Express version of the Innate Demon God!

In the entire Flood Barren World, it is estimated that only he can do this, after all, he refined under Da Luo to mediate and create, and also obtained Pangu Divine Blood, these are impossible.

Moreover, there are also three gifted powers in the bloodline, and these three bloodline talents can be passed down through the bloodline like the dragon race, phoenix race and other divine beast races.

In the future, as long as it is their own heir, they can obtain the inheritance of bloodline talent, even if it is not a complete mediation creation, it may be the magical inheritance of the doppelganger, incarnation, or change art under the mediation creation subdivision.

The Tongtian Seal and Pangu Method are the same, if they cannot awaken the complete version, but at least they can awaken the weakened version.

Bloodline inheritance This is an ability that all innate demon gods have, but this ability will become weaker as the more algebra is transmitted, and it will be difficult to awaken decent magical powers later.

Pangu Demon God, Chaos Bloodline, if you say the origin level, it is actually not under the Sanqing, after all, the twelve ancestral witches are only bred by the blood of Pangu God combined with the heaven-opening qi.

But in terms of the number of origins, let alone compare with Sanqing.

In short, becoming an innate demon god has all kinds of benefits.

"The cultivation of the middle stage of the True Immortal, coupled with the mediation of the creation of divine powers, as long as it is not too wavey, I think it should be able to pass it safely, and the sealing of the gods is robbed, right?"

Han Chen said to himself.

If he hadn't awakened before, he wouldn't have rejected Feng Shen, but now he became an innate demon god, or a congenital demon god of the Pangu family.

Obtained the luck of the Pangu series.

Coupled with the golden finger of the anti-heaven truncation system, it can be said that the potential is endless.

Capturing the Dao Mixed Yuan Saint, but cultivating a quasi-Saint power is still very simple, moreover, the Mixed Yuan Dao Fruit is not impossible to think about, after all, even if there is no Hongmeng Purple Qi.

There can be deduction cards.

"The Saint Level Deduction Card is estimated to be unable to create exercises that are easy to preach, if only I could get a Heavenly Dao Deduction Card."

But Han Chen didn't know what the rules of the rewards given by this beard cutting system were.

'Maybe the better the beard cut, the higher the card level you get!' ......’

Han Chen guessed a little unconfidently.

"What about him, isn't it, try it again, cut off the beard....... It seems that there are not many things in the Feng Shen that can cut off his beard?

Only cut off the bearded fairy?

Oh, by the way, it seems that Zhao Gongming has the Dinghai God Bead, this is a thing that will be brought into the Western Buddha Gate into the twenty-four heavens in the future, if this object is cut off, I think the reward should be very high. "

For the time being, Han Chen couldn't think of anything else that could cut off his beard...

"It's been so long since I was in retreat, I think my brother should be anxious."

To be honest, he began to cross over and learned that his brother was Han Rong, Han Chen was still a little worried, after all, standing on the side of the big businessman, he was destined to be a god after death in the future.

I finally crossed over, of course, I want to pursue an immortal life and be at ease.

I don't want to be bound by the list of gods and freedom.

But then I found that I thought too much, and with my own qualifications, it is estimated that I may not be able to obtain immortality after practicing for thousands of years.

Instead, I found that the practice of being able to practice Shinto incense was suitable for myself.

It was a resolute choice to come to Xianshuiguan and take the road of the Heavenly Court Divine Dao.

Walking out of the Qinglong Cave Mansion, Han Chen did not take care of the soldiers guarding the mountainside, and directly flew to the General Military Mansion of Xianshuiguan Pass at the bottom of the mountain......


And at the moment when Han Chen became a Pangu bloodline and became a Pangu innate demon god.

Sanqing and Houtu Niangniang both sensed it at the same time.


Just because Pangu Qi Luck was divided among the four people, Sanqing was a Heavenly Dao Saint, and although Houtu was not a Heavenly Dao Saint, he held the authority of six reincarnations.

After incarnating reincarnation, he returned to the original and became the body of Pangu, and also gave birth to the Yuan God.

A Pangu body with a genshin.

In terms of authenticity, it is far more than Sanqing's.

Therefore, the Pangu Qi luck obtained by Houtu is full of 40%, far from being comparable to the 20% of Sanqing, but now the Sanqing is one, 20% per person, that is, 60% of Pangu Qi luck.

Therefore, the Pangu Qi luck occupied by Sanqing still occupies the majority, and the name of Pangu Authentic Sect still lies with Sanqing.

And now....

They found that there was actually another Pangu bloodline born, and half of Pangu's luck was divided.

Half of Pangu's luck.

Don't underestimate this Pangu Qi Luck that is only half a percent, having half a Pangu Qi luck is enough for a mortal to achieve quasi-saint power.

The most important thing to achieve Da Luo is not innate confinement, nor is it a skill resource, nor is it an understanding, but luck, and now the saints of heaven and earth are out.

Qi luck has long been divided up by the Six Saints and the Heavenly Court, the Three Emperors of the Terran Clan, and Houtu, and the rest who want to obtain Qi luck can only rely on these people.

Or look elsewhere for luck.

Otherwise, without luck, even if you have a clear understanding against the sky and your qualifications are overwhelming, it is impossible to become a Da Luo powerhouse.

For example, the clouds of Sanxian Island relied on constantly looking for small thousand worlds in the chaos to collect qi luck, and it was precisely because they found a middle thousand worlds in the chaos.

Otherwise, as a disciple of the outer sect, she would never want to become a Daluo Golden Immortal without the sharing of luck with the saint teacher!

From this, we can see how important the luck of Bancheng Pangu is.

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