
"Is this God ordaining me to be an idler? Even the road number has been given to me, should it be so thorough. "

Han Chen has never had any Dao numbers, let alone the Dao numbers that begin with etheric characters, and through the big world such as the Flood Barrens, Han Chen knows the high and low.

Without atmospheric luck companions, without the supreme treasure suppression, it is best not to go to too big a name, otherwise, if the life is not hard enough, you will kill yourself.

And now, Tiandao actually gave himself a position, but also gave himself a Dao number, a Dao number that begins with the ether character, it seems that God is very optimistic about himself.

Jiuji Taichen created the true monarch.

The moment the karma deepened, Han Chen also understood why he had such a karma.

Creation of the true monarch, the main cultivation of the creation of the divine power.

If there is any problem in the world, it is necessary for the person in charge of the creation divine power to cultivate, just like the last time the Buzhou Mountain was broken and the Heavenly River fell, it was the Nuwa Saint who was the main cultivator.

But Nuwa is a saint after all, where to put her status, it is impossible to let a saint make a move with any minor problems.

Therefore, after Han Chen cultivated the mediation and creation of this sect, which even a saint did not cultivate the Heavenly Dao Divine Power, the Great Will of the World took action and directly gave him the karma of a Creation True Monarch.

That is, now Han Chen has not made a great contribution to the world, and his cultivation is too low.

Otherwise, it is not a true monarch, at least it is also an emperor karma, and there is still hope that there may be a Tianzun karma.

It can be said that this karma is a karma that can take merit.

Moreover, a flood desolate world, some small problems, the world will repair itself, and those big problems, it is not Han Chen's turn, it is estimated that those saints will rush to work.

After all, a repair is a great merit.

Just like the last time Nuwa made up the sky, basically all the saints participated in the chores of the hand, and they were still happy.

Therefore, Han Chen would think that this was a defeat from God to his relative position of atmospheric luck.

Of course, Han Chen continued happily.

"Taichen, maybe, since it is a Dao number given by God, then the poor Dao will be called Taichen from now on."

Feeling that a Dao number was quite good, Han Chen nodded with satisfaction.


The Pangu Dao Bone flew out from the Divine Sea and appeared in front of him.

In the past, Han Chen's cultivation was far from being able to refine this ancient Dao bone, and if he wanted to refine this ancient Dao bone, he had to at least have to be a Daluo Golden Immortal, after all, this was the Pangu Great God who opened up the Great World of Flood Desolation.

But now....

Now Han Chen is no longer satisfied, refining Pangu Dao bones, but...

"Mediate creation, create the origin, refining!"



With Han Chen's mediation to create the divine power, the jade-like Pangu Dao bone, the golden light on it, the pattern continued to move, and the surrounding spiritual energy was driven one after another.


Yuntai Mountain, above Qinglong Peak, countless spiritual energy gathered, causing a huge movement, and suddenly the wind rose, dark clouds gathered, and Han Rong stood up abruptly.

Next to them, Han Sheng and Han Cheng looked at Han Rong with surprise on their faces.

"Father, it's the direction of Qinglong Peak, but uncle is about to break through?"

Yes, Han Chen was Han Rong's younger brother, but not long after crossing over, he dragged Wen Zhong's relationship to Penglai Immortal Mountain to listen to the way of the saint and became a sect interceptor.

And now Han Chen has just returned from Penglai Immortal Island for two years.

"This..... I don't know for the Father..."

Han Rong did not have an immortal root, but what he practiced was the Terran Martial Dao created by the Three Emperors, and he had become a copper-skinned and iron-boned body, which was almost quite the Three Tribulations Scattering Immortal Dao of refining the Qi Immortal Dao.

Different cultivation systems, how clear is Han Rong.

But Han Rong didn't believe in his heart that his younger brother had broken through again so quickly, he was the way, although his younger brother had an immortal root, but the immortal root was not bad, only the lower grade immortal root.

Being able to reach the realm of heavenly immortals today is already reluctant.

This is still a coincidence, and I got a practice that can be practiced with the help of incense in the Truncated Sect Scripture Pavilion.

The road ahead is bumpy, and it is already the limit to become an immortal golden immortal.

"Or ask your Uncle Yu Hua, go and call your Uncle Yu Hua to ask..."

"Here the child goes!"

When Han Sheng heard this, he quickly ran out of the mansion and went to find Yu Hualai...

"Brother Xian, but what kind of fame can you see....... Is this my second brother's cultivation breakthrough or? ......."

Han Rong looked at Yu Hua nervously.

Who is Yu Hua, his master honors Yu Yuan, and Yu Yuan's master honors the Golden Spirit Virgin, can be described as a series of disciples of the Intercept Sect, and he has to pass on the orthodox inheritance of the Shangqing Immortal Technique, which is not at all comparable to Han Chen's Intercept Sect Scattered Immortals.

And now Yu Yuan has now entered the True Immortal Perfection Realm, and he is one step away from being an Immortal Golden Immortal.

It was far from what his second brother Tianxian Xiu could match.

"Boss, from the perspective of this breath, the subordinates are clearly the breath of a true immortal, but it is a little strange, it is really difficult to distinguish, but this is definitely not a situation of going crazy, so the manager is relaxed."

Yu Hua knew what Han Rong was worried about, and said with relief.

"Alas, you don't know, my parents went early to fight for the country, only me and my second brother have been dependent on each other since childhood, if the second brother has any accident, how to explain to the second elder who knows Izumi."

Hearing Yu Hua's words, Han Rong also breathed a long sigh of relief and relaxed his heart.

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