At least Han Chen would not be able to break through the Great Luo Golden Immortal because he had no luck in his future cultivation.

The underworld, the space of reincarnation.

A woman dressed in a yellow Luo skirt sat cross-legged in it, wrapped in countless rules around it, especially the Avenue of Reincarnation, and the reincarnation power that had materialized filled the entire space.

In vain, the woman opened her eyes.

"Interesting, I didn't expect that there is a direct descendant of Father God, but I don't know who it is?"

Yes, the woman is not someone else, it is the Houtu Niangniang who holds the authority of reincarnation and the power of the world.

Only Houtu Niangniang can enter this reincarnation space, and in this reincarnation space, even if Heavenly Dao doesn't want to pry, Hongjun is even more.

Reincarnation occupies a relatively important position in the Great World of Flood Desolation, and it is the Houtu who completely holds the authority of reincarnation, which also means that it holds part of the world's authority.

Relying on the authority of reincarnation, she has already preached the mixed element, and at this moment, she is already infinitely close to the cultivation of the Infinity Saint, and she has the huge qi luck of the flood world, so she does not value Pangu qi luck very much.

And what made her curious was the descendant of Pangu Father God.

"Nine Pole Taichen Creation True Monarch, Pangu bloodline? Are the two related? Thinking of this, Houtu began to use the authority of the world and began to calculate. "

She is not a saint, not a disciple under Hongjun's sect, and she will not be affected by the chaos of heavenly machinery in the calamity.

Holding the authority of the world, he is the majority shareholder of the world.

It's not easy to see how the world works.

It didn't take long for Houtu to know the reason for this Taichen and Pangu bloodline.

At this moment, Houtu's face was full of strangeness, and there was a look of envy.

"This kid is also too lucky, he actually got a Dao bone with the residual intention of the Father God!"

At this moment, Houtu also understood the reason, obtained the Pangu Dao bone, with the Father God's great love for the world, it is impossible to harm the creatures in the world, so he has fulfilled this kid.

Let him pick up the cheap, with the help of Pangu's residual thoughts, he understood the divine power of mediation and creation.

And this kid directly used mediation to return the Pangu Dao bone to its roots, obtained the Pangu divine blood in it, and then completely absorbed the divine blood with a mediation refinement.

With the help of extracting the opportunity of heaven and earth creation, and mediating the mysteries of creating divine powers, he transformed himself from a mediocre innate being into an innate divine of the Pangu line in just a few months.

Such a blessing, even if Houtu has to envy ah.

After comparison, True Immortal Xiaoxiu mastered a Heavenly Dao Divine Power, you must know that even if she Houtu hands only mastered a Dao Reincarnation Heavenly Dao Divine Power.

This is still the magic power that the father God secretly left for the witch clan out of selfish desire to avoid the weakness of his descendants.

At the moment when Houtu incarnated reincarnation, Pangu God's mind began to operate, allowing Houtu to comprehend the magical ability of Dao Reincarnation in just a few breaths.

It was precisely the comprehension of this magical ability that allowed her to complete the collusion of reincarnation.

It is a pity that when the reincarnation was built, the cultivation of the Mixed Element Saint was not broken, otherwise, the six reincarnations would be more perfect, and it would not be just like this.

If he can build a more perfect reincarnation, maybe his current cultivation will not be infinitely close to the realm of Wuji Saint, but he has already preached Wuji Dao fruit.

"Such a blessing, coupled with the help of the Father's spirit, the future is promising."

There are very few heirs of the father and god, according to the regulations, I still have to call this kid brother, in that case, as a sister, I can't help this brother one or two! "

"Nine Phoenix!"

Houtu casually moved and summoned a beautiful woman who looked about thirty years old.

"Meet Niangniang!" The beautiful women saw that they were recruited by the Houtu Niangniang, and they were not afraid, but a little excited, for tens of thousands of years, their mother-in-law has been in retreat.

I don't know how to recruit myself today, can I not be excited, who is Houtu Niangniang, a real mixed yuan powerhouse, but also the reincarnation master, even if the saint sees the existence of saluting.

But since the Lich Tribulation, Houtu has rarely appeared in front of the world.

Even if the underworld rarely sees the figure of Houtu Niangniang.

As a great witch of the Wu Clan, Jiufeng now also has a preliminary cultivation comparable to the quasi-saint Witch God, and has been staying in the underworld to practice, obeying the orders of the Houtu, carefully serving, and never daring to slacken.

I don't know what my mother is looking for herself now!

"Jiufeng, I have a task to explain to you!"

"Please sissy!"


Houtu nodded, holding his hand a little at Tarzan, humming...

A divine light flew out of Mount Tai and came to the back soil, it was a jade divine seal, but also a congenital spirit treasure, the ultimate innate spirit treasure!

"This Taihao seal is transformed by the eyebrow bone of the Father God, and it is the authority of heaven and earth, ruling yin and yang, and dominating the mountains of the flood barrens, so important and supreme treasure, it should be in the hands of my Pangu clan.

You can go and personally give this treasure to Taichen Zhenjun, remember not to reveal your identity. "

Nine Phoenix turned out to seal the seal, and he didn't feel it in his heart, the witch clan didn't have any interest in magic weapons, it was better than the witch weapon they refined, but they were interested in the one called Taichen Zhenjun.

It can actually attract the attention of the mother-in-law!

"Niangniang, the disciple doesn't know who this Taichen Zhenjun is, and he still asks Niangniang to teach him?"


A golden light flew out from Houtu's hand and shot into Jiufeng's mind, and in a breath, Jiufeng sorted out the information and immediately understood.

"The disciple takes the order, he must complete the task, and personally hand over this treasure to Taichen Zhenjun."

"Let's go!"

Houtu faced the void in front of him, and a silver-white vortex appeared, and after the nine phoenixes saluted, they stepped into the vortex and disappeared into the space of reincarnation......

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