
With Han Chen's mediation and transformation power, the Pangu Dao bone shone with golden light, constantly absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and a drop of chaotic liquid laughing with his thumb gathered out from the Pangu Dao bone.

Pangu God Blood!

Yes, this is the Pangu Origin that exists in the Pangu Dao Bone, and now it has returned to the origin and turned into Pangu Divine Blood.

This is Pangu Divine Blood.

Heaven and earth are the most treasure, when Pangu God incarnated all things, Pangu God blood has long been absorbed by the sky, and the remaining some are divided into twelve points to absorb the heavenly qi and become the twelve ancestral witches.

Suppress the Heaven and Earth One Dozens of Yuan Guilds.

It can be seen how precious this ancient divine blood is.

The origin in the Pangu Dao bone can indeed be immeasurable, extract the creation, and obtain the Pangu Divine Blood.

However, there are not many people who can do this, one is the Nuwa Saint who cultivates the Dao of Creation, and then the Hongjun Dao Ancestor may also be.

But these two have become saints, and there is no demand for Pangu divine blood, as for refining Pangu divine blood for disciples.

Not to mention that the Pangu Dao bones that exist between heaven and earth are pitiful and difficult to find, what does it mean to refine the Pangu Divine Blood for disciples?

It means that his disciples have become Pangu bloodlines.

Inheriting the Pangu bloodline is equivalent to becoming a descendant of Pangu, and it is bound to share part of the luck of the Pangu bloodline.

And now most of Pangu Qi Luck is occupied by Sanqing, and a small part is occupied by Houtu Niangniang.

If you get the Pangu inheritance of Pangu divine blood, it is your own chance, but if Nuwa or Daozu gives others a Pangu inheritance, ask if you can bear the cause and effect of Sanqing and Houtu.

Don't say Nuwa, even Hongjun Daozu won't do this.

And now.

Han Chen, who controlled the mediation of the Heavenly Dao Divine Power, was able to return to his origin from the Pangu Dao bone and extract the Pangu Origin Divine Blood.


At the moment when Pangu Divine Blood was withdrawn, the three Dao Patterns on the Pangu Dao Bone flew out from the jade Dao Bone and entered the Divine Blood that laughed loudly.

Three golden rays of light wandered in the chaotic divine blood, like a small golden dragon, which was cute.

And at the moment when the three Dao patterns flew into the blood of Pangu God, the jade Pangu Dao bone also seemed to have lost its support, directly disintegrated, turned into ashes, fell with the wind, and disappeared in front of Han Chen's eyes.

In this regard, Han Chen did not care, just looked straight at the Pangu Divine Blood floating in front of him, Han Chen's eyes were full of joy, greed, Pangu Divine Blood.

Although the portion is a little small, only the Pangu Divine Blood that laughs so loudly with his thumb.

But for him, enough, enough for him to turn over.

Originally, his qualification was only to inferior immortal roots, knowing that his immortal path was not prosperous, even if he was reluctant, he was afraid that it would be difficult for a golden immortal to become a golden immortal, so he would return to Xianshuiguan to assist his eldest brother.

With his own skills, it is still easy to mix a god position.

If you really can't, then work hard to cultivate to the Golden Immortal, Shouyuan Immortal, and then persevere, live until the sky is wasted and the earth is old, there is always a time to look for opportunities to become Da Luo, and then refine the Pangu Dao bone.

But now...

The change came too quickly, the surprise came too suddenly, and the moment he awakened Goldfinger, his fate had already changed.

With mediation, anything is possible.

Even if you refine the Pangu Dao bone into the body, you may have a qualification comparable to that of an innate being, but refining the Pangu God blood with this thumb-sized Pangu God blood into the body means that you have inherited the Pangu bloodline.

Quite a person can become a descendant of Pangu, this is not a general idleness.

Not only does he have a qualification comparable to that of an innate demon god, but he also has some Pangu luck.

"Hahaha... The avenue can be expected, the avenue can be expected! "

After all, he was still too happy, and Han Chen couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Say it!

Mediation is launched again, buzzing....

Pangu Divine Blood turned into a divine light and drilled into the body, and then with the blessing of the rules of Heavenly Dao, countless heaven and earth spiritual energy gathered, wrapping Han Chen in a few breaths.

A huge multicolored divine egg appeared in the cave mansion.

If there is a congenital demon god here, you will definitely know what this is, what kind of egg is this, this is obviously the innate god fetus, this is giving birth to the innate divine.

He is also a mid-level innate demon god.

The innate demon gods above the innate beings are also hierarchical.

It is generally divided into lower, median, upper and top.

Each level has its own characteristics, and the divine fetus is probably divided into three colors, five colors, seven colors, and nine colors.

And the colorful innate god fetus is obviously the middle innate demon god.

It is not as good as those top-level innate demon gods, but compared to those innate beings, god descendants, it is much stronger, and more importantly, when breaking through Da Luo, there is no congenital confinement.

It is much stronger than those watered with innate origins.

Although the creatures watered by the innate origin have the body of the innate demon god, they do not have the first luck, and unless there is a powerful suppression, they will inevitably suffer from deep heels and die.

As time passed, such a large-scale gathering of heaven and earth spiritual energy certainly attracted the attention of many cultivators, but with Han Rong and Yu Hua's protectors, they did not dare to be presumptuous.

After all, one is a minister of the upper dynasty, with luck in his body, and the other is a disciple of the Sect Intercept Sect.

Generally, it is difficult for Ye Xiu to inquire about one or two.

Two days a day, two months a month....

Nine months later!


There was a loud bang in the Qinglongfeng Cave Mansion, and the colorful divine fetus shattered.

Feel the cultivation in your body.

True Immortal Mid-Period!

"I'm a quick version of the Innate Demon God, right?" Thinking that it took only a few months to promote himself from an innate being to an innate demon god is incredible to think about.

He couldn't help but let Han Chen understand the magic of mediation.

This is a kind of magical power that can create miracles, and it is not a divine power of the Heavenly Dao.

"Starting today, I can also be called the Pangu Clan Taichen Daoist!"

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