to start.

There is also the Ziwei Emperor who dominates the dragon qi of the world, this is to interfere in the authority of the human race, meddle in the authority of the three emperors and five emperors, this gives the three emperors and five emperors a headache.

For this point, Houtu has never cracked the method.

After all, if you want to crack it, unless you find someone who can really carry the position of Emperor Taihao.

And Emperor Taihao, the supreme and noble, although not comparable to Chengtian imitating the Houtu Emperor, but also the position of Tianzun, far from the so-called Dongyue Emperor, the emperor's position can be compared.

And if you want to carry such a noble karma, you first need to be recognized by the Taihao Divine Seal.

The divine seal is conceived by the heart bone of Pangu's eyebrows, and if you want to be recognized by the divine seal, you must at least be Pangu bloodline.

Then you need to have a matching noble identity, otherwise even if you are recognized by the divine seal, you will be eaten by luck and die.

In the entire heaven and earth, who is both a Pangu bloodline and a noble identity, only Han Chen, the newly bred Pangu direct bloodline innate demon god heir.

In this way, it can not only realize the order of the great will of the world to this position, but also avoid being interfered by Hongjun through the list of gods he refined.

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