The Nuwa sage moved, directly moving Yang Chan into the thirty-three days, it was the Haotian God Lingxiao Treasure Hall.

As the Heavenly Emperor of the Three Realms, and Yang Chan's uncle, Yang Chan was directly called to Yaochi by the queen mother for questioning.

"You went to the Nether by order of a saint? What's the matter? "

"Qiyu Niangniang, I don't know the specific Yang Chan, but the teacher asked me to pay attention to Taichen Zhenjun, and I don't know who this Taichen Zhenjun is!" Yang Chan said it bluntly, and hearing Yang Chan's words, the queen mother's eyes lit up.

Taichen Zhenjun, comprehending the divine power of the Heavenly Dao, and being granted the position of the true monarch, these three realms are the only example.

With so much attention from the Nuwa sage, I think that the divine power realized by the Taichen Zhenren here should be mediation, and this person has never appeared in the three realms.

Thinking that this is a newcomer, the Heavenly Court is in a shortage of talents, if he can include this Taichen True Monarch under his command, it will definitely help the Heavenly Court.

It's just that now if you want to find this Taichen, the cultivation of her and Haotian can't do it.

"Where did the saint let you go?"

"The teacher asked Yang Chan to go to the Terran Kyushu, and by the way, let Yang Chan go to see the second brother."

Hearing Yang Chan's words, the queen mother's heart warmed, after all, Yang Chan is Haotian's niece, relatives, if Yunhua had not been calculated by the two saints of the West, Haotian would not be angry.

Even secretly personally killed Yang Tianyou, who was reincarnated by Western Maitreya, and Yang Jiao, who was reincarnated by the dragon.

For the real nephew, Haotian still had mercy from his subordinates, and for this reason, he also pressed it under the peach mountain to think about it, but after Yang Jian completed his studies, splitting the mountain to save his mother was also a good story.

Over the years, Yang Chan also understood the reason for this.

Unexpectedly, her family would actually become a pawn for the saints to calculate the luck of the heavenly court, so although she was angry, she could only accept the fact powerlessly.

It is precisely because of this that Yang Chan does not have much hatred for this uncle now, at least now his mother is still living well on Peach Blossom Island in the Heavenly Court.

"Oh, you go to see your mother first, and if you see your cousin Ryuji, say hello for me and your uncle!" Flowers! "

"Xiaoxian is here!" A curvaceous fairy walked out!

It is the Lord of the Flower Immortals, the Hundred Flowers Fairy.

"You let the gods go to the peach orchard to pick five nine-thousand-year-old peaches for Yang Chan to take away!"


"Niangniang, sister Longji is also in the Nether?"

She knew that she was now in the Feng Shen Tribulation, but she had the treasure given by the teacher, and the Quantification Tribulation would not appear on her, but Long Ji was just a golden immortal.

Calculating that there are many treasures given by his uncle, it is inevitable that there will be accidents, after all, this is a quantitative robbery, not a joke.

"Alas, this is difficult to say, you don't care about this matter, go!"

"Yang Chan retreated!"

Looking at Yang Chan's departing back, Yaochi was silent.


At this time, next to it, a golden light, Hao Tian showed his figure, "How?" Don't dare to see your niece? "

"Alas, I did go a little too far.

It left a lot of shadow on this child, let's talk about it after giving him more compensation in the future.

Do you have any recent news from Ryuji? "

Hao Tian turned his head to look at Yaochi and said.

"You are in the sky, am I not in the sky, in the calamity, the heavenly machine is chaotic, this girl ran around during this time, climbing out of Qingluan Mountain.

There is no trace of the mountain god, how do I know its condition?

Hateful, Quasi-Daoist, actually be so careful, just because you killed the reincarnation of his disciple Maitreya, even if you count our daughter, it is really hateful! "

"Hmph, when the Dao Mixed Yuan is going to destroy them!"

Hearing this, Hao Tian's eyes were also full of anger.

His daughter's so-called marriage is actually to lead the saint to make an unknown deal with the Taiqing saint with cause and effect, which promotes the marriage with a koi.

That koi is exactly in the Heavenly Court Immortal Pond, which Long Ji often fed when he was a child, but for unknown reasons, he entered the Jiejiao and became the Jiejiao Scattered Immortal.

It is a period of sin, if you have not passed this red dust fate, it will be difficult to advance in cultivation in the future, and it is at the time of the Sealing God Tribulation, and the number of robberies you need to enter the Red Dust Tribulation.

Evil fate is also a kind of calamity, so even if he Haotian is the honor of the Heavenly Emperor, he can't stop it.

It is worth giving many treasures to let the daughter go through the calamity of the Nether.

"By the way, just now Yang Chan said that she was ordered by the saint to look for Taichen Zhenjun in the Nether Realm.

This Taichen Zhenjun had never heard of it before, and now he didn't know the reason for cultivating the Heavenly Dao Divine Power, and his future potential was immeasurable, if he could accept it, it would be of great help to the three definitions of the husband's governance. "

Yaochi suggested from the side.

"Alas, I also want to ah, but, where is this Taichen Zhenjun, you can't find a needle in a haystack."

"Why can't you find a needle in a haystack?

There are many mountain god lands in my heavenly court, spread throughout the three realms, and the husband will always know that the Dao name is the Taichen, maybe we can still find the Taichen True Monarch before the saint!" "

Yaochi said with a smile.

"What Sister Yaochi said is very true!" Hearing this, Haotian slapped his thighs and his eyes lit up.

As soon as the hand moved, a divine grammar will flowed, and the golden light flashed, turning into countless and falling into the desolate land...


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